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Created January 16, 2017 07:49
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A number of ways to implement an event-sourced base class
public interface IEventSourced
IReadOnlyCollection<object> AppendedEvents { get; }
void ReplayEvent(object @event);
public abstract class EventSourcedBase: IEventSourced
protected void AppendEvent<T>(T @event)
protected abstract void ApplyEvent(object @event);
IReadOnlyCollection<object> IEventSourced.AppendedEvents => appendedEvents;
void IEventSourced.ReplayEvent(object @event) => ApplyEvent(@event);
private readonly LinkedList<object> appendedEvents = new LinkedList<object>();
public abstract class ExplicitEventSourcedBase: EventSourcedBase
protected void RegisterEventType<T>(Action<T> applyMethod)
eventAppliers.Add(typeof(T), @event => applyMethod((T) @event));
protected override void ApplyEvent(object @event)
Action<object> applier;
if (!eventAppliers.TryGetValue(@event.GetType(), out applier))
throw new NotSupportedException($"The event type {@event.GetType()} has not been registered.");
private readonly Dictionary<Type, Action<object>> eventAppliers = new Dictionary<Type, Action<object>>();
internal class ExplicitAppointment: ExplicitEventSourcedBase
public ExplicitAppointment()
public void CancelAppointment()
if (isCanceled)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The appointment has already been canceled.");
AppendEvent(new AppointmentCanceled());
private void ApplyEvent(AppointmentCanceled @event)
isCanceled = true;
private bool isCanceled = false;
public abstract class DynamicEventSourcedBase: EventSourcedBase
protected override void ApplyEvent(object @event)
dynamic dynamicThis = this;
dynamic dynamicEvent = @event;
internal class DynamicAppointment: DynamicEventSourcedBase
public void CancelAppointment()
if (isCanceled)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The appointment has already been canceled.");
AppendEvent(new AppointmentCanceled());
public void ApplyEvent(AppointmentCanceled @event)
isCanceled = true;
private bool isCanceled = false;
public abstract class ReflectionBasedEventSourcedBase: EventSourcedBase
protected ReflectionBasedEventSourcedBase()
private void DetectApplyMethods()
foreach (var method in GetApplyMethodsFromType())
private IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetApplyMethodsFromType()
return GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Where(method => method.Name == nameof(ApplyEvent) && method.GetParameters().Length == 1)
private void RegisterApplyMethod(MethodInfo method)
var eventType = method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;
applyMethods.Add(eventType, method);
protected override void ApplyEvent(object @event)
MethodInfo method;
if (!applyMethods.TryGetValue(@event.GetType(), out method))
throw new NotSupportedException($"The event type {@event.GetType()} has not been registered.");
method.Invoke(this, new object[] { @event });
private readonly Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo> applyMethods = new Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo>();
internal class ReflectionBasedAppointment: ReflectionBasedEventSourcedBase
public void CancelAppointment()
if (isCanceled)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The appointment has already been canceled.");
AppendEvent(new AppointmentCanceled());
private void ApplyEvent(AppointmentCanceled @event)
isCanceled = true;
private bool isCanceled = false;
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