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Last active November 23, 2022 10:30
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Do step functions wait for an available lambda if they hit a concurrency limit or do they fail?

We have a process that spawns lots of lambdas that we were worried might hit a concurrency limit. We wanted to know what a step function would do in that situation because the AWS documentation says that poll-based services have a built-in retry mechanism if lambdas are throttled and we were hoping that the subsequent steps would simply wait until there was enough capacity.

So I built a step function with three steps that had a sleep in them, and then set the reserve concurrency to 1 for the middle step. Then I kicked off three step functions at the same time.

The result was the second intance of the step function failed on the throttled lamda with the error message: "Lambda.TooManyRequestsException"

There are retry options in step functions, but it is interesting to know that they don't wait for a lambda slot to be available.

exports.handler = async (event) => {
// evil code just for debugging purposes
function sleep (time) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
// Usage!
await sleep(30000);
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify("<number> function finished"),
return response;
"StartAt": "FirstStepFunction",
"States": {
"FirstStepFunction": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "<arn to lambda 1>",
"Next": "SecondStepFunction"
"SecondStepFunction" : {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "<arn to lambda 2>",
"Next": "ThirdStepFunction"
"ThirdStepFunction" : {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "<arn to lambda 3>",
"End": true
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Currently I am investigating to use Step Functions so that I can orchestrate the workflow and I had the same question about how to make sure the compute resources are available in this case the Lambda Function and if they are throttled then the Step Function could retry.

Based on the recommendation on this page under the section "Configuring a queue for use with Lambda" it mentions to make the visibility time out to be at least 6 times the timeout that's configured for the Lambda Function.

Based on that as I understand it could be followed for the Step Function also when configuring the Retry. So as per this page in the section "Retrying after an Error" the "IntervalSeconds" could be similar to the 6 time value of the lambda timeout or if you think not to start with 6 times, but with less time, then the retry also allows to define the "BackoffRate"

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Like everyone here knows by now; no they don't.
Step functions allow you to configure a retry scheme with incrementing backoff, triggered by lambda throttling.

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