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Created December 14, 2021 02:07
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R | ECharts | boxplot + scatter overlay with vertical layout
#' inspired by
#' advantage over ggplot is interactivity - zoom brush and tooltips
#' horizontal layout code at
pumpkins_raw <- readr::read_csv("")
pumpkins <-
pumpkins_raw |>
separate(id, into = c("year", "type")) |>
mutate(across(c(year, weight_lbs), parse_number)) |>
filter(type == "P") |>
select(country, weight_lbs, year) |>
mutate(country= fct_lump(country, n = 10))
# set columns to: country, 2013, 2014, etc. (country by years)
tmp <- tidyr::pivot_wider(pumpkins, names_from= year, values_from= weight_lbs )
# merge each country's data into one list
rng <- lapply(tmp$country, function(x) unname(unlist(tmp[tmp$country==x, c(-1)])) )
asc.ord <- order(unlist(lapply(rng, median))) # sort order
rnames <- as.character(tmp$country[asc.ord])
tt <- rng[asc.ord]
yax <- paste(rnames, collapse="','") # for axis labels
yax <- paste0("function (params) { return ['",yax,"'][params.value]; }")
p <- ec.init() |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom') |> ec.snip()
p$title <- list(
list(text="Giant Pumpkins", subtext=paste(nrow(pumpkins),'records for 2013-2021'))
p$yAxis <- list(name='weigth (lbs)', min=0,
nameLocation='center', nameGap=38)
p$xAxis <- list(
list(type= 'category', axisLabel= list(rotate=45)),
list(type= 'value', max=11, show=FALSE))
p$dataset <- list(
list(source= tt),
list(transform= list(type='boxplot',
config=list(itemNameFormatter= htmlwidgets::JS(yax))
list(fromDatasetIndex= 1, fromTransformResult= 1)
p$series <- list( # use ECharts built-in boxplot
list(name= 'boxplot', type= 'boxplot', datasetIndex= 1
,color='LightGrey', itemStyle= list(color='DimGray'),
boxWidth=c(13,50) )
i <- 0.5
sers <- lapply(p$dataset[[1]]$source, function(xx) {
yy <- jitter(rep(i, length(xx)), amount=0.2)
xx <- jitter(xx, amount=0.2)
i <<- i + 1
data <- list()
for(j in 1:length(xx)) data <- append(data, list(list(yy[j], xx[j])))
list(name='data', type= 'scatter', data=data, xAxisIndex=1,
symbolSize=3, itemStyle=list(opacity=0.3), color=heat.colors(11)[i-0.5],
emphasis= list(itemStyle= list(color= 'chartreuse', borderWidth=4, opacity=1)) )
p$series <- append(p$series, sers)
p$legend <- list(show=TRUE)
p$tooltip <- list(show=TRUE,
backgroundColor= 'rgba(30,30,30,0.5)', textStyle= list(color='#eee')
,formatter=htmlwidgets::JS("function(c) { return (c.value[1].toFixed()+' lbs');}"))
p$toolbox <- list(left='right', feature=list(dataZoom=list(show=TRUE)))
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helgasoft commented Dec 14, 2021

The original horizontal layout is rewritten here as vertical. Also an answer to @varunrd.


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