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Created December 15, 2019 23:48
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BWRegionGen in BWAPI
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <BWAPI/Game.h>
#include <BWAPI/Position.h>
template<typename utype>
struct xy_t {
utype x{};
utype y{};
xy_t() = default;
xy_t(utype x, utype y) : x(x), y(y) {}
bool operator<(const xy_t& n) const {
if (y == n.y) return x < n.x;
return y < n.y;
bool operator>(const xy_t& n) const {
if (y == n.y) return x > n.x;
return y > n.y;
bool operator<=(const xy_t& n) const {
if (y == n.y) return x <= n.x;
return y <= n.y;
bool operator>=(const xy_t& n) const {
if (y == n.y) return x >= n.x;
return y >= n.y;
bool operator==(const xy_t& n) const {
return x == n.x && y == n.y;
bool operator!=(const xy_t& n) const {
return x != n.x || y != n.y;
xy_t operator-(const xy_t& n) const {
xy_t r(*this);
return r -= n;
xy_t& operator-=(const xy_t& n) {
x -= n.x;
y -= n.y;
return *this;
xy_t operator+(const xy_t& n) const {
xy_t r(*this);
return r += n;
xy_t& operator+=(const xy_t& n) {
x += n.x;
y += n.y;
return *this;
xy_t operator -() const {
return xy_t(-x, -y);
xy_t operator/(const xy_t& n) const {
xy_t r(*this);
return r /= n;
xy_t& operator/=(const xy_t& n) {
x /= n.x;
y /= n.y;
return *this;
template<typename T>
xy_t operator/(T&& v) const {
return xy_t(*this) /= v;
template<typename T>
xy_t& operator/=(T&& v) {
x /= v;
y /= v;
return *this;
xy_t operator*(const xy_t& n) const {
xy_t r(*this);
return r *= n;
xy_t& operator*=(const xy_t& n) {
x *= n.x;
y *= n.y;
return *this;
template<typename T>
xy_t operator*(T&& v) const {
return xy_t(*this) *= v;
template<typename T>
xy_t& operator*=(T&& v) {
x *= v;
y *= v;
return *this;
template<typename T>
struct rect_t {
T from;
T to;
rect_t() = default;
rect_t(T from, T to) : from(from), to(to) {}
bool operator==(const rect_t& n) const {
return from == n.from && to ==;
rect_t operator+(const rect_t& n) const {
return { from + n.from, to + };
using xy = xy_t<int>;
using rect = rect_t<xy>;
template<size_t bits>
using int_fastn_t = typename std::conditional<bits <= 8, std::int_fast8_t,
typename std::conditional<bits <= 16, int_fast16_t,
typename std::conditional<bits <= 32, int_fast32_t,
typename std::enable_if<bits <= 64, int_fast64_t>::type>::type>::type>::type;
template<size_t bits>
using uint_fastn_t = typename std::conditional<bits <= 8, std::uint_fast8_t,
typename std::conditional<bits <= 16, uint_fast16_t,
typename std::conditional<bits <= 32, uint_fast32_t,
typename std::enable_if<bits <= 64, uint_fast64_t>::type>::type>::type>::type;
template<size_t t_integer_bits, size_t t_fractional_bits, bool t_is_signed, bool t_exact_integer_bits = false>
struct fixed_point {
static const bool is_signed = t_is_signed;
static const bool exact_integer_bits = t_exact_integer_bits;
static const size_t integer_bits = t_integer_bits;
static const size_t fractional_bits = t_fractional_bits;
static const size_t total_bits = integer_bits + fractional_bits;
using raw_unsigned_type = uint_fastn_t<total_bits>;
using raw_signed_type = int_fastn_t<total_bits>;
using raw_type = typename std::conditional<is_signed, raw_signed_type, raw_unsigned_type>::type;
raw_type raw_value;
void wrap() {
if (!exact_integer_bits) return;
raw_value <<= int_bits<raw_type>::value - total_bits;
raw_value >>= int_bits<raw_type>::value - total_bits;
static constexpr fixed_point from_raw(raw_type raw_value) {
return fixed_point{ exact_integer_bits ? (raw_type)((raw_type)(raw_value << (int_bits<raw_type>::value - total_bits)) >> (int_bits<raw_type>::value - total_bits)) : raw_value };
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
static fixed_point integer(T integer_value) {
