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Last active February 16, 2017 12:09
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// 2.1
def fib(n: Int): Int = {
def go(a: Int, b: Int, n: Int): Int =
if (n > 0) go(b, a+b, n-1) else a
go(0, 1, n)
// 2.2
def isSorted[A](as: Array[A], ordered: (A,A) => Boolean): Boolean = {
def loop(n: Int): Boolean = {
if (n >= as.length-1) true
else if (!ordered(as(n), as(n + 1))) false
else loop(n + 1)
// 2.3
def curry[A,B,C](f: (A,B) => C): A => (B => C) =
(a: A) => (b: B) => f(a,b)
// 2.4
def uncurry[A,B,C](f: A => B => C): (A, B) => C =
(a: A, b: B) => f(a)(b)
// 2.5
def compose[A,B,C](f: B => C, g: A => B): A => C =
a => f(g(a))
sealed trait List[+A]
case object Nil extends List[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A]
object List {
def sum(ints: List[Int]): Int = ints match {
case Nil => 0
case Cons(x, xs) => x + sum(xs)
def product(ds: List[Double]): Double = ds match {
case Nil => 1.0
case Cons(0.0, _) => 0.0
case Cons(x,xs) => x * product(xs)
def apply[A](as: A*): List[A] =
if (as.isEmpty) Nil
else Cons(as.head, apply(as.tail: _*))
// 3.1
val x = List(1,2,3,4,5) match {
case Cons(x, Cons(2, Cons(4, _))) => x
case Nil => 42
case Cons(x, Cons(y, Cons(3, Cons(4, _)))) => x + y
case Cons(h, t) => h + List.sum(t)
case _ => 101
// 3.2
def tail[A](as: List[A]): List[A] = as match {
case Cons(_, t) => t
case Nil => Nil
// 3.3
def setHead[A](a: A, as: List[A]): List[A] = as match {
case Cons(_, t) => Cons(a, t)
case Nil => Nil
// 3.4
def drop[A](l: List[A], n: Int): List[A] = l match {
case Cons(_, t) if n > 0 => drop(t, n - 1)
case x => x
// 3.5
def dropWhile[A](l: List[A], f: A => Boolean): List[A] = l match {
case Cons(x, t) if f(x) => dropWhile(t, f)
case Cons(x, t) if !f(x) => Cons(x, t)
case x => x
// 3.6
def init[A](l: List[A]): List[A] = {
def build(from: List[A]): List[A] = from match {
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(_, Nil) => Nil
case Cons(h, t) => Cons(h, build(t))
def foldRight[A,B](as: List[A], z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => f(x, foldRight(xs, z)(f))
def sum2(ns: List[Int]) =
foldRight(ns, 0)((x,y) => x + y)
def product2(ns: List[Double]) =
foldRight(ns, 1.0)(_ * _)
// 3.7
// Not unless you use an extra effect over List specifying whether to continue folding
// 3.8
foldRight(List(1,2,3), Nil:List[Int])(Cons(_,_))
// 3.9
def length[A](as: List[A]): Int =
foldRight(as, 0)((_, acc) => acc + 1)
// 3.10
def foldLeft[A,B](as: List[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft(xs, f(z, x))(f)
// 3.11
def sum3(ns: List[Int]) =
foldLeft(ns, 0)(_+_)
def product3(ns: List[Double]) =
foldLeft(ns, 1.0)(_*_)
def length3[A](as: List[A]): Int =
foldLeft(as, 0)((acc, _) => acc + 1)
// 3.12
def reverse[A](as: List[A]): List[A] =
foldLeft(as, Nil:List[A])((acc,x) => Cons(x, acc))
// 3.13
def foldRightViaFoldLeft[A,B](as: List[A], z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
foldLeft(reverse(as), z)((acc, x) => f(x, acc))
// 3.14
