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Forked from robot3498712/
Created June 20, 2022 08:00
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#! python2
uTorrent resume.dat => qbittorrent
Author: robot
Largely based on resumedata_2015.rb, see for discussion.
Zero error tolerance is assumed. As well see error.log for warnings.
Feel free to change defaults in def mkfr().
Trial mode (read-only)
Easy mode (continue on fatal errors)
See debug option - match mode - to apply arbitrary filters.
* Review complete file relocation
* Correct status / summary
* Piece priorities / no recheck required
import os, sys, time, logging, argparse, traceback, re
import bencode, codecs, binascii, hashlib
from shutil import copyfile
app = "uTorrent resume.dat => qbittorrent : v.0.1.0"
scriptPath = None
inPath = None
outPath = None
resumeDAT = None
logger = None
M_debug = False # trial mode
M_easy = False # easy mode
M_match = None # match caption
class BEncodeError(Exception):
def printl(txt, alt=None):
''' print and log to file '''
if isinstance(txt, str): txt = unicode(txt, 'utf-8')
if alt is None: alt = 'Error - failed to print error details'
def getScriptPath():
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
def initprompt():
print("Copy and all *.torrent files from typically %appdata%/uTorrent to ./in folder")
print("qbt exports will be output to ./out folder")
print("Press return to continue or ctrl+c to exit")
response = raw_input("> ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def continueprompt():
print("Press return to continue or ctrl+c to exit")
response = raw_input("> ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def priogen(s):
per-file priority generator
@param s : hexlified priority string
while True:
a = s[0]
b = s[1]
s = s[2:]
except IndexError:
yield int("%s%s" % (a,b), 16)
def mkfr(res, tor, inf):
make fastresume
@param res : resume data object
@param tor : torrent data object
@param inf : info hash string
fr = {
'active_time' : 0 , # runtime
'added_time' : 0 , # added_on
'allocation' : 'full' ,
'announce_to_dht' : 0 ,
'announce_to_lsd' : 0 ,
'announce_to_trackers' : 1 ,
'auto_managed' : 1 ,
'banned_peers' : '' ,
'banned_peers6' : '' ,
'blocks per piece' : 0 , # ("piece length" from .torrent) / ("block size" resume.dat) - range [1,256]
'completed_time' : 0 , # completed_on
'download_rate_limit' : 0 ,
'file sizes' : [
0 , # File 1, size in bytes
0 # File 1, modified date (timestamp) or (modtimes array in resume)
0 , # File 2, size in bytes
0 # File 2, mtime (ts)
0 ,
] ,
'file-format' : 'libtorrent resume file' , # req
'file-version' : 1 , # req
'file_priority' : [ # prio bitfield
2 , # File 1, High
0 , # File 2, Do not download
1 # File 3, Normal
] ,
'finished_time' : 0 ,
'info-hash' : '', # rb: Digest::SHA1.digest('infohashbinarydata') , # tdb['info'].bencode
'last_download' : 0 ,
'last_scrape' : 0 ,
'last_seen_complete' : 0 ,
'last_upload' : 0 ,
'libtorrent-version' : '' ,
'mapped_files' : [
'relative\path\to\file1.ext' , # File 1
'r\p\t\file2.ext' , # File 2
'file3.ext' # File 3
] ,
'max_connections' : 100 ,
'max_uploads' : 16777215 ,
'num_downloaders' : 16777215 ,
'num_incomplete' : 0 ,
'num_seeds' : 0 ,
'paused' : 0 , # 'started' - 0 = stopped, 1 = force , 2 = start
'peers' : '' ,
'peers6' : '' ,
'piece_priority' : '' , # "\x01"*1399 , # * num pieces?
'pieces' : '' , # "\x01"*1399 , # * num pieces?
