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Created July 31, 2021 17:40
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CMM2 tones tracker
'Tones tracker
'By Henryk K 2021.07.18
option explicit
'dim tones(16)
dim string$(97)
dim float note.freq(97)
dim integer note.oct%=4
dim integer i.counter=200
dim integer i.current%=0
dim integer i.waveform%(255)
dim float i.amplitude(255,200)
dim float i.freq = 0.0
dim integer s_tab%(255) 'shift/ctrl/alt modifiers
dim string eva$(6,255) 'eval strings for keyboard matrix
const s.nonne = 0
const s.shift = 1
const s.ctrl = 2
const s.alt = 3
const s.shift.ctrl = 4
const s.shift.alt = 5
const s.ctrl.alt = 6
const s.err = 16
dim integer s.gate% = 0 'gate keeper for keypress
'cursor coordinates
dim integer tc(4,1) 'track header
dim integer cc(100,4,1) 'tracks
const cc.x=0
const cc.y=1
' Main loop
Init_track_cc 0, 0
mode 15,8
font 7,1
page write 1
Render_keyboard 0, 900
page copy 1 to 0
' pause 500
' Handle keyboard
sub Hk
local i%, k%, offset%, ged
text 300, 0, "Keyboard debug output", L,,,rgb(white)
text 300-5,10, "i%", R
text 300-5,20, "key" , R
text 300-5,30, "note" , R
for i%=0 to 8
text 300+i%*25, 10, hex$(i%,2)
text 300+i%*25, 20, hex$(k%,2)
next i%
text 300, 30, hex$(s_tab(keydown(7)),2) + " " + str$(note.oct%) + " " + eva$(s_tab%(keydown(7)),keydown(1)) + space$(30)
on error skip 1
ged = eval(eva$(s_tab%(keydown(7)),keydown(1)))
text 300, 40, "Error:" + mm.errmsg$
text 300, 50, format$(i.counter, "%04.0f")
end sub
sub tickmaster
if i.counter<200 then
inc i.counter
PLAY SOUND 1, B, S, i.freq, i.amplitude(0, i.counter)
play stop
end sub
sub Render_instrument
local i, amp
for i=0 to 200
amp = 25-25*i/25
if amp<0 then amp=0
i.amplitude(0,i) = amp
line 300+i,100,300+i,100-i.amplitude(0,i),1
next i
end sub
function NOP()
if s.gate% then s.gate%=0
end function
function TONE(f)
PLAY SOUND 1, B, S, f, 25
end function
' update tones
sub update_tones
local i%, d%, offset%
restore k_tab_data
read i%, d%
if i% = 0 then exit do
offset% = d% + note.oct%*12 + 3
if offset% < 97 then
eva$(s.nonne, i%)="TONE(" + str$(note.freq(offset%)) + ")"
end if
end sub
' INC_OCT increase octave
function INC_OCT()
if not s.gate% and note.oct<7 then
inc note.oct, 1
inc s.gate%
end function
' DEC_OCT decrease octave
function DEC_OCT()
if not s.gate% and note.oct>0 then
inc note.oct, -1
inc s.gate%
end if
end function
' Run track
sub Rt
static aa%=0
Render_track_line aa%, rgb(white), rgb(gray)
inc aa%
if aa% > 63 then aa%=0
Render_track_line aa%, rgb(red), rgb(white)
end sub
' Render_track_line
sub Render_track_line n%, fg, bg
local m%
text cc(n%,0,cc.x),cc(n%,0,cc.y), hex$(n%,2),C,1,1,fg,bg
for m%=1 to 4
text cc(n%,m%,cc.x), cc(n%,m%,cc.y), " - ",C,1,1,fg,bg
next m%
end sub
' Render_track_header
sub Render_track_header fg, bg
local m%
text tc(0,cc.x), tc(0,cc.y), "##",C,1,1,fg,bg
for m%=1 to 4
text tc(m%,cc.x), tc(m%,cc.y), " "+str$(m%)+" ",C,1,1,fg,bg
next m%
end sub
' Init cc
' - calculate coordinats for the
' tracker and put them in correct
' places in cc
sub Init_track_cc xoff%, yoff%
local i%, j%, m%, x%, y%, n%
for m%=1 to 4
next m%
inc y%, 13
for j%=0 to 3
inc y%, 6
for i%=0 to 15
for m%=1 to 4
next m%
