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Last active January 28, 2017 15:50
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Macbook Pro late 2015 (`MacBookPro11,5`) Debian stretch KDE setup

Basic pre-upgrade-settings

Set keyboard-layout

  • System-settings -> input-devices -> Keyboard -> Keyboard-Model: Apple macbook pro (intl) -> apply

switch ^/° with </> key

Taken from here

  • create the file ~/.Xmodmap` with the following content:
keycode 49 = less greater less greater bar brokenbar bar 
keycode 94 = dead_circumflex degree dead_circumflex degree U2032 U2033 U2032
  • either log out and log in, or run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap for the change to take effect

Add user to suoders file:

Taken from here

  • su root
  • add the following line to /etc/sudoers URUSERNAME ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Rename Schreibtisch to Desktop

  • Replace Schreibtisch with Desktop in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
  • mv ~/Schreibtisch ~/Desktop

Update to testing

  • Replace the content of /etc/apt/sources.list with the following:
###### Debian Main Repos
deb testing main contrib non-free 
deb-src testing main contrib non-free 

###### Debian Update Repos
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free 
deb testing-proposed-updates main contrib non-free 
deb-src testing/updates main contrib non-free 
deb-src testing-proposed-updates main contrib non-free 
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

while updating, chosse sddm as display-manager! choose Version des Paktbetreues, if asked

  • reboot
  • remove old apt-config-file (50unattended-upgrades.old) sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old
  • sudo apt-get autoremove

Basic post-upgrade-settings

Set display-scaling

  • Systemeinstellungen -> Anzeige und Monitor -> Anzeige Skalieren -> choose 1.5 (or whatever you prefer) -> ok
  • logout and back in again

change the login-screen-scaling

SDDM will soon handle highDPI-settings correctly by default, see the 0.14.0 Release Announcement.
You can see what's the current debian-testing-sddm-version here, and you can check the current progress to getting the package into the repo here

Setup wifi

  • sudo apt-get install firmware-brcm80211
  • reboot

Setup Graphics drivers

  • sudo apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
  • reboot

After a reboot, you probably experience flickering. If so, go into standby and resume, by closing the lid of the laptop,
waiting until the apple-logo turns off, make sure the power-cable is NOT connected, then reopen the lid and login again.
You can now reattach the power-cable. The flickering is gone now. This is a known bug, that will hopefully be fixed soo,
see here:

Fix backlight-control (only if it's not working)

Taken from here

  • wget
  • tar xf linux-4.8.7.tar.xz
  • cd linux-4.8.7/drivers/platform/x86
  • wget -O file.patch
  • patch apple-gmux.c < file.patch
    echo '
    obj-m += apple-gmux.o
            make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
            make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
    ' > Makefile
  • make
  • targetDir="/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/platform/x86"
  • sudo cp ${targetDir}/apple-gmux.ko ${targetDir}/apple-gmux.ko.backup
  • sudo cp apple-gmux.ko ${targetDir}
  • reboot

Install software

Git, git-flow, zsh, KeePass, Owncloud, mpv, mariadb-server and pgadmin (choose what you need)

  • sudo apt-get install git git-flow zsh keepass2 owncloud-client mpv mariadb-server pgadmin3


  • wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  • URL=''; FILE=mktemp; wget "$URL" -qO $FILE && sudo dpkg -i $FILE; rm $FILE
  • sudo apt-get -f install


install ohmyzshell (requires zsh to already be installed)

  • sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

set zsh as default

  • chsh -s $(which zsh)
  • log out and back in again

nvm and node

  • wget -qO- | bash
  • log out and back in
  • nvm install node


  • Download Slack for ubuntun from here and dpkg -i the file

Visual Studio code

  • Download Visual Studio Code from here and dpkg -i the file
  • if necesseary, run sudo apt-get install -f


Taken from here Some apps like nylas won't work with kwallet and need the gnome-keyring. To make teh gnome-keyring work in kde, do the following:

