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Created March 4, 2023 18:19
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Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.25s)
Building benchmark targets in release mode for benchmark run...
Building PRNG
Build complete!
Running Benchmarks
100% [------------------------------------------------------------] ETA: 00:00:00 | PRNG:RandKit Xoshiro256 PRNG
100% [------------------------------------------------------------] ETA: 00:00:00 | PRNG:RandKit MersenneTwister PRNG
100% [------------------------------------------------------------] ETA: 00:00:00 | PRNG:RandKit ISAAC PRNG
100% [------------------------------------------------------------] ETA: 00:00:00 | PRNG:RandKit SplitMix64 PRNG
Baseline 'default'
Host 'Sparrow.local' with 8 'arm64' processors with 16 GB memory, running:
Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0: Mon Jan 30 20:39:35 PST 2023; root:xnu-8792.81.3~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103
Throughput (# / s)
│ Test │ p0 │ p25 │ p50 │ p75 │ p90 │ p99 │ p100 │ Samples │
│ Throughput (# / s) (K) │ 858 │ 800 │ 800 │ 774 │ 750 │ 686 │ 42 │ 5000 │
│ Throughput (# / s) (K) │ 2185 │ 2000 │ 2000 │ 2000 │ 1849 │ 1716 │ 47 │ 5000 │
│ Throughput (# / s) (M) │ 24 │ 24 │ 23 │ 23 │ 23 │ 23 │ 7 │ 3018 │
│ Throughput (# / s) (M) │ 24 │ 24 │ 23 │ 23 │ 23 │ 23 │ 12 │ 3271 │
Time (wall clock)
│ Test │ p0 │ p25 │ p50 │ p75 │ p90 │ p99 │ p100 │ Samples │
│ Time (wall clock) (ns) │ 1166 │ 1250 │ 1250 │ 1291 │ 1333 │ 1458 │ 23679 │ 5000 │
│ Time (wall clock) (ns) │ 458 │ 500 │ 500 │ 500 │ 541 │ 583 │ 21263 │ 5000 │
│ Time (wall clock) (ns) │ 41 │ 41 │ 42 │ 42 │ 42 │ 42 │ 125 │ 3018 │
│ Time (wall clock) (ns) │ 41 │ 41 │ 42 │ 42 │ 42 │ 42 │ 83 │ 3271 │
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