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  • Save heiso/e59e95374754d122468f092871d68b73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Klipper printer config - Artillery Genius (MKS gen L)
[include mainsail.cfg]
[gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE]
variable_use_custom_pos : False ; use custom park coordinates for x,y [True/False]
variable_custom_park_x : 0.0 ; custom x position; value must be within your defined min and max of X
variable_custom_park_y : 0.0 ; custom y position; value must be within your defined min and max of Y
variable_custom_park_dz : 2.0 ; custom dz value; the value in mm to lift the nozzle when move to park position
variable_retract : 1.0 ; the value to retract while PAUSE
variable_cancel_retract : 5.0 ; the value to retract while CANCEL_PRINT
variable_speed_retract : 35.0 ; retract speed in mm/s
variable_unretract : 1.0 ; the value to unretract while RESUME
variable_speed_unretract : 35.0 ; unretract speed in mm/s
variable_speed_hop : 15.0 ; z move speed in mm/s
variable_speed_move : 100.0 ; move speed in mm/s
variable_park_at_cancel : False ; allow to move the toolhead to park while execute CANCEL_PRINT [True/False]
variable_park_at_cancel_x : None ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True
variable_park_at_cancel_y : None ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True
# !!! Caution [firmware_retraction] must be defined in the printer.cfg if you set use_fw_retract: True !!!
variable_use_fw_retract : False ; use fw_retraction instead of the manual version [True/False]
step_pin: ar54
dir_pin: ar55
enable_pin: !ar38
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 39.80
endstop_pin: ^!ar3
position_endstop: 0
position_min: 0
position_max: 220
homing_speed: 40.0
step_pin: ar60
dir_pin: ar61
enable_pin: !ar56
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 39.88
endstop_pin: ^!ar14
position_endstop: 0
position_min: 0
position_max: 220
homing_speed: 40
homing_positive_dir: false
step_pin: ar46
dir_pin: !ar48
enable_pin: !ar62
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -3
position_max: 250
homing_speed: 30
second_homing_speed: 1
step_pin: ar36
dir_pin: !ar34
enable_pin: !ar30
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
step_pin: ar26
dir_pin: ar28
enable_pin: !ar24
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 7.49
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: ar10
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: analog13
min_extrude_temp: 180
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 300
max_extrude_only_distance: 500
max_extrude_cross_section: 2.0
pressure_advance: 0.070
heater_pin: ar8
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: analog14
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 150
smooth_time: 10
#control = pid
#pid_kp = 34.18
#pid_ki = 3.21
#pid_kd = 242.65
pin: ar9
kick_start_time: 0.500
[heater_fan my_nozzle_fan]
heater: extruder
heater_temp: 50.0
fan_speed: 1.0
#make sure this reflects your serial port you found when flashing klipper
#serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
serial: /dev/serial/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.2:1.0-port0
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 200
max_accel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 50
max_z_accel: 100
square_corner_velocity: 5
screw1: 45,45
screw1_name: front left
screw2: 185,45
screw2_name: front right
screw3: 185,185
screw3_name: back right
screw4: 45,185
screw4_name: back left
speed: 100.0
sensor_pin: ar19
control_pin: ar11
set_output_mode: 5V
probe_with_touch_mode: true
stow_on_each_sample: false
home_xy_position: 82,143
speed: 100
z_hop: 20
z_hop_speed: 20
speed: 800
mesh_min: 29,5
mesh_max: 215,185
probe_count: 8,8
mesh_pps: 2,2
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2
move_check_distance: 3.0
split_delta_z: .010
fade_start: 1.0
fade_end: 5.0
screw1: 17,78
screw1_name: front left
screw2: 157,78
screw2_name: front right
screw3: 17,218
screw3_name: back left
screw4: 157,218
screw4_name: back right
speed: 100.0
screw_thread: CW-M5
#uncomment the following lines to use Z_TILT_ADJUST and uncomment G34 Macro to use G34
# 10,155
# 270,155
# 10,155
# 270,155
#speed: 100
#horizontal_move_z: 10
[gcode_macro G29]
#[gcode_macro G34]
# G28
[gcode_macro G35]
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
{% set bed_temp = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %}
{% set extruder_temp = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(210)|float %}
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=heater_bed MINIMUM={bed_temp - 1}
# Home the printer
# Use absolute coordinates
# Wait for hotend temp
G1 X0 Y0 Z30 F3000
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=extruder MINIMUM={extruder_temp} MAXIMUM={extruder_temp + 2}
# Move the nozzle near the bed
G1 X0 Y0 Z5 F3000
# Move the nozzle very close to the bed
G1 Z0.15 F300
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
G1 X20 Y5 Z0.3 F5000.0
G1 Z0.3 F1000
G1 X200 Y5 F1500.0 E15
G1 X200 Y5.3 Z0.3 F5000.0
G1 X5.3 Y5.3 Z0.3 F1500.0 E30
#G1 Z3 F3000
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion
G92 E0