inc y%, 13
inc n%
next i%
next j%
end sub
' Render_tracks
sub Render_tracks
local n%
Render_track_header rgb(255,0,255),rgb(black)
for n%=0 to 63
Render_track_line n%, rgb(white), rgb(gray)
next n%
end sub
' Render_keyboard
sub Render_keyboard xoff%, yoff%
local integer w%, x%, y%
local string k$
colour RGB(yellow), rgb(black)
font 7, 1
RESTORE note_keys
read k$
if (k$ <> "") then
box x%, y%, w%, 30, 1, rgb(gray), rgb(white)
TEXT w%\2 + x%, y%+20, k$, C, , , rgb(gray), rgb(white)
end if
iNC x%, w%
loop while k$<>""
read k$
if k$ <> "" and k$<>"-" then
box x%+w%\2, y%, w%, 15, 1, rgb(gray), rgb(black)
TEXT w% + x%, y%+5, k$, C, , , rgb(white), rgb(black)
end if
iNC x%, w%
loop while k$<>""
read k$
if (k$ <> "") then
box x%, y%, w%, 30, 1, rgb(gray), rgb(white)
TEXT w%\2 + x%, y%+20, k$, C, , , rgb(gray), rgb(white)
end if
iNC x%, w%
loop while k$<>""
read k$
if k$ <> "" and k$<>"-" then
box x%+w%\2, y%, w%, 15, 1, rgb(gray), rgb(black)
TEXT w% + x%, y%+5, k$, C, , , rgb(white), rgb(black)
end if
iNC x%, w%
loop while k$<>""
end sub
' Read note names and frequncies into arrays
sub Init_notearrays
local i%
restore note_data
for i%=0 to 96
read$(i%), note.freq(i%)
next i%
end sub
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
' | | 2 | 3 | | | 5 | 6 | 7 | | | 9 | 0 | | Key
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
' | |C#2|D#2| | |F#2|G#2|A#2| | |C#3|D#3| | Note
' | |___|___| | |___|___|___| | |___|___| |
' | | | | | | | | | | |
' | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | Key
' | | | | | | | | | | |
' |C-2|D-2|E-2|F-2|G-2|A-2|B-2|C-3|D-3|E-3| Note
' |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
'| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
'| | S | D | | | G | H | J | | | L | ; | | Key
'| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
'| |C#1|D#1| | |F#1|G#1|A#1| | |C#2|D#2| | Note
'| |___|___| | |___|___|___| | |___|___| |´
'| | | | | | | | | | |
'| Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | , | . | / | key
'| | | | | | | | | | |
'|C-1|D-1|E-1|F-1|G-1|A-1|B-1|C-2|D-2|STP| Note
' Init keyboard eva table
sub Init_eva
local i%, j%, d%, offset%
for j%=0 to 6
for i%=0 to 255
eva$(j%, i%)="NOP()"
next i%,j%
eva$(s.alt, 128) = "INC_OCT()"
eva$(s.alt, 129) = "DEC_OCT()"
' kbdmx%(s.alt, 129) = f.dec_octave
end sub
' Init keyboard modifier table
' for shift, ctrl alt keys
sub Init_s_tab
local i%, d%
for i%=0 to bound(s_tab%(0))
next i%
s_tab%(0) = s.nonne
s_tab%(8) = s.shift
s_tab%(128) = s.shift
s_tab%(2) = s.ctrl
s_tab%(32) = s.ctrl
s_tab%(1) = s.alt
s_tab%(16) = s.alt
s_tab%(8+2) = s.shift.ctrl
s_tab%(128+2) = s.shift.ctrl
s_tab%(8+32) = s.shift.ctrl
s_tab%(128+32) = s.shift.ctrl
s_tab%(8+1) = s.shift.alt
s_tab%(128+1) = s.shift.alt
s_tab%(8+16) = s.shift.alt
s_tab%(128+16) = s.shift.alt
s_tab%(2+1) = s.ctrl.alt
s_tab%(32+1) = s.ctrl.alt
s_tab%(2+16) = s.ctrl.alt
s_tab%(32+16) = s.ctrl.alt
end sub
' keyboard tones index table
' used by update_tones
data 122, 0 'Z
data 115, 1 'S
data 120, 2 'X
data 100, 3 'D
data 99, 4 'C
data 118, 5 'V
data 103, 6 'G
data 98, 7 'B
data 104, 8 'H
data 110, 9 'N
data 106, 10 'J
data 109, 11 'M
data 44, 12 ',
data 108, 13 'L
data 46, 14 '.