  • sudo apt-get install libpam-gnome-keyring
  • create (as root) the file /etc/pam.d/common-pamkeyring with the following content:
auth optional try_first_pass
session optional auto_start
  • add (as root) the following line at the end of /etc/pam.d/kdm:
    @include common-pamkeyring

Nylas N1 (fancy email client)

  • Download from here and install it


  • URL=''; FILE=mktemp; wget "$URL" -qO $FILE && sudo dpkg -i $FILE; rm $FILE


  • npm install -g chnpm


  • install the chrome-app from here


  • sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update
  • URL=''; FILE=mktemp; wget "$URL" -qO $FILE && sudo dpkg -i $FILE; rm $FILE
  • sudo apt-get install -f


Taken from here

  • sudo /bin/su -c "echo 'deb debian-stretch main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install docker-engine
  • sudo service docker start


Taken from here

  • sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927
  • echo "deb jessie/mongodb-org/3.2 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
  • sudo service mongod start


Taken from here

  • wget
  • tar -xvzf robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489.tar.gz
  • sudo mv robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489/bin/robomongo /usr/bin/
  • rm -rf robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489 && rm robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489.tar.gz
  • open the start-menu and rightclick -> Anwendungen bearbeiten
  • Add a menu-item running the command robomongo with an icon you like, for example this one


Taken from here

  • sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
  • default database and default user are postgres

VMWare Player

Taken from here, here and here

  • sudo apt-get install g++-5
  • Download it from here
  • chmod +x the file
  • sudo ./FILENAMEHERE to run it
  • Follow the installation instructions
  • When upon start it asks you for your gcc-installation, point it to /usr/bin/g++-5
  • after install, do this to enable blacklisted gpu-drivers:
    echo = \"TRUE\" >> ~/.vmware/preferences

Whatsie (whatsapp web client)

Taken from here

  • URL=''; FILE=mktemp; wget "$URL" -qO $FILE && sudo dpkg -i $FILE; rm $FILE

insync (google-drive-cliet)

This app costs a 30$ one-time-payment, but has a 15-day-trial, so you can check if it works for you

  • Download ist from here and dpkg -i the file


Is already installed by default

Configure the software


  • Einstellungen -> Konsole einrichten -> Disable Show menubar by default
  • Einstellungen -> Konsole einrichten -> Disable Use current window size on next startup
  • Einstellungen -> Konsole einrichten -> TabBar -> Set 'Tab bar visibility' to Show Tab Bar When needed
  • Einstellungen -> Konsole einrichten -> TabBar -> Set 'Tab bar position' to Above Terminal Area
  • Einstellungen -> Edit current profile -> Appearance -> Edit -> Set Background-transparency to 20%
  • Einstellungen -> Edit current profile -> Appearance -> Edit -> Set Forground-color-bightness to 230
  • Einstellungen -> Edit current profile -> Scrolling -> enable unlimited scrollback
  • Einstellungen -> Edit current profile -> Scrolling -> Hide scrollbar
  • Einstellungen -> Edit current profile -> Advanced -> Sret Cursor shape to I-Beam
  • Einstellungen -> Kurzbefehle festlegen -> Einfügen alternative to ctrl+V
  • Einstellungen -> Kurzbefehle festlegen -> Kopieren alternative to ctrl+C
  • Einstellungen -> Kurzbefehle festlegen -> new Tab to Meta+T


See here


Set postgres-user-password

Taken from here

  • sudo -u postgres psql
  • alter user postgres password 'SOMEPSQLPASSWORD';
  • \q



  • sudo apt-get install libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil libmono-system-data-datasetextensions4.0-cil libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil mono-mcs
  • sudo wget -P /usr/lib/keepass2/Plugins


Add current user to docker-group

Taken from here

  • sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
  • sudo service docker restart

Activate the docker API

Taken from here (the with-systemd-version)

