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Last active April 10, 2018 04:49
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* lagRadar
* Licence: ISC copyright: @mobz 2018
window.lagRadar = function lagRadar( config = {} ) {
const {
frames = 50, // number of frames to draw, more = worse performance
speed = 0.0017, // how fast the sweep moves (rads per ms)
size = 300, // outer frame px
inset = 3, // circle inset px
parent = document.body, // DOM node to attach to
} = config;
const svgns = '';
const styles = document.createTextNode(`
.lagRadar-sweep > * {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.lagRadar-face {
fill: transparent;
.lagRadar-hand {
stroke-width: 4px;
stroke-linecap: round;
function $svg(tag, props = {}, children = []) {
const el = document.createElementNS(svgns, tag);
Object.keys(props).forEach( prop => el.setAttribute( prop, props[prop] ) );
children.forEach( child => el.appendChild( child ) );
return el;
const PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
const middle = size / 2;
const radius = middle - inset;
const $hand = $svg('path', { class: 'lagRadar-hand' });
const $arcs = (new Array(frames)).fill('path').map(t => $svg(t));
const $root = $svg('svg', { class: 'lagRadar', height: size, width: size }, [
$svg('style', { type: 'text/css' }, [ styles ]),
$svg('g', { class: 'lagRadar-sweep' }, $arcs),
$svg('circle', { class: 'lagRadar-face', cx: middle, cy: middle, r: radius })
let frame;
let framePtr = 0;
let last = {
rotation: 0,
tx: middle + radius,
ty: middle,
const calcHue = (() => {
const max_hue = 120;
const max_ms = 1000;
const log_f = 10;
const mult = max_hue / Math.log(max_ms / log_f);
return function(ms_delta) {
return max_hue - Math.max(0, Math.min(mult * Math.log(ms_delta / log_f), max_hue ) );
function animate() {
const now =;
const rdelta = Math.min(PI2 - speed, speed * (now -;
const rotation = (last.rotation + rdelta) % PI2;
const tx = middle + radius * Math.cos(rotation);
const ty = middle + radius * Math.sin(rotation);
const bigArc = rdelta < Math.PI ? '0' : '1';
const path = `M${tx} ${ty}A${radius} ${radius} 0 ${bigArc} 0 ${last.tx} ${last.ty}L${middle} ${middle}`;
const hue = calcHue(rdelta/speed);
$arcs[framePtr % frames].setAttribute('d', path);
$arcs[framePtr % frames].setAttribute('fill', `hsl(${hue}, 80%, 40%)`);
$hand.setAttribute('d', `M${middle} ${middle}L${tx} ${ty}`);
$hand.setAttribute('stroke', `hsl(${hue}, 80%, 60%)`);
for (let i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
$arcs[(frames + framePtr - i) % frames].style.fillOpacity = 1 - (i/frames);
last = { now, rotation, tx, ty };
frame = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
return function destroy() {
if(frame) {
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