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Last active May 10, 2024 17:40
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Convert an IPS crash report (.ips) to the legacy crash report format (.crash)
## This script converts an IPS crash report (.ips) to the legacy crash report format.
## The .ips file (JSON) is read from STDIN and the legacy crash report is written to
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Data::Dumper;
## Read IPS File
# Echo lines until we find one starting with '{', which marks the beginning of the
# .ips
my $ips_header_json;
while(1) {
$ips_header_json = <>;
exit unless defined $ips_header_json;
last if $ips_header_json =~ /^{/;
print $ips_header_json;
# First line is a JSON header on a single line.
my $ipsh = decode_json( $ips_header_json );
die "Invalid header\n" unless defined $ipsh;
#print Dumper( $ipsh );
# Read the rest of the file into $ips_json; it is a second JSON object containing the
# body of the crash report.
my $ips_json = do { local $/; <> };
my $ips = decode_json( $ips_json );
die "Invalid body\n" unless defined $ips;
#print Dumper( $ips );
# Access the thread that crashed
my $ftid = $ips->{faultingThread};
my $fthr = $ips->{threads}[$ftid];
## Crash Report Header
my $build_version = $ipsh->{build_version};
$build_version = '???' unless defined $build_version && $build_version ne '';
my $translated = '';
$translated = ' (Translated)' if exists $ips->{translated} && $ips->{translated};
# Skip elements that are not present
print <<"HDR";
Process: $ips->{procName} [$ips->{pid}]
Path: $ips->{procPath}
Identifier: $ipsh->{bundleID}
Version: $ipsh->{app_version} ($build_version)
Code Type: $ips->{cpuType}$translated
Parent Process: $ips->{parentProc} [$ips->{parentPid}]
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{responsibleProc};
Responsible: $ips->{responsibleProc} [$ips->{responsiblePid}]
print <<"HDR";
User ID: $ips->{userID}
Date/Time: $ips->{captureTime}
OS Version: $ipsh->{os_version}
Report Version: 12
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{bridgeVersion};
Bridge OS Version: $ips->{bridgeVersion}{train} ($ips->{bridgeVersion}{build})
print <<"HDR";
Anonymous UUID: $ips->{crashReporterKey}
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{sleepWakeUUID};
Sleep/Wake UUID: $ips->{sleepWakeUUID}
print <<"HDR";
Time Awake Since Boot: $ips->{uptime} seconds
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{wakeTime};
Time Since Wake: $ips->{wakeTime} seconds
print <<"HDR";
System Integrity Protection: $ips->{sip}
Crashed Thread: $ftid Dispatch queue: $ips->{legacyInfo}{threadTriggered}{queue}
Exception Type: $ips->{exception}{type} ($ips->{exception}{signal})
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{exception}{subtype};
Exception Codes: $ips->{exception}{subtype}
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{exception}{codes};
Exception Codes: $ips->{exception}{codes}
print <<"HDR" if $ips->{isCorpse};
my $code = '';
$code = "Code $ips->{termination}{code} " if exists $ips->{termination}{code};
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{termination};
Termination Reason: Namespace $ips->{termination}{namespace}, $code$ips->{termination}{indicator}
Terminating Process: $ips->{termination}{byProc} [$ips->{termination}{byPid}]
# Application Specific Information is a bit trickier
my $asi = $ips->{asi};
if( defined $asi ) {
# "asi" : {"AppKit":["Performing @selector(submit:) from sender NSMenuItem 0x6000008d80e0"],"libsystem_c.dylib":["abort() called"]},
print <<"HDR";
Application Specific Information:
foreach my $app ( sort keys %$asi ) {
foreach my $info ( @{$asi->{$app}}) {
print "$info\n";
print "\n";
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{vmregioninfo};
VM Region Info: $ips->{vmregioninfo}
print <<"HDR" if exists $ips->{ktriageinfo};
Kernel Triage:
## Stack Trace for each Thread
my $tid = 0;
foreach my $thr ( @{ $ips->{threads}}) {
# Format and print thread header
my $crashed = exists $thr->{triggered} ? ' Crashed' : '';
my $name = '';
$name = ": Dispatch queue: $thr->{queue}" if exists $thr->{queue};
$name = ": $thr->{name}" if exists $thr->{name};
print <<"THREAD_HDR";
Thread $tid$crashed:$name
# Print information for each stack frame
my $fid = 0;
foreach my $fr ( @{ $thr->{frames}}) {
my $image = $ips->{usedImages}[$fr->{imageIndex}];
my $imageName = exists $image->{name} ? $image->{name} : '???';
printf "%-3d %-30s\t%#18x ", $fid, $imageName, $image->{base} + $fr->{imageOffset};
if( exists $fr->{symbol}) {
# Symbolized
print $fr->{symbol};
print " + $fr->{symbolLocation}" if $fr->{symbolLocation} > 0;
print " ($fr->{sourceFile}:$fr->{sourceLine})" if exists $fr->{sourceFile} && exists $fr->{sourceLine};
print ' [inlined]' if exists $fr->{inline} && $fr->{inline};
elsif( $imageName eq '???' ) {
print '???';
else {
# Raw
printf "%#x + %d", $image->{base}, $fr->{imageOffset}
print "\n";
## Thread State (different flavors for each architecture)
print "\n";
my $state = $fthr->{threadState};