def appendViaFoldRight[A](a1: List[A], a2: List[A]): List[A] =
foldRight(a1, a2)((x, acc) => Cons(x, acc))
def appendViaFoldLeft[A](a1: List[A], a2: List[A]): List[A] =
foldLeft(reverse(a1), a2)((acc, x) => Cons(x, acc))
// 3.15
def concat[A](ass: List[List[A]]): List[A] =
foldRight(ass, Nil:List[A])(appendViaFoldRight)
// 3.16
def add1(ints: List[Int]): List[Int] =
foldRight(ints, Nil:List[Int])((x, acc) => Cons(x+1, acc))
// 3.17
def toString(doubles: List[Double]): List[String] =
foldRight(doubles, Nil:List[String])((x, acc) => Cons(x.toString, acc))
// 3.18
def map[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] =
foldRight(as, Nil:List[B])((x, acc) => Cons(f(x), acc))
// 3.19
def filter[A](as: List[A])(f: A => Boolean): List[A] =
foldRight(as, Nil:List[A])((x, acc) => if (f(x)) Cons(x, acc) else acc)
filter(List(1,2,3,4,5))(x => x % 2 == 0)
// 3.20
def flatMap[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => List[B]): List[B] =
flatMap(List(1,2,3))(i => List(i,i))
// 3.21
def filterViaFlatMap[A](as: List[A])(f: A => Boolean): List[A] =
flatMap(as)(x => if (f(x)) List(x) else Nil)
// 3.22
def addWith(a1: List[Int], a2: List[Int]): List[Int] = (a1, a2) match {
case (Nil, _) => Nil
case (_, Nil) => Nil
case (Cons(h1, t1), Cons(h2, t2)) => Cons(h1 + h2, addWith(t1, t2))
// 3.23
def zipWith[A,B,C](a1: List[A], a2: List[B])(f: (A,B) => C): List[C] = (a1, a2) match {
case (Nil, _) => Nil
case (_, Nil) => Nil
case (Cons(h1, t1), Cons(h2, t2)) => Cons(f(h1,h2), zipWith(t1, t2)(f))
// 3.24
def hasSubsequence[A](sup: List[A], sub: List[A]): Boolean = {
def running[A](sup1: List[A], sub1: List[A], started: Boolean): Boolean = (sup1, sub1) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => true
case (_, Nil) => true
case (Nil, _) => false
case (Cons(h1,t1), Cons(h2,t2)) =>
if (started && h1 != h2)
else if (!started && h1 != h2)
running(t1, sub, false)
running(t1, t2, true)
running(sup, sub, false)
sealed trait Tree[+A]
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
// 3.25
def size[A](t: Tree[A]): Int = t match {
case Leaf(_) => 1
case Branch(l, r) => size(l) + size(r)
// 3.26
def maximum(t: Tree[Int]): Int = t match {
case Leaf(x) => x
case Branch(l, r) => maximum(l) max maximum(r)
// 3.26
def depth[A](t: Tree[A]): Int = t match {
case Leaf(_) => 0
case Branch(l,r) => 1 + (depth(l) max depth(r))
// 3.27
def map[A, B](t: Tree[A])(f: A => B): Tree[B] = t match {
case Leaf(x) => Leaf(f(x))
case Branch(l, r) => Branch(map(l)(f), map(r)(f))
// 3.28
def fold[A, B](t: Tree[A])(f: A => B)(g: (B,B) => B): B = t match {
case Leaf(x) => f(x)
case Branch(l, r) => g(fold(l)(f)(g), fold(r)(f)(g))
def sizeViaFold[A](t: Tree[A]): Int =
fold(t)(x => 1)(1 + _ + _)
def maximumViaFold[A](t: Tree[Int]): Int =
fold(t)(x => x)(_ max _)
def depthViaFold[A](t: Tree[A]): Int =
fold(t)(x => 0)((y, z) => 1 + (y max z))
def mapViaFold[A, B](t: Tree[A])(f: A => B): Tree[B] =
fold(t)(x => Leaf(f(x)): Tree[B])(Branch(_,_))
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