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Last active October 3, 2021 19:00
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code2seq-jb prediction with single method
from random import shuffle
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from import LabeledPathContext, Path
from import Vocabulary
from omegaconf import DictConfig
class PathContextConvert:
_separator = "|"
def __init__(self, vocab, config: DictConfig, random_context: bool):
self._config = config
self._vocab = vocab
self._random_context = random_context
def getPathContext(self, sourceCode: str):
raw_sample = sourceCode
raw_label, *raw_path_contexts = raw_sample.split()
n_contexts = min(len(raw_path_contexts), self._config.max_context)
if self._random_context:
raw_path_contexts = raw_path_contexts[:n_contexts]
if self._config.max_label_parts == 1:
label = self.tokenize_class(raw_label, self._vocab.label_to_id)
label = self.tokenize_label(raw_label, self._vocab.label_to_id, self._config.max_label_parts)
paths = [self._get_path(raw_path.split(",")) for raw_path in raw_path_contexts]
return LabeledPathContext(label, paths)
def tokenize_class(raw_class: str, vocab: Dict[str, int]) -> List[int]:
return [vocab[raw_class]]
def tokenize_label(raw_label: str, vocab: Dict[str, int], max_parts: Optional[int]) -> List[int]:
sublabels = raw_label.split(PathContextConvert._separator)
max_parts = max_parts or len(sublabels)
label_unk = vocab[Vocabulary.UNK]
label = [vocab[Vocabulary.SOS]] + [vocab.get(st, label_unk) for st in sublabels[:max_parts]]
if len(sublabels) < max_parts:
label += [vocab[Vocabulary.PAD]] * (max_parts + 1 - len(label))
return label
def tokenize_token(token: str, vocab: Dict[str, int], max_parts: Optional[int]) -> List[int]:
sub_tokens = token.split(PathContextConvert._separator)
max_parts = max_parts or len(sub_tokens)
token_unk = vocab[Vocabulary.UNK]
result = [vocab.get(st, token_unk) for st in sub_tokens[:max_parts]]
result += [vocab[Vocabulary.PAD]] * (max_parts - len(result))
return result
def _get_path(self, raw_path: List[str]) -> Path:
return Path(
from_token=self.tokenize_token(raw_path[0], self._vocab.token_to_id, self._config.max_token_parts),
path_node=self.tokenize_token(raw_path[1], self._vocab.node_to_id, self._config.path_length),
to_token=self.tokenize_token(raw_path[2], self._vocab.token_to_id, self._config.max_token_parts),
from typing import List, cast
import torch
from import Vocabulary
from code2seq.model.code2seq import Code2Seq
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from astParser import pyASTParser
from getLabeledPathContext import PathContextConvert
config = OmegaConf.load('0920.yaml')
VOCAB = Vocabulary('vocabulary.pkl',['max_labels'],
id_to_label = {idx: lab for (lab, idx) in VOCAB.label_to_id.items()}
converter = PathContextConvert(VOCAB,, True)
parser = pyASTParser()
testCode = """
def getFactorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * getFactorial(n-1)
parsed = parser.getParsedContextPaths()
s = converter.getPathContext(parsed)
def transpose(list_of_lists: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
return [cast(List[int], it) for it in zip(*list_of_lists)]
from_token = torch.tensor(transpose([path.from_token for path in s.path_contexts]), dtype=torch.long)
path_nodes = torch.tensor(transpose([path.path_node for path in s.path_contexts]), dtype=torch.long)
to_token = torch.tensor(transpose([path.to_token for path in s.path_contexts]), dtype=torch.long)
contexts = torch.tensor([len(s.path_contexts)])
c2s = Code2Seq.load_from_checkpoint('chekcpoint.ckpt')
output = c2s(from_token=from_token,
predictions = output.squeeze(1).argmax(-1)
labels = [id_to_label(i.item()) for i in predictions]
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