  • create (as root) a /etc/systemd/system/docker-tcp.socket with the following content:
Description=Docker HTTP Socket for the API


  • systemctl enable docker-tcp.socket
  • systemctl stop docker
  • systemctl start docker-tcp.socket

Kitematic (Docker GUI)

  • git clone
  • cd kitematic
  • make
  • ./node_modules/.bin/grunt release
  • sudo dpkg -i ./dist/Kitematic_*.deb


Add useful folders to the quickaccess

  • Just Drag'n'drop the foldes you like (like Desktop, Downloads and maybe ownCloud) into the places-section on the left

VMWare player

Taken from here

  • To boot from a local partition, you need to create a vm, and after creating it go to its settings, remove the created hard drive and add a new one. In the disk-creation-gui select Use a physical disk. if you use efi-boot, make sure to give it access to the efi-partition aswell.
  • If you want to efi-boot in your vm, you need to activate it, by adding the line firmware = "efi" at the top to the ~/vmware/VMNAME/VMNAME.vmx


Set SimepleGlass-Theme (if you don't like breeze dunkel too much)

  • wget -O; sudo unzip SimpleGlass/* -d /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme; rm; sudo rm -rf /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/SimpleGlass/icons
  • Einstellungen -> Arbeitsbereich-Design -> Arbeitsflächen-Design -> Neues Design herunterladen -> SimpleGlass anwenden

for more distance between starter-icons

  • rm /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/SimpleGlass/widgets/tasks.svgz

Remove unused taskbar-icons

  • Rightclick the little up-arrow on the right -> Einstellungen für Systemabschnitt der Kontrolleiste -> Einträge -> Choose the icons to show

Make applications show as Icons only

  • Rightclick the taskbar -> Alternativen -> Fensterleiste nur mit Symbolen

Add Date to the clock

  • Rightclick the clock -> Einstellungen für Digitale Uhr -> Datum Anzeigen

remove duplicate audio-icon

  • Leftclick the one on the left (it should say mixer, if not try the other one) -> klick the button right to the mixer-button -> disable "Dock in system tray"
  • while there, also remove the duplicate sound-OSD, by disabling it under General

Stop the kmixer from showing up on boot

Taken form here

  • sudo rm /usr/share/autostart/kmix_autostart.desktop

Set the window style

  • Systemeinstellungen -> Anwendungs-stil -> Fensterdekoration -> Breeze
  • Systemeinstellungen -> Anwendungs-stil -> Fensterdekoration -> Umrandungsgröße -> Keine Umrandungen

Remove the option-button in the top-left

  • Right-click it -> Arbeitsfläche einrichten -> Optimierungen -> disable setting under 'Desktop-layout'

Set grouping of apps in the taskbar

  • Rightclick the taskbar -> Einstellungen für Fensterleiste -> Disable "Grupopiere nur bei Fensterleiste"

Add programs to the control-bar

  • Just rightclick -> als starter hinzufügen for every program you want

Set the wallpaper

  • Set the wallpaper via rightclick on the desktop -> Einstellungen für Arbeitsflähche
  • Set the login-background In Systemeinstellungen -> Starten und Beenden -> Anmeldebildschirm

Activate horizontal scrolling

  • Systemeinstellungen -> Eingabegeräte -> Touchpad -> Bildlauf mit zwei Findern -> Waagerecht aktivieren

disable juming icon at cursor on app-start

  • Systemeinstellungen -> Anwendungen -> Programmstartanzeige -> Aktivitätsanzeige -> Keine Aktivitätsanzeige wählen


  • Einstellungen -> Eingabegeräte -> Tastatur -> Hardware -> Tastenwiederholung -> Verzögerung: 200 to 300 ms
  • Einstellungen -> Eingabegeräte -> Tastatur -> Hardware -> Tastenwiederholung -> Geschwindigkeit: 50 wdh./sek.


  • See what i can do considering Excel (maybe ms-office-web or something?)
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