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Last active May 30, 2016 02:41
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Densities of worlds with diameter > 900km
height: 900
license: cc-by-sa-4.0

This chart places several planets and moons from our solar system in a chart where the horizontal scale represents the volume, and the vertical scale the density. The radius of each planet represents the diameter. This scale is not proportionally exact.

The chart reveals the extremely low densities of the giant gaseous planets, compared to the other rocky planets. Earth is shown as the densest of the planets, while Saturn has a density which is below the density of water. Move the mouse over each planet/moon to see its name and density.

The data used in this graph was obtained from the public NASA JPL databases in 2010.

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<h1>Density x Volume of worlds with diameter > 900km</h1>
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"r": function (d) {
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return xScale(d.volume);
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d3.json("", function (data) {
var planets = d3.merge([data.planets, data.tnos, data.asteroids, data.centaurs]);
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d.satellites.forEach(function (e) {
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var dataset = d3.merge([planets, satellites]).filter(function (d) {
return d.density && d.volume;
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return d3.descending(a.diameterKm, b.diameterKm);
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