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Last active September 21, 2022 15:48
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Lexer.x and Parser.y: Solutions to exercises 1, 2, and 3
module Lexer
( -- * Invoking Alex
, AlexPosn (..)
, alexGetInput
, alexError
, runAlex
, alexMonadScan
, Range (..)
, RangedToken (..)
, Token (..)
, scanMany
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
%wrapper "monadUserState-bytestring"
$digit = [0-9]
$alpha = [a-zA-Z]
@id = ($alpha | \_) ($alpha | $digit | \_ | \' | \?)*
@exponent = e (\- | \+)? $digit+
tokens :-
<0> $white+ ;
<0> "(*" { nestComment `andBegin` comment }
<0> "*)" { \_ _ -> alexError "Error: unexpected closing comment" }
<comment> "(*" { nestComment }
<comment> "*)" { unnestComment }
<comment> . ;
<comment> \n ;
-- Note that . doesn't match newlines, which is what we want.
<0> "#" .* ;
-- Keywords
<0> let { tok Let }
<0> in { tok In }
<0> if { tok If }
<0> then { tok Then }
<0> else { tok Else }
-- Arithmetic operators
<0> "+" { tok Plus }
<0> "-" { tok Minus }
<0> "*" { tok Times }
<0> "/" { tok Divide }
-- Comparison operators
<0> "=" { tok Eq }
<0> "<>" { tok Neq }
<0> "<" { tok Lt }
<0> "<=" { tok Le }
<0> ">" { tok Gt }
<0> ">=" { tok Ge }
-- Logical operators
<0> "&" { tok And }
<0> "|" { tok Or }
-- Parenthesis
<0> "(" { tok LPar }
<0> ")" { tok RPar }
-- Lists
<0> "[" { tok LBrack }
<0> "]" { tok RBrack }
<0> "," { tok Comma }
-- Types
<0> ":" { tok Colon }
<0> "->" { tok Arrow }
-- Projection
<0> \. { tok Dot }
-- Exercise 3 bonus:
-- Pattern matching
<0> match { tok Match }
<0> with { tok With }
-- Identifiers
<0> @id { tokId }
-- Constants
-- Exercise 1:
<0> $digit+ (\. $digit+)? @exponent? { tokNumber }
<0> \" { enterString `andBegin` string }
<string> \" { exitString `andBegin` 0 }
<string> \\\\ { emit '\\' }
<string> \\\" { emit '"' }
<string> \\n { emit '\n' }
<string> \\t { emit '\t' }
<string> . { emitCurrent }
data AlexUserState = AlexUserState
{ nestLevel :: Int
, strStart :: AlexPosn
, strBuffer :: [Char]
alexInitUserState :: AlexUserState
alexInitUserState = AlexUserState
{ nestLevel = 0
, strStart = AlexPn 0 0 0
, strBuffer = []
get :: Alex AlexUserState
get = Alex $ \s -> Right (s, alex_ust s)
put :: AlexUserState -> Alex ()
put s' = Alex $ \s -> Right (s{alex_ust = s'}, ())
modify :: (AlexUserState -> AlexUserState) -> Alex ()
modify f = Alex $ \s -> Right (s{alex_ust = f (alex_ust s)}, ())
alexEOF :: Alex RangedToken
alexEOF = do
(pos, _, _, _) <- alexGetInput
startCode <- alexGetStartCode
when (startCode == comment) $
alexError "Error: unclosed comment"
when (startCode == string) $
alexError "Error: unclosed string"
pure $ RangedToken EOF (Range pos pos)
data Range = Range
{ start :: AlexPosn
, stop :: AlexPosn
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data RangedToken = RangedToken
{ rtToken :: Token
, rtRange :: Range
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Token
-- Identifiers
= Identifier ByteString
-- Constants
| String ByteString
| Number Scientific
-- Keywords
| Let
| In
| If
| Then
| Else
-- Arithmetic operators
| Plus
| Minus
| Times
| Divide
-- Comparison operators
| Eq
| Neq
| Lt
| Le
| Gt
| Ge
-- Logical operators
| And
| Or
-- Parenthesis
| LPar
| RPar
-- Lists
| Comma
| LBrack
| RBrack
-- Types
| Colon
| Arrow
| VBar
-- Projection
| Dot
-- Patern matching
| Match
| With
-- EOF
deriving (Eq, Show)
mkRange :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Range
mkRange (start, _, str, _) len = Range{start = start, stop = stop}
stop = BS.foldl' alexMove start $ BS.take len str
tok :: Token -> AlexAction RangedToken
tok ctor inp len =
pure RangedToken
{ rtToken = ctor
, rtRange = mkRange inp len
tokId, tokNumber :: AlexAction RangedToken
tokId inp@(_, _, str, _) len =
pure RangedToken
{ rtToken = Identifier $ BS.take len str
, rtRange = mkRange inp len
tokNumber inp@(_ ,_, str, _) len =
pure RangedToken
{ rtToken = Number $ read $ BS.unpack $ BS.take len str
, rtRange = mkRange inp len
enterString, exitString :: AlexAction RangedToken
enterString inp@(pos, _, _, _) len = do
modify $ \s -> s{strStart = pos, strBuffer = '"' : strBuffer s}
skip inp len
exitString inp@(pos, _, _, _) len = do
s <- get
put s{strStart = AlexPn 0 0 0, strBuffer = []}
pure RangedToken
{ rtToken = String $ BS.pack $ reverse $ '"' : strBuffer s
, rtRange = Range (strStart s) (alexMove pos '"')
emit :: Char -> AlexAction RangedToken
emit c inp@(_, _, str, _) len = do
modify $ \s -> s{strBuffer = c : strBuffer s}
skip inp len
emitCurrent :: AlexAction RangedToken
emitCurrent inp@(_, _, str, _) len = do
modify $ \s -> s{strBuffer = BS.head str : strBuffer s}
skip inp len
nestComment, unnestComment :: AlexAction RangedToken
nestComment input len = do
modify $ \s -> s{nestLevel = nestLevel s + 1}
skip input len
unnestComment input len = do
state <- get
let level = nestLevel state - 1
put state{nestLevel = level}
when (level == 0) $
alexSetStartCode 0
skip input len
scanMany :: ByteString -> Either String [RangedToken]