return from_raw((raw_type)((raw_unsigned_type)integer_value << fractional_bits));
static fixed_point zero() {
return integer(0);
static fixed_point one() {
return integer(1);
raw_type integer_part() const {
return raw_value >> fractional_bits;
raw_type fractional_part() const {
return raw_value & (((raw_type)1 << fractional_bits) - 1);
template<size_t n_integer_bits, size_t n_fractional_bits, bool n_exact_integer_bits, size_t result_integer_bits = integer_bits, size_t result_fractional_bits = fractional_bits, typename std::enable_if<((result_integer_bits < n_integer_bits || result_fractional_bits < n_fractional_bits) && result_fractional_bits <= n_fractional_bits)>::type* = nullptr>
static auto truncate(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, n_fractional_bits, is_signed, n_exact_integer_bits>& n) {
using result_type = fixed_point<result_integer_bits, result_fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>;
typename result_type::raw_type raw_value = (typename result_type::raw_type)(n.raw_value >> (n_fractional_bits - result_fractional_bits));
return result_type::from_raw(raw_value);
template<size_t n_integer_bits, size_t n_fractional_bits, bool n_exact_integer_bits, size_t result_integer_bits = integer_bits, size_t result_fractional_bits = fractional_bits, typename std::enable_if<((result_integer_bits > n_integer_bits || result_fractional_bits > n_fractional_bits) && result_fractional_bits >= n_fractional_bits)>::type* = nullptr>
static auto extend(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, n_fractional_bits, is_signed, n_exact_integer_bits>& n) {
using result_type = fixed_point<result_integer_bits, result_fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>;
typename result_type::raw_type raw_value = n.raw_value;
raw_value <<= result_fractional_bits - n_fractional_bits;
return result_type::from_raw(raw_value);
fixed_point floor() const {
return integer(integer_part());
fixed_point ceil() const {
return (*this + integer(1) - from_raw(1)).floor();
fixed_point abs() const {
if (*this >= zero()) return *this;
else return from_raw(-raw_value);
auto as_signed() const {
return fixed_point<integer_bits, fractional_bits, true, exact_integer_bits>::from_raw(raw_value);
auto as_unsigned() const {
return fixed_point<integer_bits, fractional_bits, false, exact_integer_bits>::from_raw(raw_value);
bool operator==(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value == n.raw_value;
bool operator!=(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value != n.raw_value;
bool operator<(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value < n.raw_value;
bool operator<=(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value <= n.raw_value;
bool operator>(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value > n.raw_value;
bool operator>=(const fixed_point& n) const {
return raw_value >= n.raw_value;
fixed_point operator-() const {
static_assert(is_signed, "fixed_point: cannot negate an unsigned number");
return from_raw(-raw_value);
fixed_point& operator+=(const fixed_point& n) {
raw_value += n.raw_value;
return *this;
fixed_point operator+(const fixed_point& n) const {
return from_raw(raw_value + n.raw_value);
fixed_point& operator-=(const fixed_point& n) {
raw_value -= n.raw_value;
return *this;
fixed_point operator-(const fixed_point& n) const {
return from_raw(raw_value - n.raw_value);
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
fixed_point& operator/=(T integer_value) {
static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == is_signed, "fixed_point: cannot mix signed/unsigned in division");
raw_value /= integer_value;
return *this;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
