Tell me how to check for valid South african ID numbers. Are there checksums? It starts with yymmdd so at least you know that 009999 is an invalid start. Write a list of all things that can be considered
Valid South African ID numbers follow a specific format and contain a few checks that can be used to determine their validity. Here is a list of things you can consider when checking the validity of a South African ID number:
- Length: A valid South African ID number should be 13 digits long.
- Birthdate: The first six digits should represent the birthdate of the person in the format YYMMDD. This means that an ID number starting with "009999" would be invalid as you mentioned.
- Gender: The 7th to 9th digits indicate the gender of the person. A value of 0000-4999 represents a female, while 5000-9999 represents a male.
- Citizenship: The 10th digit represents citizenship. A value of 0 indicates a South African citizen, while 1 indicates a permanent resident.