scanMany input = runAlex input go
go = do
output <- alexMonadScan
if rtToken output == EOF
then pure [output]
else (output :) <$> go
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
module Parser
( parseMiniML
) where
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import qualified Lexer as L
%name parseMiniML decs
%tokentype { L.RangedToken }
%error { parseError }
%monad { L.Alex } { >>= } { pure }
%lexer { lexer } { L.RangedToken L.EOF _ }
%expect 0
-- Identifiers
identifier { L.RangedToken (L.Identifier _) _ }
-- Constants
string { L.RangedToken (L.String _) _ }
number { L.RangedToken (L.Number _) _ }
-- Keywords
let { L.RangedToken L.Let _ }
in { L.RangedToken L.In _ }
if { L.RangedToken L.If _ }
then { L.RangedToken L.Then _ }
else { L.RangedToken L.Else _ }
-- Arithmetic operators
'+' { L.RangedToken L.Plus _ }
'-' { L.RangedToken L.Minus _ }
'*' { L.RangedToken L.Times _ }
'/' { L.RangedToken L.Divide _ }
-- Comparison operators
'=' { L.RangedToken L.Eq _ }
'<>' { L.RangedToken L.Neq _ }
'<' { L.RangedToken L.Lt _ }
'<=' { L.RangedToken L.Le _ }
'>' { L.RangedToken L.Gt _ }
'>=' { L.RangedToken L.Ge _ }
-- Logical operators
'&' { L.RangedToken L.And _ }
'|' { L.RangedToken L.Or _ }
-- Parenthesis
'(' { L.RangedToken L.LPar _ }
')' { L.RangedToken L.RPar _ }
-- Lists
'[' { L.RangedToken L.LBrack _ }
']' { L.RangedToken L.RBrack _ }
',' { L.RangedToken L.Comma _ }
-- Types
':' { L.RangedToken L.Colon _ }
'->' { L.RangedToken L.Arrow _ }
-- Projection
'.' { L.RangedToken L.Dot _ }
-- Pattern matching
match { L.RangedToken L.Match _ }
with { L.RangedToken L.With _ }
%right else in
%right '->'
%left '|'
%left '&'
%nonassoc '=' '<>' '<' '>' '<=' '>='
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
: { Nothing }
| p { Just $1 }
: { [] }
| many_rev(p) p { $2 : $1 }
: many_rev(p) { reverse $1 }
sepBy_rev(p, sep)
: { [] }
| sepBy_rev(p, sep) sep p { $3 : $1 }
sepBy(p, sep)
: sepBy_rev(p, sep) { reverse $1 }
name :: { Name L.Range }
: identifier { unTok $1 (\range (L.Identifier name) -> Name range name) }
type :: { Type L.Range }
: name { TVar (info $1) $1 }
| '(' ')' { TUnit (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $2) }
| '(' type ')' { TPar (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
| '[' type ']' { TList (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
| type '->' type { TArrow (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 $3 }
typeAnnotation :: { Type L.Range }
: ':' type { $2 }
dec :: { Dec L.Range }
: let name many(pat) optional(typeAnnotation) '=' exp { Dec (L.rtRange $1 <-> info $6) $2 $3 $4 $6 }
decs :: { [Dec L.Range] }
: many(dec) { $1 }
exp :: { Exp L.Range }
: expapp { $1 }
| expcond { $1 }
| '-' exp { ENeg (L.rtRange $1 <-> info $2) $2 }
-- Arithmetic operators
| exp '+' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Plus (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '-' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Minus (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '*' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Times (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '/' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Divide (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
-- Comparison operators
| exp '=' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Eq (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '<>' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Neq (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '<' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Lt (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '<=' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Le (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '>' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Gt (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '>=' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Ge (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
-- Logical operators
| exp '&' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (And (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| exp '|' exp { EBinOp (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 (Or (L.rtRange $2)) $3 }
| dec in exp { ELetIn (info $1 <-> info $3) $1 $3 }
-- Exercise 3 bonus:
-- Note: Suppose we have this:
-- match 0 with | 0 -> match 1 with | 1 -> 1 | 2 -> 2
-- Shifting will cause it to parse like so:
-- match 0 with | 0 -> (match 1 with | 1 -> 1 | 2 -> 2)
-- Reducing would give:
-- (match 0 with | 0 -> match 1 with | 1 -> 1) | 2 -> 2
| match exp with many_rev(case) %shift
cases = reverse $4
endPos = maybe (L.rtRange $3) (info . NE.last) (NE.nonEmpty cases)
EMatch (L.rtRange $1 <-> endPos) $2 cases
case :: { Case L.Range }
: '|' pat '->' exp { Case (L.rtRange $1 <-> info $4) $2 $4 }
expapp :: { Exp L.Range }
: expapp projatom { EApp (info $1 <-> info $2) $1 $2 }
| projatom { $1 }
expcond :: { Exp L.Range }
: if exp then exp %shift { EIfThen (L.rtRange $1 <-> info $4) $2 $4 }