if( $state->{flavor} eq 'x86_THREAD_STATE') {
print <<"THREADSTATE_X86_HDR";
Thread $ftid crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
my @regs = qw(rax rbx rcx rdx rdi rsi rbp rsp r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 rip rflags cr2);
my $reg_row = 0;
foreach my $reg ( @regs ) {
my $fmt_reg;
my $reg_value = $state->{$reg}{value};
if( defined $reg_value ) {
$fmt_reg = sprintf('%0#18x', $reg_value);
$fmt_reg =~ s/^00/0x/;
else {
next if $reg eq 'cr2';
$fmt_reg = '<unavailable>';
my $preg = $reg;
$preg = 'rfl' if $preg eq 'rflags';
printf '%5s: %-18s', $preg, $fmt_reg;
if( ++$reg_row >= 4 ) {
print "\n";
$reg_row = 0;
print "\n" unless $reg_row == 0;
if( exists $state->{rosetta} ) {
my @rosetta_regs = qw(tmp0 tmp1 tmp2);
my $reg_row = 0;
foreach my $reg ( @rosetta_regs ) {
my $fmt_reg;
my $reg_value = $state->{rosetta}{$reg}{value};
if( defined $reg_value ) {
$fmt_reg = sprintf('%0#18x', $reg_value);
else {
$fmt_reg = '<unavailable>';
printf '%5s: %-18s', $reg, $fmt_reg;
if( ++$reg_row >= 4 ) {
print "\n";
$reg_row = 0;
print "\n" unless $reg_row == 0;
if( exists $state->{err}{value} ) {
my $err = sprintf('%0#10x', $state->{err}{value});
$err .= " $state->{trap}{description}" if exists $state->{trap}{description};
Logical CPU: $state->{cpu}{value}
Error Code: $err
Trap Number: $state->{trap}{value}
print "\n";
elsif( $state->{flavor} eq 'ARM_THREAD_STATE64') {
Thread $ftid crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
my @regs = qw(fp lr sp pc cpsr far);
my $reg_row = 0;
my $rid = 0;
foreach my $reg ( @{$state->{x}}) {
print ' ' if $reg_row == 0;
printf '%5s: %0#18x', "x$rid", $reg->{value};
if( ++$reg_row >= 4 ) {
print "\n";
$reg_row = 0;
foreach my $reg ( @regs ) {
print ' ' if $reg_row == 0;
printf '%5s: %0#18x', $reg, $state->{$reg}{value};
if( ++$reg_row >= 3 ) {
print "\n";
$reg_row = 0;
printf " esr: %0#10x %s\n", $state->{esr}{value}, $state->{esr}{description};
else {
Thread $ftid crashed with $state->{flavor}:
## Thread Instruction Stream
if( exists $fthr->{instructionState}) {
Thread $ftid instruction stream:
my $instruction_stream = $fthr->{instructionState}{instructionStream};
my $is_offset = $instruction_stream->{offset};
my $isb_off = 0;
my $isb_row = 0;
my $isb_has_off = 0;
my $isb_off_col = 0;
my $is_ascii = '';
foreach my $isb ( @{$instruction_stream->{bytes}}) {
print ' ' if $isb_row == 0;
my $l = ' ';
$l = '-' if $isb_row == 8;
$l = '[' if $isb_off == $is_offset;
$l = ']' if $isb_off == $is_offset + 1;
if( $isb_off == $is_offset ) {
$isb_has_off = 1;
$isb_off_col = $isb_row + 1;
printf '%s%02x', $l, $isb;
my $isb_ascii = chr($isb);
$isb_ascii = '.' unless $isb_ascii =~ /^[ -}]$/;
$is_ascii .= $isb_ascii;
if( ++$isb_row >= 16 ) {
$l = ' ';
$l = ']' if $isb_off == $is_offset;
print "$l $is_ascii\n";
$isb_row = 0;
$is_ascii = '';
if( $isb_has_off ) {
print ' ';
print ' ' x ( 3 * $isb_off_col);
print "<==\n";
$isb_has_off = 0;
print "\n" unless $isb_row == 0;
print "\n";
## Binary Images
Binary Images:
foreach my $img ( @{$ips->{usedImages}}) {
my $name = $img->{CFBundleIdentifier};
$name = $img->{name} unless defined $name;
$name = '???' unless defined $name;
my $version = $img->{CFBundleShortVersionString};
$version = '*' unless defined $version;
my $path = $img->{path};
$path = '???' unless defined $path;
my $imgBase = sprintf('%#x', $img->{base});
$imgBase = '0x0' if $imgBase eq '0';
printf "%#18s - %#18x %s (%s) <%s> %s\n",
$imgBase, $img->{base} + $img->{size} - 1,
$name, $version, $img->{uuid}, $path;
## The rest
my $extMods = $ips->{extMods};
print <<"EXTMODS";
External Modification Summary:
Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
task_for_pid: $extMods->{targeted}{task_for_pid}
thread_create: $extMods->{targeted}{thread_create}
thread_set_state: $extMods->{targeted}{thread_set_state}
Calls made by this process:
task_for_pid: $extMods->{caller}{task_for_pid}
thread_create: $extMods->{caller}{thread_create}
thread_set_state: $extMods->{caller}{thread_set_state}
Calls made by all processes on this machine:
task_for_pid: $extMods->{system}{task_for_pid}
thread_create: $extMods->{system}{thread_create}
thread_set_state: $extMods->{system}{thread_set_state}
print <<"VMSUMMARY";
VM Region Summary:
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Brought here by a search... This is easier to use and integrate than any other solution found online. Would love to be able to use this script in my software to symbolicate crash reports before they are sent over the wire. Is there any license that covers this? Would love to contribute especially if it meant some occasional updates when Apple shifts things around... thx!

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No license, it's Public Domain. Use and modify it at will.

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Thank you! Please feel free to let us know of any updates, or any way to donate. It would only feel appropriate for all the time this script can save us :-)

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