[gcode_macro END_PRINT]
# Turn off bed, extruder, and fan
M140 S0
M104 S0
M106 S0
# Move nozzle away from print while retracting
G1 Z20 X10 Y10 E-3 F3000
G1 Y200 F6000
# Disable steppers
recover_velocity: 50.
#[filament_switch_sensor my_sensor]
#Move filament runout sensor from TFT to X+ endstop pin. Umcomment all but this line if you want to use this
#pause_on_runout: False
#runout_gcode: PAUSE
#insert_gcode: RESUME
#switch_pin: ar2
# Arduino aliases for atmega2560/1280 (Arduino mega) boards
[board_pins arduino-mega]
ar0=PE0, ar1=PE1, ar2=PE4, ar3=PE5, ar4=PG5,
ar5=PE3, ar6=PH3, ar7=PH4, ar8=PH5, ar9=PH6,
ar10=PB4, ar11=PB5, ar12=PB6, ar13=PB7, ar14=PJ1,
ar15=PJ0, ar16=PH1, ar17=PH0, ar18=PD3, ar19=PD2,
ar20=PD1, ar21=PD0, ar22=PA0, ar23=PA1, ar24=PA2,
ar25=PA3, ar26=PA4, ar27=PA5, ar28=PA6, ar29=PA7,
ar30=PC7, ar31=PC6, ar32=PC5, ar33=PC4, ar34=PC3,
ar35=PC2, ar36=PC1, ar37=PC0, ar38=PD7, ar39=PG2,
ar40=PG1, ar41=PG0, ar42=PL7, ar43=PL6, ar44=PL5,
ar45=PL4, ar46=PL3, ar47=PL2, ar48=PL1, ar49=PL0,
ar50=PB3, ar51=PB2, ar52=PB1, ar53=PB0, ar54=PF0,
ar55=PF1, ar56=PF2, ar57=PF3, ar58=PF4, ar59=PF5,
ar60=PF6, ar61=PF7, ar62=PK0, ar63=PK1, ar64=PK2,
ar65=PK3, ar66=PK4, ar67=PK5, ar68=PK6, ar69=PK7,
analog0=PF0, analog1=PF1, analog2=PF2, analog3=PF3, analog4=PF4,
analog5=PF5, analog6=PF6, analog7=PF7, analog8=PK0, analog9=PK1,
analog10=PK2, analog11=PK3, analog12=PK4, analog13=PK5, analog14=PK6,
# Marlin adds these additional aliases
ml70=PG4, ml71=PG3, ml72=PJ2, ml73=PJ3, ml74=PJ7,
ml75=PJ4, ml76=PJ5, ml77=PJ6, ml78=PE2, ml79=PE6,
ml80=PE7, ml81=PD4, ml82=PD5, ml83=PD6, ml84=PH2,
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [extruder]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 21.758
#*# pid_ki = 1.099
#*# pid_kd = 107.700
#*# [bltouch]
#*# z_offset = 2.525
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# -0.032500, -0.065000, -0.055000, -0.072500, -0.072500, -0.057500, -0.090000, -0.095000
#*# 0.057500, 0.017500, 0.022500, 0.007500, -0.007500, 0.005000, -0.020000, -0.025000
#*# 0.135000, 0.085000, 0.087500, 0.057500, 0.057500, 0.077500, 0.045000, 0.035000
#*# 0.102500, 0.050000, 0.055000, 0.025000, 0.027500, 0.047500, 0.020000, 0.017500
#*# 0.092500, 0.035000, 0.040000, 0.017500, 0.010000, 0.022500, -0.017500, -0.012500
#*# 0.082500, 0.035000, 0.040000, 0.027500, 0.020000, 0.045000, 0.017500, 0.027500
#*# 0.075000, 0.030000, 0.032500, 0.007500, -0.005000, 0.015000, -0.015000, -0.015000
#*# 0.085000, 0.045000, 0.042500, 0.015000, 0.000000, -0.002500, -0.025000, -0.035000
#*# x_count = 8
#*# y_count = 8
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# algo = bicubic
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 29.0
#*# max_x = 214.99
#*# min_y = 5.0
#*# max_y = 184.97
#*# [bed_mesh x1]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# -0.032500, -0.065000, -0.055000, -0.072500, -0.072500, -0.057500, -0.090000, -0.095000
#*# 0.057500, 0.017500, 0.022500, 0.007500, -0.007500, 0.005000, -0.020000, -0.025000
#*# 0.135000, 0.085000, 0.087500, 0.057500, 0.057500, 0.077500, 0.045000, 0.035000
#*# 0.102500, 0.050000, 0.055000, 0.025000, 0.027500, 0.047500, 0.020000, 0.017500
#*# 0.092500, 0.035000, 0.040000, 0.017500, 0.010000, 0.022500, -0.017500, -0.012500
#*# 0.082500, 0.035000, 0.040000, 0.027500, 0.020000, 0.045000, 0.017500, 0.027500
#*# 0.075000, 0.030000, 0.032500, 0.007500, -0.005000, 0.015000, -0.015000, -0.015000
#*# 0.085000, 0.045000, 0.042500, 0.015000, 0.000000, -0.002500, -0.025000, -0.035000
#*# x_count = 8
#*# y_count = 8
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# algo = bicubic
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 29.0
#*# max_x = 214.99
#*# min_y = 5.0
#*# max_y = 184.97
#*# [heater_bed]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 44.037
#*# pid_ki = 0.459
#*# pid_kd = 1056.877
#*# [skew_correction CaliFlower]
#*# xy_skew = -0.005421733961664335
#*# xz_skew = 0.0
#*# yz_skew = 0.0
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heiso commented Dec 29, 2023

and does the probes behave normally when tested separately ?

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fies4 commented Dec 29, 2023

Yes. Tested pin up and pin down and works
Done G28 and touch over my finger first and over the hot bed after and works
In Cura used the "gcode" START_PRINT and starts well, but after touch the bed with the 3D touch, it goes up a while and after that it crashes over the bed very hard

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fies4 commented Dec 31, 2023

Hello again.. one thing I didnt mentioned... I have a Bon Tech installed, and when I try to extrude filament, it goes inverse and retracts filament... can be this the problem? How can I reverse the direction of extruder? Thanks in advance

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heiso commented Dec 31, 2023

Hello, i think at this point the best thing would be to understand how the printer.cfg is working. Try following the klipper documentation from the start and build your own printer.cfg.

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fies4 commented Dec 31, 2023

Thanks a lot

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