fixed_point operator/(T integer_value) const {
static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == is_signed, "fixed_point: cannot mix signed/unsigned in division");
return from_raw(raw_value / integer_value);
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
fixed_point& operator*=(T integer_value) {
static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == is_signed, "fixed_point: cannot mix signed/unsigned in multiplication");
raw_value *= integer_value;
return *this;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
auto operator*(T integer_value) const {
static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == is_signed, "fixed_point: cannot mix signed/unsigned in multiplication");
return from_raw(raw_value * integer_value);
template<size_t n_integer_bits>
fixed_point& operator*=(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>& n) {
return *this = *this * n;
template<size_t n_integer_bits>
fixed_point& operator/=(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>& n) {
return *this = *this / n;
// rounds towards negative infinity
template<size_t n_integer_bits, size_t n_fractional_bits>
auto operator*(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, n_fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>& n) {
using result_type = fixed_point<(integer_bits > n_integer_bits ? integer_bits : n_integer_bits), (fractional_bits > n_fractional_bits ? fractional_bits : n_fractional_bits), is_signed, exact_integer_bits>;
using tmp_t = typename fixed_point<result_type::integer_bits, fractional_bits + n_fractional_bits, is_signed>::raw_type;
tmp_t tmp = (tmp_t)raw_value * (tmp_t)n.raw_value >> n_fractional_bits;
return result_type::from_raw((typename result_type::raw_type)tmp);
// rounds towards 0
template<size_t n_integer_bits, size_t n_fractional_bits>
auto operator/(const fixed_point<n_integer_bits, n_fractional_bits, is_signed, exact_integer_bits>& n) const {
using result_type = fixed_point<(integer_bits > n_integer_bits ? integer_bits : n_integer_bits), (fractional_bits > n_fractional_bits ? fractional_bits : n_fractional_bits), is_signed, exact_integer_bits>;
using tmp_t = typename fixed_point<result_type::integer_bits, fractional_bits + n_fractional_bits, is_signed>::raw_type;
tmp_t tmp = ((tmp_t)raw_value << n_fractional_bits) / (tmp_t)n.raw_value;
return result_type::from_raw((typename result_type::raw_type)tmp);
// returns a * b / c
// rounds towards 0
static fixed_point multiply_divide(fixed_point a, fixed_point b, fixed_point c) {
constexpr raw_type max_value_no_overflow = std::numeric_limits<raw_type>::max() >> (int_bits<raw_type>::value / 2);
using tmp_t = typename fixed_point<integer_bits, fractional_bits + fractional_bits, is_signed>::raw_type;
if (!is_native_fast_int<tmp_t>::value && a.raw_value <= max_value_no_overflow && b.raw_value <= max_value_no_overflow) {
return from_raw(a.raw_value * b.raw_value / c.raw_value);
else {
return from_raw((tmp_t)a.raw_value * b.raw_value / c.raw_value);
// returns a / b * c
// rounds towards 0
static fixed_point divide_multiply(fixed_point a, fixed_point b, fixed_point c) {
return from_raw(a.raw_value / b.raw_value * c.raw_value);
using fp8 = fixed_point<24, 8, true>;
struct regions_t {
struct region {
uint16_t flags = 0x1FFD;
size_t index = ~(size_t)0;
xy_t<size_t> tile_center;
rect_t<xy_t<size_t>> tile_area;
xy_t<fp8> center;
rect area;
size_t tile_count = 0;
size_t group_index = 0;
std::vector<region*> walkable_neighbors;
std::vector<region*> non_walkable_neighbors;
mutable int pathfinder_flag = 0; // fixme: remove
mutable void* pathfinder_node = nullptr; // fixme: remove
bool walkable() const {
return flags != 0x1ffd;
struct split_region {
uint16_t mask;
region* a;
region* b;
