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Created February 7, 2014 09:55
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Testing simple OOP approach to FASTA parsing
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package FastaSeq;
#use Mo qw'build default builder coerce is required';
use Mo;
has id => ();
has descr => ();
has seq => ();
package ReadFasta;
#use Mo;
use Mo qw'build';
use autodie;
has infile => ();
my $F;
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
open $F, "<", $self->infile;
sub next_line {
my $self = shift;
while (<$F>) {
return $_;
sub next_seq {
my $self = shift;
local $/ = "\n>";
while (<$F>) {
# return "<|$_|>";
return unless $_;
my $entry = $_;
# print $entry;
my ($id) = $entry =~ /^>? *(\w*)/;
my ($descr) = $entry =~ /^>? *\w* ?(.*)\n/;
my ($str) = $entry =~ /^.*?\n(.*)/s;
$str =~ s/\W//g;
# print "$id\n";
my $seq = FastaSeq->new (id => $id);
$seq->descr($descr) if $descr;
$seq->seq($str) if $str;
return $seq;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $seq = FastaSeq->new(id => 'A1');
#print Dumper $seq;
my $in = ReadFasta->new(infile => 't/test.fa');
my $s = $in->next_seq();
print ">", $s->id, " ", $s->descr, "\n";
print $s->seq, "\n";
my $in2 = ReadFasta->new(infile => 't/test2.fa');
my $s2 = $in2->next_seq();
print ">", $s2->id, " ", $s2->descr, "\n";
print $s2->seq, "\n";
my $s3 = $in->next_seq();
print ">", $s3->id, " ", $s3->descr, "\n";
print $s3->seq, "\n";
> A the first
> B the second
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> C the third
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> D the first
> E the second
acgt acgt acgt
acgt acgt acgt
> F the third
acgt acgt acgt
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