data 59, 15 ';
data 47, 16 '/
data 113, 12 'Q
data 50, 13 '2
data 119, 14 'W
data 51, 15 '3
data 101, 16 'E
data 114, 17 'R
data 53, 18 '5
data 116, 19 'T
data 54, 20 '6
data 121, 21 'Y
data 55, 22 '7
data 117, 23 'U
data 105, 24 'I
data 57, 25 '9
data 111, 26 'O
data 48, 27 '0
data 112, 28 'P
data 0, 0 'end of data
' Legacy code
data "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", ""
data "2","3","-","5","6","7","-","9","0", ""
data "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ",", ".", "/", ""
data "S", "D", "-", "G", "H", "J", "-", "L", ";", ""
DATA "A-0", 27.500
DATA "A#0", 29.135
DATA "B-0", 30.868
DATA "C-1", 32.703
DATA "C#1", 34.648
DATA "D-1", 36.708
DATA "D#1", 38.891
DATA "E-1", 41.203
DATA "F-1", 43.654
DATA "F#1", 46.249
DATA "G-1", 48.999
DATA "G#1", 51.913
DATA "A-1", 55.000
DATA "A#1", 58.270
DATA "B-1", 61.735
DATA "C-2", 65.406
DATA "C#2", 69.296
DATA "D-2", 73.416
DATA "D#2", 77.782
DATA "E-2", 82.407
DATA "F-2", 87.307
DATA "F#2", 92.499
DATA "G-2", 97.999
DATA "G#2", 103.826
DATA "A-2", 110.000
DATA "A#2", 116.541
DATA "B-2", 123.471
DATA "C-3", 130.813
DATA "C#3", 138.591
DATA "D-3", 146.832
DATA "D#3", 155.563
DATA "E-3", 164.814
DATA "F-3", 174.614
DATA "F#3", 184.997
DATA "G-3", 195.998
DATA "G#3", 207.652
DATA "A-3", 220.000
DATA "A#3", 233.082
DATA "B-3", 246.942
DATA "C-4", 261.626
DATA "C#4", 277.183
DATA "D-4", 293.665
DATA "D#4", 311.127
DATA "E-4", 329.628
DATA "F-4", 349.228
DATA "F#4", 369.994
DATA "G-4", 391.995
DATA "G#4", 415.305
DATA "A-4", 440.000
DATA "A#4", 466.164
DATA "B-4", 493.883
DATA "C-5", 523.251
DATA "C#5", 554.365
DATA "D-5", 587.330
DATA "D#5", 622.254
DATA "E-5", 659.255
DATA "F-5", 698.456
DATA "F#5", 739.989
DATA "G-5", 783.991
DATA "G#5", 830.609
DATA "A-5", 880.000
DATA "A#5", 932.328
DATA "B-5", 987.767
DATA "C-6", 1046.502
DATA "C#6", 1108.731
DATA "D-6", 1174.659
DATA "D#6", 1244.508
DATA "E-6", 1318.510
DATA "F-6", 1396.913
DATA "F#6", 1479.978
DATA "G-6", 1567.982
DATA "G#6", 1661.219
DATA "A-6", 1760.000
DATA "A#6", 1864.655
DATA "B-6", 1975.533
DATA "C-7", 2093.005
DATA "C#7", 2217.461
DATA "D-7", 2349.318
DATA "D#7", 2489.016
DATA "E-7", 2637.020
DATA "F-7", 2793.826
DATA "F#7", 2959.955
DATA "G-7", 3135.963
DATA "G#7", 3322.438
DATA "A-7", 3520.000
DATA "A#7", 3729.310
DATA "B-7", 3951.066
DATA "C-8", 4186.009
DATA "C#8", 4434.922
DATA "D-8", 4698.636
DATA "D#8", 4978.032
DATA "E-8", 5274.041
DATA "F-8", 5587.652
DATA "F#8", 5919.911
DATA "G-8", 6271.927
DATA "G#8", 6644.875
DATA "A-8", 7040.000
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