// tile_region_index values -
// [0, 5000) index into regions
// [5000, 0x2000) unmapped (0x1ffd unwalkable, otherwise walkable)
// [0x2000, ...] index + 0x2000 into split_regions
std::vector<size_t> tile_region_index = std::vector<size_t>(256 * 256);
rect_t<xy_t<size_t>> tile_bounding_box;
std::vector<region> regions;
std::vector<split_region> split_regions;
struct tile_t {
enum {
flag_walkable = 1,
flag_unk0 = 2,
flag_unwalkable = 4,
flag_unk1 = 8,
flag_provides_cover = 0x10,
flag_unk3 = 0x20,
flag_has_creep = 0x40,
flag_unbuildable = 0x80,
flag_very_high = 0x100,
flag_middle = 0x200,
flag_high = 0x400,
flag_occupied = 0x800,
flag_creep_receding = 0x1000,
flag_partially_walkable = 0x2000,
flag_temporary_creep = 0x4000,
flag_unk4 = 0x8000
uint8_t visible;
uint8_t explored;
uint16_t flags;
struct game_state {
regions_t regions;
std::vector<tile_t> tiles;
struct state_functions {
game_state& game_st;
regions_t::region* get_new_region() {
if (game_st.regions.regions.capacity() != 5000) game_st.regions.regions.reserve(5000);
assert(game_st.regions.regions.size() < 5000);
regions_t::region* r = &game_st.regions.regions.back();
r->index = game_st.regions.regions.size() - 1;
return r;
void regions_create(BWAPI::Game& game) {
auto create_region = [&](rect_t<xy_t<size_t>> area) {
auto* r = get_new_region();
uint16_t flags = (uint16_t)game_st.regions.tile_region_index[area.from.y * 256 + area.from.x];
assert(flags >= 5000);
r->flags = flags;
r->tile_area = area;
r->tile_center.x = (area.from.x + / 2;
r->tile_center.y = (area.from.y + / 2;
size_t tile_count = 0;
size_t index = r->index;
for (size_t y = area.from.y; y !=; ++y) {
for (size_t x = area.from.x; x !=; ++x) {
assert(game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] >= 5000);
game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] = (uint16_t)index;
r->tile_count = tile_count;
return r;
auto create_unreachable_bottom_region = [&]() {
auto* r = create_region({
{0, game.mapHeight() - 1},
{game.mapWidth(), game.mapHeight()}
r->area = { {0, game.mapHeight()*32 - 32}, {game.mapWidth()*32, game.mapHeight()*32} };
r->center.x = ((fp8::integer(r->area.from.x) + fp8::integer(r-> / 2);
r->center.y = ((fp8::integer(r->area.from.y) + fp8::integer(r-> / 2);
r->flags = 0x1ffd;
r->group_index = 0x4000;
auto create_regions = [&]() {
size_t region_tile_index = 0;
size_t region_x = 0;
size_t region_y = 0;
auto bb = game_st.regions.tile_bounding_box;
auto find_empty_region = [&](size_t x, size_t y) {
if (x >= {
x = bb.from.x;
y = y + 1 >= ? bb.from.y : y + 1;
size_t start_x = x;
size_t start_y = y;
while (true) {
size_t index = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
if (index >= 5000) {
region_tile_index = index;
region_x = x;
region_y = y;
return true;
if (x >= {
x = bb.from.x;
y = y + 1 >= ? bb.from.y : y + 1;
if (x == start_x && y == start_y) return false;
size_t next_x = bb.from.x;
size_t next_y = bb.from.y;
bool has_expanded_all = false;
size_t initial_regions_size = game_st.regions.regions.size();
size_t prev_size = 7 * 8;
while (true) {
size_t start_x = next_x;
size_t start_y = next_y;
if (start_x >= {
start_x = bb.from.x;
if (start_y >= start_y = bb.from.y;
if (find_empty_region(start_x, start_y)) {
auto find_area = [&](size_t begin_x, size_t begin_y, size_t index) {
size_t max_end_x = std::min(begin_x + 8, (size_t)game.mapWidth());
size_t max_end_y = std::min(begin_y + 7, (size_t)game.mapHeight());
size_t end_x = begin_x + 1;
size_t end_y = begin_y + 1;
bool x_is_good = true;
bool y_is_good = true;
bool its_all_good = true;
while ((x_is_good || y_is_good) && (end_x != max_end_x && end_y != max_end_y)) {
if (x_is_good) {
for (size_t y = begin_y; y != end_y; ++y) {
if (game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + end_x] != index) {
x_is_good = false;
if (y_is_good) {
for (size_t x = begin_x; x != end_x; ++x) {
if (game_st.regions.tile_region_index[end_y * 256 + x] != index) {
y_is_good = false;
if (game_st.regions.tile_region_index[end_y * 256 + end_x] != index) {
its_all_good = false;
if (its_all_good) {
if (y_is_good) ++end_y;
if (x_is_good) ++end_x;
else {
if (y_is_good) ++end_y;
else if (x_is_good) ++end_x;
size_t width = end_x - begin_x;
size_t height = end_y - begin_y;
if (width > height * 3) width = height * 3;
else if (height > width * 3) height = width * 3;
end_x = begin_x + width;
end_y = begin_y + height;
return rect_t<xy_t<size_t>>{ {begin_x, begin_y}, { end_x, end_y } };
auto area = find_area(region_x, region_y, region_tile_index);
size_t size = ( - area.from.x) * ( - area.from.y);
if (size < prev_size) {
auto best_area = area;
size_t best_size = size;
for (size_t n = 0; n != 25; ++n) {
if (!find_empty_region(, region_y)) break;
area = find_area(region_x, region_y, region_tile_index);
size_t size = ( - area.from.x) * ( - area.from.y);
if (size > best_size) {
best_size = size;
best_area = area;
if (size >= prev_size) break;
area = best_area;
size = best_size;
prev_size = size;
next_x =;
next_y = area.from.y;
assert(game_st.regions.regions.size() < 5000); // nooks and crannies
auto* r = create_region(area);
auto expand = [&](regions_t::region* r) {
size_t& begin_x = r->tile_area.from.x;
if (begin_x > 0) --begin_x;
size_t& begin_y = r->tile_area.from.y;
if (begin_y > 0) --begin_y;
size_t& end_x = r->;
if (end_x < game.mapWidth()) ++end_x;
size_t& end_y = r->;
if (end_y < game.mapHeight()) ++end_y;
uint16_t flags = r->flags;
size_t index = r->index;
auto is_neighbor = [&](size_t x, size_t y) {
if (x != 0 && game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x - 1] == index) return true;
if (x != game.mapWidth() - 1 && game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x + 1] == index) return true;
if (y != 0 && game_st.regions.tile_region_index[(y - 1) * 256 + x] == index) return true;
if (y != game.mapHeight() - 1 && game_st.regions.tile_region_index[(y + 1) * 256 + x] == index) return true;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (size_t y = begin_y; y != end_y; ++y) {
for (size_t x = begin_x; x != end_x; ++x) {
if (game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] == flags && is_neighbor(x, y)) {
game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] = index;
if (size <= 6 && !has_expanded_all) {
has_expanded_all = true;
for (size_t i = initial_regions_size; i != game_st.regions.regions.size(); ++i) {
else {
assert(game_st.regions.regions.size() < 5000); // nooks and crannies
auto get_neighbors = [&](size_t tile_x, size_t tile_y) {
std::array<size_t, 8> r;
size_t n = 0;
auto test = [&](bool cond, size_t x, size_t y) {
if (!cond) r[n++] = 0x1fff;
else r[n++] = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
test(tile_y > 0, tile_x, tile_y - 1);
test(tile_x > 0, tile_x - 1, tile_y);
test(tile_x + 1 < game.mapWidth(), tile_x + 1, tile_y);
test(tile_y + 1 < game.mapHeight(), tile_x, tile_y + 1);
test(tile_y > 0 && tile_x > 0, tile_x - 1, tile_y - 1);
test(tile_y > 0 && tile_x + 1 < game.mapWidth(), tile_x + 1, tile_y - 1);
test(tile_y + 1 < game.mapHeight() && tile_x > 0, tile_x - 1, tile_y + 1);
test(tile_y + 1 < game.mapHeight() && tile_x + 1 < game.mapWidth(), tile_x + 1, tile_y + 1);
return r;
auto refresh_regions = [&]() {
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
int max = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int min = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
r.area = { { max, max }, { min, min } };
r.tile_count = 0;
for (size_t y = 0; y != game.mapHeight(); ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x != game.mapWidth(); ++x) {
size_t index = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
if (index < 5000) {
auto* r = &game_st.regions.regions[index];
if (r->area.from.x > (int)x * 32) r->area.from.x = int(32 * x);
if (r->area.from.y > (int)y * 32) r->area.from.y = int(32 * y);
if (r-> < ((int)x + 1) * 32) r-> = int(32 * (x + 1));
if (r-> < ((int)y + 1) * 32) r-> = int(32 * (y + 1));
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
if (r.tile_count == 0) r.flags = 0x1fff;
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
if (r.tile_count == 0) continue;
for (int y = r.area.from.y / 32; y != / 32; ++y) {
for (int x = r.area.from.x / 32; x != / 32; ++x) {
if (game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] != r.index) continue;
auto neighbors = get_neighbors(x, y);
for (size_t i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
size_t nindex = neighbors[i];
if (nindex == 0x1fff || nindex == r.index) continue;
auto* nr = &game_st.regions.regions[nindex];
bool add = false;
if (i < 4 || !r.walkable() || !nr->walkable()) {
add = true;
else {
auto is_2x2_walkable = [&](size_t walk_x, size_t walk_y) {
if (!game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y)) return false;
if (!game.isWalkable(walk_x + 1, walk_y)) return false;
if (!game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y + 1)) return false;
if (!game.isWalkable(walk_x + 1, walk_y + 1)) return false;
return true;
size_t walk_x = x * 4;
size_t walk_y = y * 4;
if (i == 4) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x - 2, walk_y - 2) && is_2x2_walkable(walk_x, walk_y)) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x - 2, walk_y)) add = true;
else if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x, walk_y - 2)) add = true;
else if (i == 5) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y - 2) && is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 2, walk_y)) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 2, walk_y - 2)) add = true;
else if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y)) add = true;
else if (i == 6) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 2) && is_2x2_walkable(walk_x - 2, walk_y + 4)) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x - 2, walk_y + 2)) add = true;
else if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 4)) add = true;
else if (i == 7) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 2, walk_y + 2) && is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y + 4)) {
if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y + 2)) add = true;
else if (is_2x2_walkable(walk_x + 2, walk_y + 4)) add = true;
if (add) {
if (nr->walkable()) {
if (std::find(r.walkable_neighbors.begin(), r.walkable_neighbors.end(), nr) == r.walkable_neighbors.end()) {
else {
if (std::find(r.non_walkable_neighbors.begin(), r.non_walkable_neighbors.end(), nr) == r.non_walkable_neighbors.end()) {
if (!r.non_walkable_neighbors.empty()) {
for (auto& v : r.non_walkable_neighbors) {
if (v == &game_st.regions.regions.front() && &v != &r.non_walkable_neighbors.back()) std::swap(v, r.non_walkable_neighbors.back());
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) { = { fp8::integer(r.tile_center.x * 32 + 16), fp8::integer(r.tile_center.y * 32 + 16) };
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
if (r.group_index < 0x4000) r.group_index = 0;
std::vector<regions_t::region*> stack;
size_t next_group_index = 1;
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
if (r.group_index == 0 && r.tile_count) {
size_t group_index = next_group_index++;
r.group_index = group_index;
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto* cr = stack.back();
for (auto* nr : (cr->walkable() ? cr->walkable_neighbors : cr->non_walkable_neighbors)) {
if (nr->group_index == 0) {
nr->group_index = group_index;
for (size_t n = 6;; n += 2) {
for (auto r = game_st.regions.regions.rbegin(); r != game_st.regions.regions.rend(); ++r) {
if (r->tile_count == 0 || r->tile_count >= n || r->group_index >= 0x4000) continue;
regions_t::region* smallest_neighbor = nullptr;
auto eval = [&](auto* nr) {
if (nr->tile_count == 0 || nr->group_index >= 0x4000 || nr->flags != r->flags) return;
if (!smallest_neighbor || nr->tile_count < smallest_neighbor->tile_count) {
smallest_neighbor = nr;
for (auto* nr : r->walkable_neighbors) eval(nr);
for (auto* nr : r->non_walkable_neighbors) eval(nr);
if (smallest_neighbor) {
auto* merge_into = smallest_neighbor;
for (size_t y = r->area.from.y / 32u; y != r-> / 32u; ++y) {
for (size_t x = r->area.from.x / 32u; x != r-> / 32u; ++x) {
size_t& index = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
if (index == r->index) index = merge_into->index;
merge_into->tile_count += r->tile_count;
r->tile_count = 0;
r->flags = 0x1fff;
if (r->area.from.x < merge_into->area.from.x) merge_into->area.from.x = r->area.from.x;
if (r->area.from.y < merge_into->area.from.y) merge_into->area.from.y = r->area.from.y;
if (r-> > merge_into-> merge_into-> = r->;
if (r-> > merge_into-> merge_into-> = r->;
size_t n_non_empty_regions = 0;
for (auto& r : game_st.regions.regions) {
if (r.tile_count) ++n_non_empty_regions;
if (n_non_empty_regions < 2500) break;
std::vector<size_t> reindex(5000);
size_t new_region_count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i != game_st.regions.regions.size(); ++i) {
auto* r = &game_st.regions.regions[i];
if (r->tile_count == 0) continue;
size_t new_index = new_region_count++;
reindex[i] = new_index;
if (i != new_index) {
r->index = new_index;
game_st.regions.regions[new_index] = std::move(*r);
for (size_t y = 0; y != game.mapHeight(); ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x != game.mapWidth(); ++x) {
size_t& index = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
index = reindex[index];
for (size_t y = 0; y != game.mapHeight(); ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x != game.mapWidth(); ++x) {
size_t index = y * game.mapWidth() + x;
auto tile = game_st.tiles[index];
if (~tile.flags & tile_t::flag_partially_walkable) continue;
auto neighbors = get_neighbors(x, y);
auto* r = &game_st.regions.regions[game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x]];
auto count_4x1_walkable = [&](size_t walk_x, size_t walk_y) {
size_t r = 0;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x + 1, walk_y)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x + 2, walk_y)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x + 3, walk_y)) ++r;
return r;
auto count_1x4_walkable = [&](size_t walk_x, size_t walk_y) {
size_t r = 0;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y + 1)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y + 2)) ++r;
if (game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y + 3)) ++r;
return r;
uint16_t mask = 0;
for (size_t sy = 0; sy != 4; ++sy) {
for (size_t sx = 0; sx != 4; ++sx) {
mask >>= 1;
if (game.isWalkable(BWAPI::WalkPosition{ BWAPI::TilePosition(x, y) } + BWAPI::WalkPosition(sx, sy))) {
mask |= 0x8000;
size_t walk_x = x * 4;
size_t walk_y = y * 4;
regions_t::region* r2 = nullptr;
if (!r->walkable()) {
std::array<size_t, 4> n_walkable{};
n_walkable[0] = count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y);
n_walkable[1] = count_1x4_walkable(walk_x, walk_y);
n_walkable[2] = count_1x4_walkable(walk_x + 3, walk_y);
n_walkable[3] = count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 3);
size_t highest_n = 0;
size_t highest_nindex;
for (size_t i = 4; i != 0;) {
size_t n = n_walkable[i];
if (n <= highest_n) continue;
size_t nindex = neighbors[i];
if (nindex == r->index) continue;
if (nindex < 0x2000) {
if (nindex >= 5000) continue;
auto* nr = &game_st.regions.regions[nindex];
if (nr->walkable()) {
highest_n = n;
highest_nindex = nindex;
else {
bool set = false;
if (i == 0 && count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y - 1)) set = true;
if (i == 1 && count_1x4_walkable(walk_x - 1, walk_y)) set = true;
if (i == 2 && count_1x4_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y)) set = true;
if (i == 3 && count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 4)) set = true;
if (set) {
highest_n = n;
highest_nindex = nindex;
if (highest_n) {
if (highest_nindex < 0x2000) r2 = &game_st.regions.regions[highest_nindex];
else r2 = game_st.regions.split_regions[highest_nindex - 0x2000].a;
else {
std::array<size_t, 8> n_unwalkable{};
n_unwalkable[0] = 4 - count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y);
n_unwalkable[1] = 4 - count_1x4_walkable(walk_x, walk_y);
n_unwalkable[2] = 4 - count_1x4_walkable(walk_x + 3, walk_y);
n_unwalkable[3] = 4 - count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 3);
n_unwalkable[4] = game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y) ? 0 : 1;
n_unwalkable[5] = game.isWalkable(walk_x + 3, walk_y) ? 0 : 1;
n_unwalkable[6] = game.isWalkable(walk_x, walk_y + 3) ? 0 : 1;
n_unwalkable[7] = game.isWalkable(walk_x + 3, walk_y + 3) ? 0 : 1;
size_t highest_n = 0;
size_t highest_nindex;
for (size_t i = 8; i != 0;) {
size_t n = n_unwalkable[i];
if (n <= highest_n) continue;
size_t nindex = neighbors[i];
if (nindex == r->index) continue;
if (nindex < 0x2000) {
if (nindex >= 5000) continue;
auto* nr = &game_st.regions.regions[nindex];
if (!nr->walkable()) {
highest_n = n;
highest_nindex = nindex;
else {
bool set = false;
if (i == 0 && count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y - 1) != 4) set = true;
if (i == 1 && count_1x4_walkable(walk_x - 1, walk_y) != 4) set = true;
if (i == 2 && count_1x4_walkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y) != 4) set = true;
if (i == 3 && count_4x1_walkable(walk_x, walk_y + 4) != 4) set = true;
if (i == 4 && !game.isWalkable(walk_x - 1, walk_y - 1)) set = true;
if (i == 5 && !game.isWalkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y - 1)) set = true;
if (i == 6 && !game.isWalkable(walk_x - 1, walk_y + 4)) set = true;
if (i == 7 && !game.isWalkable(walk_x + 4, walk_y + 4)) set = true;
if (set) {
highest_n = n;
highest_nindex = nindex;
if (highest_n) {
if (highest_nindex < 0x2000) r2 = &game_st.regions.regions[highest_nindex];
else r2 = game_st.regions.split_regions[highest_nindex - 0x2000].b;
if (!r2 || r2 == r) mask = r->walkable() ? 0 : 0xffff;
else if (!r->walkable() && !r2->walkable()) mask = 0xffff;
game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x] = 0x2000 + game_st.regions.split_regions.size();
if (r->walkable()) {
game_st.regions.split_regions.push_back({ mask, r, r2 ? r2 : r });
else {
game_st.regions.split_regions.push_back({ mask, r2 ? r2 : r, r });
game_st.regions.tile_bounding_box = { {0, 0}, {game.mapWidth(), game.mapHeight()} };
for (size_t y = 0; y != game.mapHeight(); ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x != game.mapWidth(); ++x) {
auto& index = game_st.regions.tile_region_index[y * 256 + x];
auto& t = game_st.tiles[y * game.mapWidth() + x];
if (~t.flags & tile_t::flag_walkable) index = 0x1ffd;
else if (t.flags & tile_t::flag_middle) index = 0x1ff9;
else if (t.flags & tile_t::flag_high) index = 0x1ffa;
else index = 0x1ffb;
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