'seed_mode' : 0 ,
'seeding_time' : 0 ,
'sequential_download' : 0 ,
'super_seeding' : 0 ,
'total_downloaded' : 0 , # downloaded field
'total_uploaded' : 0 , # uploaded field
'upload_rate_limit' : 0 , # upspeed
'trackers' : []
npieces = len(tor['info']['pieces']) / 20 # SHA1 hash is 20 bytes
fr['added_time'] = int(res['added_on'])
fr['completed_time'] = int(res['completed_on'])
fr['active_time'] = int(res['runtime'])
fr['seeding_time'] = fr['active_time']
fr['blocks per piece'] = int(tor['info']['piece length']) / int(res['blocksize'])
fr['info-hash'] = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(tor['info'])).digest()
fr['paused'] = 1 # Always add torrents in paused state
fr['auto_managed'] = 0
fr['total_downloaded'] = int(res['downloaded'])
fr['total_uploaded'] = int(res['uploaded'])
fr['upload_rate_limit'] = int(res['upspeed'])
for obj in res['trackers']:
if isinstance(obj, list): fr['trackers'].append(obj)
else: fr['trackers'].append([obj])
# KISS: recheck required
fr['piece_priority'] = npieces * "\x01"
fr['pieces'] = npieces * "\x00"
fr['finished_time'] = int(round(time.time())) - fr['completed_time'] # ?!
if (fr['finished_time'] > 0):
fr['last_seen_complete'] = int(round(time.time()))
fr['last_download'] = fr['finished_time']
fr['last_scrape'] = fr['finished_time']
fr['last_upload'] = fr['finished_time']
# Per file fields:
# mapped_files
# file_priority
# file sizes
fr['file_priority'] = []
for prio in priogen(binascii.hexlify(res['prio'])): # (str)0808.. => (int)8 (int)8 ..
if prio in range(1,9): fr['file_priority'].append(1)
elif prio in range(9,16): fr['file_priority'].append(2)
else: fr['file_priority'].append(0)
fr['mapped_files'] = []
fr['file sizes'] = []
fmt = 0 # file time to avoid checking / not present in ut2.2
fmtSupported = True if ('modtimes' in res and len(res['modtimes'])) else False
if 'files' in tor['info'] and len(tor['info']['files']) >= 1: # multiple files or single file in folder
uSavePath = unicode(res['path'], "utf-8", errors="ignore")
uSavePath = os.path.join(uSavePath, u"") # ... and append os.sep
fr['save_path'] = os.path.join(res['path'], "") # ASCII-8BIT
fr['qBt-savePath'] = fr['save_path']
if not os.path.isdir(uSavePath):
# something is wrong or torrent has never been started
printl("warning - save_path does not exist\n\t%s" % (res['path'],), "warning - save_path does not exist\n\t%s" % (inf,))
touched = False
touched = True
# iterate files
ix = -1
for f in tor['info']['files']:
ix += 1
fmt = int(res['modtimes'][ix]) if (fmtSupported) else 0
uFPath = unicode(os.path.join(*f['path']), "utf-8", errors="ignore")
fr['mapped_files'].append(os.path.join(*f['path'])) # ASCII-8BIT
if touched:
uPath = os.path.join(uSavePath, uFPath)
if fmt == 0 and os.path.isfile(uPath): fmt = int(os.path.getmtime(uPath))
if (fr['file_priority'][ix] != 0):
fr['file sizes'].append([int(f['length']), fmt])
fr['file sizes'].append([0, 0])
# END multiple files
else: # single file (not in folder)
# qbt wants the parent dir as savePath, then we map the single file to it
uSavePath = unicode(res['path'], "utf-8", errors="ignore") # file path
fr['qBt-savePath'] = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(res['path'], os.pardir)), "") # ASCII-8BIT
fr['mapped_files'].append(os.path.basename(res['path'])) # ASCII-8BIT
if not os.path.isfile(uSavePath):
# something is wrong or torrent has never been started
printl("warning - save_path does not exist\n\t%s" % (res['path'],), "warning - save_path does not exist\n\t%s" % (inf,))
touched = False
touched = True
fmt = int(res['modtimes'][0]) if (fmtSupported) else 0
if touched and fmt == 0: fmt = int(os.path.getmtime(uSavePath))
if (fr['file_priority'][0] != 0):
if not 'length' in tor['info']:
fr['file sizes'].append([int(tor['info']['files'][0]['length']), fmt])
fr['file sizes'].append([int(tor['info']['length']), fmt])
fr['file sizes'].append([0, 0])
# END single file
# qBittorrent 3.1+ Fields
fr['qBt-queuePosition'] = -1 # -1 for completed
fr['qBt-seedDate'] = fr['completed_time']
fr['qBt-ratioLimit'] = '-2' # -2 = Use Global, -1 = No limit, other number = actual ratio?
