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Created May 21, 2024 10:02
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Create any talos image on the hetzner cloud (hcloud). Packer handles version, architecture and extensions
# hcloud-talos.pkr.hcl
# NOTE: Based on
packer {
required_plugins {
hcloud = {
source = ""
version = ">= 1.4.0"
variable "talos_version" {
type = string
default = "v1.7.2"
variable "talos_extentions" {
type = list(string)
default = []
// default = ["siderolabs/gvisor", "siderolabs/wasmedge"]
locals {
talos_download_github = ""
talos_download_factory = ""
talos_extentions_postfix = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? "-${join("-", local.talos_extentions)}" : ""
talos_extentions = [for s in var.talos_extentions : replace(s, "siderolabs/", "")]
talos_custominazion_id = jsondecode(data.http.customizations_id.body)["id"]
talos_download_base_url = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? join("/", [local.talos_download_factory, local.talos_custominazion_id]) : local.talos_download_github
setups = { for arch in ["amd64", "arm64"] : arch => {
image = "${local.talos_download_base_url}/${var.talos_version}/hcloud-${arch}.raw.xz"
name = "talos-${var.talos_version}-${arch}${local.talos_extentions_postfix}"
arch = "${arch}"
tags = {
type = "infra",
os = "talos",
arch = "${arch}"
name = "talos-${var.talos_version}-${arch}${local.talos_extentions_postfix}"
version = "${var.talos_version}",
origin = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? "talos-factory" : "github"
image_id_part_1 = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? substr(local.talos_custominazion_id, 0, 32) : "default"
image_id_part_2 = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? substr(local.talos_custominazion_id, 32, 32) : "default"
extentions = length(var.talos_extentions) > 0 ? "${join("-", local.talos_extentions)}" : "none"
} }
source "hcloud" "talos_amd64" {
rescue = "linux64"
image = "debian-12"
location = "fsn1"
server_type = "cx11"
ssh_username = "root"
snapshot_name =
snapshot_labels = local.setups.amd64.tags
source "hcloud" "talos_arm64" {
image = "debian-12"
location = "fsn1"
rescue = "linux64"
server_type = "cax11"
ssh_username = "root"
snapshot_name =
snapshot_labels = local.setups.arm64.tags
build {
name = "talos_build"
sources = ["source.hcloud.talos_amd64", "source.hcloud.talos_arm64"]
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [
"apt-get -qq update",
"apt-get -qq install -y wget",
"echo \"Downloading from ${ == "talos_amd64" ? local.setups.amd64.image : local.setups.arm64.image}\"",
"wget --quiet -O /tmp/talos.raw.xz ${ == "talos_amd64" ? local.setups.amd64.image : local.setups.arm64.image}",
"echo \"Download done\nWriting to /dev/sda\"",
"xz -d -c /tmp/talos.raw.xz | dd of=/dev/sda && sync",
######################## DATA ########################
// Packer can only do get requests. So we use a lambda to do the post for the customizations_id
data "http" "customizations_id" {
url = data.null.talos_download_url.output
request_headers = {
Accept = "application/json"
// Packer does not allow locals in data blocks so we use null data. Dirty but hashicorp... way of things
data "null" "talos_download_url" {
input = "${data.null.talos_custominazion_id.output}&encoding=base64&target="
// Encode the extention list ty yaml and base64 encde
data "null" "talos_custominazion_id" {
input = replace(base64encode(yamlencode({
customization = {
systemExtensions = {
officialExtensions = var.talos_extentions
})),"=", "")
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