| if exp then exp else exp { EIfThenElse (L.rtRange $1 <-> info $6) $2 $4 $6 }
-- Exercise 2:
projatom :: { Exp L.Range }
: atom many(projection)
{ maybe $1 (\projs -> EProj (info $1 <-> info (NE.last projs)) $1 projs) (NE.nonEmpty $2) }
atom :: { Exp L.Range }
: number { unTok $1 (\range (L.Number num) -> ENumber range num) }
| name { EVar (info $1) $1 }
| string { unTok $1 (\range (L.String string) -> EString range string) }
| '(' ')' { EUnit (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $2) }
| '[' sepBy(exp, ',') ']' { EList (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
| '(' exp ')' { EPar (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
-- Arithmetic operators
| '(' '+' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Plus (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '-' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Minus (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '*' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Times (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '/' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Divide (L.rtRange $2)) }
-- Comparison operators
| '(' '=' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Eq (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '<>' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Neq (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '<' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Lt (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '<=' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Le (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '>' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Gt (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '>=' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Ge (L.rtRange $2)) }
-- Logical operators
| '(' '&' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (And (L.rtRange $2)) }
| '(' '|' ')' { EOp (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) (Or (L.rtRange $2)) }
-- Exercise 3:
pat :: { Pat L.Range }
: number { unTok $1 (\range (L.Number num) -> PNumber range num) }
| name { PVar (info $1) $1 }
| string { unTok $1 (\range (L.String string) -> PString range string) }
| '(' ')' { PUnit (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $2) }
| '(' pat ')' { PPar (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
| '(' pat typeAnnotation ')' { PAnnot (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $4) $2 $3 }
| '[' sepBy(pat, ',') ']' { PList (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $3) $2 }
projection :: { Proj L.Range }
: '.' '(' exp ')' { ProjList (L.rtRange $1 <-> L.rtRange $4) $3 }
parseError :: L.RangedToken -> L.Alex a
parseError _ = do
(L.AlexPn _ line column, _, _, _) <- L.alexGetInput
L.alexError $ "Parse error at line " <> show line <> ", column " <> show column
lexer :: (L.RangedToken -> L.Alex a) -> L.Alex a
lexer = (=<< L.alexMonadScan)
-- | Build a simple node by extracting its token type and range.
unTok :: L.RangedToken -> (L.Range -> L.Token -> a) -> a
unTok (L.RangedToken tok range) ctor = ctor range tok
-- | Unsafely extracts the the metainformation field of a node.
info :: Foldable f => f a -> a
info = fromJust . getFirst . foldMap pure
-- | Performs the union of two ranges by creating a new range starting at the
-- start position of the first range, and stopping at the stop position of the
-- second range.
-- Invariant: The LHS range starts before the RHS range.
(<->) :: L.Range -> L.Range -> L.Range
L.Range a1 _ <-> L.Range _ b2 = L.Range a1 b2
-- * AST
data Name a
= Name a ByteString
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Type a
= TVar a (Name a)
| TPar a (Type a)
| TUnit a
| TList a (Type a)
| TArrow a (Type a) (Type a)
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Dec a
= Dec a (Name a) [Pat a] (Maybe (Type a)) (Exp a)
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Operator a
= Plus a
| Minus a
| Times a
| Divide a
| Eq a
| Neq a
| Lt a
| Le a
| Gt a
| Ge a
| And a
| Or a
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Proj a
= ProjList a (Exp a)
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Case a
= Case a (Pat a) (Exp a)
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Exp a
= ENumber a Scientific
| EVar a (Name a)
| EString a ByteString
| EUnit a
| EList a [Exp a]
| EPar a (Exp a)
| EApp a (Exp a) (Exp a)
| EIfThen a (Exp a) (Exp a)
| EIfThenElse a (Exp a) (Exp a) (Exp a)
| ENeg a (Exp a)
| EBinOp a (Exp a) (Operator a) (Exp a)
| EOp a (Operator a)
| ELetIn a (Dec a) (Exp a)
| EProj a (Exp a) (NonEmpty (Proj a))
| EMatch a (Exp a) [Case a]
deriving (Foldable, Show)
data Pat a
= PNumber a Scientific
| PVar a (Name a)
| PString a ByteString
| PUnit a
| PPar a (Pat a)
| PAnnot a (Pat a) (Type a)
| PList a [Pat a]
deriving (Foldable, Show)
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Hey, @Kleidukos, I just tried these snippets with the latest nightly LTS (2022-09-17), and those versions of Alex and Happy:

❯ stack ls dependencies | grep -E 'alex|happy'
Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 9.0, and using 9.2.4, this may fail
Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 3.4, but version was found, this may fail
happy 1.20.0

It seems to work for me:

λ= [1]: runAlex "let example = 42" parseMiniML                                                                                                            
Out [1]: 
Right [Dec (Range {start = AlexPn 0 1 1, stop = AlexPn 16 1 17}) (Name (Range {start = AlexPn 4 1 5, stop = AlexPn 11 1 12}) "example") [] Nothing (ENumber (Range {start = AlexPn 14 1 15, stop = AlexPn 16 1 17}) 42.0)]

But I have one question: are you compiling your Happy module using StrictData? Happy does not like this extension and will fail in the same way if you use it:

λ= [1]: runAlex "let example = 42" parseMiniML                                                                                                            
Out [1]: 
*** Exception: Internal Happy error

CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at /home/heitor/Projects/alex-and-happy/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-tinfo6/Cabal- in main:Parser

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@heitor-lassarote Indeed! It was in my *.cabal file and so I have added NoStrictData in the pragmas. :)

Thanks a lot!!

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@Kleidukos, no problem. I've made an edit to the article warning about StrictData that hopefully will be merged soon, as it seems to be a common pitfall. I also did the same thing and got confused about the error in the past, hence I asked. :) One of my friends also fell into the same pitfall.

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