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Created April 20, 2019 22:29
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A Reusable SCNNode SubClass With An SCNTorus Geometry
// Torus.swift
// Created by Josh Robbins on 24/02/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 BlackMirror. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SceneKit
class Torus: SCNNode{
/// Creates An SCNTorus With Either A Single Colour Or Image For It's Material
/// (Either A Colour Or UIImage Must Be Input)
/// - Parameters:
/// - ringRadius: Optional CGFloat (Defaults To 30cm)
/// - pipeRadius: Optional CGFloat (Defaults To 10cm)
/// - content: Any (UIColor Or UIImage)
init(ringRadius: CGFloat = 0.3, pipeRadius: CGFloat = 0.1, content: Any) {
//1. Create The Torus's Geometry With Our Radius Parameter
self.geometry = SCNTorus(ringRadius: ringRadius, pipeRadius: pipeRadius)
//2. Create A New Material
let material = SCNMaterial()
//3. Set The Material Contents
if let colour = content as? UIColor{
//The Material Will Be A UIColor
material.diffuse.contents = colour
}else if let image = content as? UIImage{
//The Material Will Be A UIImage
material.diffuse.contents = image
//Set Our Material Colour To Cyan
material.diffuse.contents = UIColor.cyan
//4. Set The Material Of The Torus
self.geometry?.firstMaterial = material
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("Torus Node Coder Not Implemented") }
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