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Last active July 17, 2024 20:33
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#' This gist is for echarty announcements and notes
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data.frame(x =, 5, 1),
y =, 10, 2)) |>
series.param= list(
type='line', symbolSize= 10,
lineStyle = list(opacity= 0.7),
itemStyle = list(opacity= 1),
areaStyle= list(color= 'red', opacity= 0.5))
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helgasoft commented Feb 6, 2024

echarty is on WebR - see the Coder.
Live R-code execution inside a single web page. No Rmd. No server. No installation. Wow!
Thanks to: @seanbirchall for the idea and @timelyportfolio for the solution 💐👑

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@antoine4ucsd, having two charts in Shiny is easy, click pie sector - get bar.

library(echarty); library(dplyr); library(shiny)
df <-  data.frame(
  tx_o2.factor = c("yes", "no", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes"),
  value = c(5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1)
) |> summarise(n = n(), .by = tx_o2.factor) |>
          N = sum(n),
          pct = round(n / N, 2),
          lab_pct = str_c(round(pct * 100), "%"),
          lab_n = str_c(n, " / ", N)

ui <- fluidPage( ecs.output("chart"), ecs.output("chart2") )
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$chart <- ecs.render({
    df |> ec.init(
      tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('name')),
      series.param= list(type='pie', radius= c("40%", "70%"), encode=list(value='pct'),
                         label= list(show=T, formatter=ec.clmn('%@ %@','tx_o2.factor','lab_pct')) )
  observeEvent(input$chart_click, {
    output$chart2 <- ecs.render({ 
      ll <- as.list(input$chart_click); ymax <- ll$data[[3]];
      df |> filter(tx_o2.factor==ll$data[[1]]) |> 
      ec.init( title=list(text= ll$data[[1]]), color= c('gold'), yAxis= list(type='value', max= ymax),
               series.param= list(type='bar', encode= list(x=1, y=2)) )
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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Wahoo! I am impressed. that is exactly what I was looking for, thank you both for your support
Very much appreciated!

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I am also done with my final code thanks to your advice
my main chart looks like that


but one a small screen, it would be more convenient to have the labels inside the pie to view the entire labels

current code

reactive_data() |> ec.init(
                        tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('name')),
                        series.param= list(type='pie', #radius= c("40%", "70%"),
                                           label= list(show=T, formatter=ec.clmn('%@ %@','group','lab_pct')) )
                )|> ec.theme('dark')

thank you again. your support saved me a lot of time!

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There is API setting pie.label.position and default value is 'outside'. So just add position='inside' in label.

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perfect. thank you!

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may I ask one more question...
creating a lollipop chart,

                dplyr::mutate( N=sum(n),
                              pct = round(n / N,2),
                              lab_pct = str_c(round(pct * 100), "%"),
                              lab_n = str_c(n, " / ", N))|>
                dplyr::mutate(name=factor(name,levels=c("Mild","Moderate","Severe","Critical")))|> # reordering?
                        ,grid= list(containLabel=TRUE)
                        ,xAxis= list(name=' ', 
                                     axisLabel= list(rotate= 66), scale=TRUE,
                                     axisTick= list(alignWithLabel= TRUE))
                        ,yAxis= list(name='count', nameLocation='center', nameRotate=90, nameGap=20)
                ) |> 
                        scat <- list()
                        series <- lapply(series, function(bar) { 
                                ss <- bar      # set matching scatter serie
                                ss <- within(ss, {
                                        type <- 'scatter'
                                        encode <- list(x='name', y='n')
                                        label <- list(show=TRUE, formatter= '{@n}')
                                        symbolSize <- 25
                                        itemStyle <- list(opacity= 1, borderWidth=2, borderColor= 'cornsilk')
                                scat <<- append(scat, list(ss))
                                bar$barWidth <- 3
                                bar$barGap <- '-100%'    # center it
                                bar })
                        series <- append(series, scat)
                }) %>% ec.theme('inspired') 

it works just fine apart from the fact that the order of the data in the x axis does not match my factor
can't find how to properly reorder...sorry about that.

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@antoine4ucsd, please open an issue in echarty with a working code example

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sure. thank you

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dplyr::arrange is typically used for reordering

df <-  data.frame(
  name = c("yes", "no", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes",'dn','dn','dn','dn'),
  value = c(5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 8,4,2,1)
) |> dplyr::summarise(n= dplyr::n(), .by= name) |>
          N = sum(n),
          pct = round(n / N, 2),
          lab_pct = str_c(round(pct * 100), "%"),
          lab_n = str_c(n, " / ", N)

df |> 
  dplyr::select(name,n) |> dplyr::arrange(n,name) |>   # reordering
          ,grid= list(containLabel=TRUE)
          ,xAxis= list(name=' ', 
                       axisLabel= list(rotate= 66), scale=TRUE,
                       axisTick= list(alignWithLabel= TRUE))
          ,yAxis= list(name='count', nameLocation='center', nameRotate=90, nameGap=20)
          ,barWidth= 3, barGap= '-100%'
  ) |> 
    scat <- lapply(series, function(bar) { 
      within(bar, { # set matching scatter serie
        type <- 'scatter'
        encode <- list(x='name', y='n')
        label <- list(show=TRUE, formatter= '{@n}')
        symbolSize <- 25
        itemStyle <- list(opacity= 1, borderWidth=2, borderColor= 'cornsilk')
    series <- append(series, scat)
})  # |> ec.theme('inspired') 

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Yes, my bad. it works fine now. thank you

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