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Keywords: Apache Camel | AWS S3 | file handling | chunking | Java


user: I want to read a local file, create equal chunks and store in AWS S3. Can you show me how to do that?

assistant: To read a local file, create equal chunks, and store them in AWS S3 using Apache Camel, you can use a combination of file handling, chunking, and the AWS S3 component in your Camel route.

Here's an outline of the steps to achieve this:

  1. Read the local file using the file component.

Keywords: seda | concurrent consumers | timeout property | message age | queue | custom logic


user: I am using apache camel 2.18.0 version. I am using seda queue with concurrent consumers option. What I am looking for is a way to control how long a message can remain in the queue itself. For ex: Say a timeout configuration is set for 2 min, and once the message reached the queue, if it stays for more than 2 min, exception should be thrown. In seda documentation this timeout property is available for ex: from("direct:start").to("seda:queue?timeout=120000"); // 2 minutes (in milliseconds) But this means message should reach the queue in 2min. So, if there is no such property to cause timeout on message age in a queue, is it true that Messages can stay in the queue until they are dequeued for processing? If I want to control how long messages can stay in the queue, I may need to implement custom logic in application to periodically check and remove messages from the queue if they exceed a

Keywords: sftp | camel | Apache Camel | file processing | concurrency | idempotent


user: This is my route from("sftp://userName:password@ip:22/?move=.done") .routeId("my-route-1") . How to avoid processing the same files incase of multiple instances?

assistant: To avoid processing the same files in case of multiple instances, you can use the "idempotent" read lock feature in Apache Camel's SFTP component. This feature uses an "idempotent repository" to keep track of the files that have already been processed and prevents them from being processed again.

Here's an example of how to configure the "idempotent" read lock using Java DSL and the maven artifact reference for the necessary Camel SFTP dependency:

Keywords: SQS | Camel | Message Visibility | Message Visibility Timeout | AmazonSQS | InvalidParameterValue | ReceiptHandle


user: I have a Spring Boot Camel application that is consuming messages from an SQS Queue. The queue is set up to extend the Message Visibility. Due to an as-yet un-diagnosed problem it seems like a number of messages have had their Message Visibility Timeout extended to be greater than the maximum allowed by SQS ( 12 hours ). I see this in my log, with this message Total VisibilityTimeout for the message is beyond the limit [43200 seconds]. (Service: AmazonSQS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue; Request ID: 55988753-658c-562b-8c04-daf37c9efc70) I can then see that the Camel component continues trying the extend the Message Visibility Timeout, and it looks like it's going to keep trying the extend it for ever. These requests result in the following exception message in my logs. ReceiptHandle is invalid. Reason: The receipt handle has expired. As far

Keywords: Apache Camel | aggregate | route | event


user: I am having an issue while working on the requirement. The requirement is I am having 2 routes. One route is just to listen the events generated by 2nd route and aggregates them and push it to destination for every 10 mins. How can be able to listen to the events of one route by another route in Apache Camel?

assistant: To listen to events generated by one route and aggregate them in another route, you can use the "Direct" component in Apache Camel. The "Direct" component provides synchronous invocation of a route, allowing one route to directly invoke another route's endpoint.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

Keywords: Apache Camel | FTP | copy file


user: I am copying file from ftp to local system and file is in gigs. I notice that each time when I tried to copy file in iteration it overrides the content. Tried using .done extension but didn't worked also tried to copy file to another folder but that's also overlapping. How can I make this work?

assistant: It seems that you are looking to copy files from an FTP server to your local system without overwriting the existing files. One approach to achieve this is to dynamically set the filename using the File Language options available in the Apache Camel FTP component.

You can use the fileName option with a dynamic expression to set the filename and avoid overwriting existing files. Additionally, you can use the doneFileName option to create a separate flag file (done file) when the original file has been written, which prevents overwriting.

Keywords: Apache Camel route scheduler | multiple threads | interval | execute


user: I created new apache camel route scheduler and I want to be invoked by multiple threads on an interval. want to execute x number of threads. I am unsure how to go about it

assistant: To invoke a route by multiple threads on an interval in Apache Camel, you can use the ScheduledPollConsumer to achieve this. The ScheduledPollConsumer allows you to trigger the route execution at a predefined interval and run it in multiple threads. You can control the number of threads, interval, initial delay, etc.

Here's an example of how to create a route that is triggered by the ScheduledPollConsumer:

Keywords: Apache Camel | JSONATA | Dataweave Language DWL


user: I want to convert dataweave language script to JSONATA expressions. In that I am getting data in variables in DWL. I need to implements same variable functionality in JSONATA also. And If I pass any data from variable in apache camal how to read it in JSONATA I have some data in varibale in apache camal. I need to do mapping in JSONATA. I want to create some local variables in JSONATA for doing some complex mapping.

assistant: To implement the variable functionality in JSONATA and to pass data from Apache Camel to JSONATA for mapping, we can utilize the JSONPATH component in Apache Camel. This will allow us to formulate JSONPATH queries to extract and manipulate data. In JSONPATH, you can use JSONPATH expressions to create local variables for complex mappings.

Here's a brief explanation of how to achieve this: