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Created September 2, 2013 11:35
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Enjin Report 2013-09-02
Enjin Debug Report generated on 2013/09/02 06:33:01 CDT
Enjin plugin version: 2.4.9
Permissions plugin used: GroupManager version 2.0 (2.10.1) (Phoenix)
Vault permissions system reported: GroupManager
Votifier version: 1.9
Bukkit version: git-Bukkit-1.5.2-R1.0-42-g3b7c805-b2831jnks (MC: 1.6.2)
Java version: 1.7.0_21 Oracle Corporation
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-308.13.1.el5 amd64
GroupManager version 2.0 (2.10.1) (Phoenix)
PlugMan version 1.8.4
Minequery version 1.5
NoCheatPlus version 3.9.3-RC-b539
WorldEdit version 5.5.6
EnderSpawn version ${project.version}
Buycraft version 5.9
Vault version 1.2.25-b320
LogBlockQuestioner version 0.02
BanHammer version 2.2.0
Multiverse-Core version 2.4-b527
LogBlock version 1.70
LWC version 4.4.0 (b881) (July 11, 2013)
WorldGuard version 5.7.3
dynmap version 1.8-780
BigBadCraft version 2.0
PreciousStones version 9.6.0-SNAPSHOT
DisguiseCraft version 4.9
SurvivalGames version
ChestShop version 3.5
ScheduledAnnouncer2 version 2.6.1 - For 1.5.1
Votifier version 1.9
Herochat version 5.6.6-b214
Essentials version Pre2.11.1.2
WorldBorder version 1.7.3
EssentialsSpawn version Pre2.11.1.2
VanishNoPacket version 3.18.1
Enjin Minecraft Plugin version 2.4.9
EssentialsChat version Pre2.11.1.2
Last Severe error message:
2013-09-02 06:32:59 [SEVERE] Reached end of stream for /
2013-09-02 06:33:01 [INFO] Please wait as we generate the report
Enjin HTTPS test: passed
Enjin HTTP test: passed
Enjin web connectivity test: passed
Is mineshafter present: no
Timings file output not enabled!
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