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Created October 16, 2014 21:19
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Scala Dojo on 16th October
object MarkovChainApp extends App {
val tokenisedText = Source.fromFile(new File(args(0))).mkString.split(" ").map(_.trim)
val wordMap : Map[String, List[String]] = tokenisedText.sliding(2).foldLeft(Map[String, List[String]]().withDefaultValue(List.empty[String])) {
(dict, words) => {
dict.updated(words(0), words(1) :: dict(words(0)) )
def nextWord( aWord: String ): String = {
val words = wordMap(aWord)
words( scala.util.Random.nextInt(words.length))
val seed = wordMap.keySet.toList(scala.util.Random.nextInt(wordMap.size))
val snt = (0 to scala.util.Random.nextInt(100)).foldRight( (seed, "" ) ) {
case (_, (sed, sentence)) =>
val nxtWord = nextWord( sed)
(nxtWord, sentence + " " + nxtWord)
def recursiveFollowWords(seed: String): List[String] = {
val words = wordMap(seed)
if(words.nonEmpty) {
val next = words( scala.util.Random.nextInt(words.length))
if(next.endsWith(".") && scala.util.Random.nextInt(100) < 50) {
next :: Nil
} else next :: recursiveFollowWords(next)
} else Nil
println(recursiveFollowWords(seed).mkString(" "))
object MarkovChainWithMoreWords extends App {
val windowSize = args(1).toInt
val tokenisedText = Source.fromFile(new File(args(0))).mkString.split(" ").map(_.trim)
val wordMap : Map[List[String], List[String]] = tokenisedText.sliding(windowSize).foldLeft(Map[List[String], List[String]]().withDefaultValue(List.empty[String])) {
(dict, words) => {
val key = words.take(windowSize - 1).toList
dict.updated(key, words.last :: dict(key) )
def nextWord( aWord: List[String] ): String = {
val words = wordMap(aWord)
words( scala.util.Random.nextInt(words.length))
val seed = wordMap.keySet.toList(scala.util.Random.nextInt(wordMap.size))
def recursiveFollowWords(seed: List[String]): List[String] = {
val words = wordMap(seed)
if(words.nonEmpty) {
val next = words( scala.util.Random.nextInt(words.length))
if(next.endsWith(".") && scala.util.Random.nextInt(100) < 50) {
next :: Nil
} else next :: recursiveFollowWords(seed.drop(1) :+ next)
} else Nil
println(recursiveFollowWords(seed).mkString(" "))
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