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Last active December 23, 2015 21:59
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Creates a topology based on configurations. How would you improve it, and how would you write it in Scalaz?
import java.lang.System.{ currentTimeMillis ⇒ newTimestamp }
import scala.util.Try
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import com.typesafe.config._
object Topology {
def apply(config: Config): Topology = {
val regions = config.root.asScala.flatMap {
case (key, value: ConfigObject) ⇒ parseConfig(key, value.toConfig)
case _ ⇒ None
* Partitions proximal dataCenters per region.
def parseConfig(region: String, config: Config): Option[Region] = {
val dataCenters = config.root.asScala.flatMap {
case (dataCenterName, deployed: ConfigObject) ⇒ Try {
val dc = deployed.toConfig
val id = dc.getInt("zone-id")
val proximals = immutableSeq(dc.getIntList("proximal-to")).toIndexedSeq
val nearest = proximals map { n ⇒ Nearest(n, proximals indexOf n) }
val instances = immutableSeq(dc.getStringList("instances")).map { case host if host.nonEmpty ⇒ host }.toSet
DataCenter(id, dataCenterName, nearest, instances)
}.toOption filter (_.instances.nonEmpty)
case _ ⇒ None
if (dataCenters.nonEmpty) Some(Region(region, dataCenters.toSet)) else None
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