if 'label' in res and len(res['label']):
fr['qBt-label'] = res['label']
# additions
if 'caption' in res and len(res['caption']):
fr['qBt-name'] = res['caption']
return fr
# END mkfr()
def argHandler(args):
global M_debug, M_easy, M_match
if args['test']:
print('********* TRIAL MODE *********')
M_debug = True
if args['easy']:
print('********* EASY MODE *********')
M_easy = True
if args['match']:
print('********* MATCH MODE *********')
M_match = args['match']
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=app)
parser.add_argument('-t','--test', help='Debug: Trial mode, read-only', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-m','--match', help='Debug: Match caption', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-e','--easy', help='Easy mode, continue on fatal error', required=False, action='store_true')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
scriptPath = getScriptPath()
errorLogFile = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'ut2qbt-error.log')
# clean up
if os.path.isfile(errorLogFile): os.remove(errorLogFile)
# setup logger
with open(errorLogFile, 'w') as f: # don't ask
global logger
handler = logging.FileHandler(errorLogFile, "a", encoding = "utf-8")
formatter = logging.Formatter(u'%(asctime)s %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# check paths, assign globals
inPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'in')
outPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'out')
resumeDAT = os.path.join(inPath, 'resume.dat')
if not os.path.isdir(inPath):
printl("directory error: %s" % (inPath,))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
if not os.path.isdir(outPath):
printl("directory error: %s" % (outPath,))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
if not os.path.isfile(resumeDAT):
printl("resume.dat error: %s" % (resumeDAT,))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
# load resume.dat, sanity checks
print "Parsing dat file..."
with open(resumeDAT, 'rb') as f:
data =
ecnt = 0
infoHashes = []
torrents = {}
data = bencode.bdecode(data)
for item in data:
if item == ".fileguard": continue
if "info" in data[item]:
inf = binascii.hexlify(data[item]['info'])
if not 'caption' in data[item]: raise BEncodeError
if not 'added_on' in data[item]: raise BEncodeError
if not 'completed_on' in data[item]: raise BEncodeError
except BEncodeError:
ecnt += 1
except: # already hex?
x = data[item]['info']
if (M_match is not None):
m =""+str(M_match)+"", data[item]['caption'], re.I|re.M)
if not m: continue
data[item]['__torrentfile'] = item # cleaner
torrents[inf.lower()] = data[item]
printl("error\r\n\t%s\r\n\t%s" % (data[item], item))
ecnt += 1
print("torrents: %s" % (str(len(infoHashes)),))
if ecnt:
printl("errors: %s" % (str(ecnt),))
print("Processing, please wait...")
infoHashesOK = []
# load .torrent files
for inf in torrents:
# out paths
utoPath = unicode(os.path.join(outPath, "%s.torrent" % (inf,)), "utf-8", errors="ignore")
uroPath = unicode(os.path.join(outPath, "%s.resume" % (inf,)), "utf-8", errors="ignore")
# .torrent or .fastresume exists => already processed
if os.path.isfile(utoPath) or os.path.isfile(uroPath): continue
tPath = os.path.join(inPath, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile'])
utPath = unicode(tPath, "utf-8", errors="ignore")
if not os.path.isfile(utPath):
printl("error loading item: %s\n\t%s" % (inf, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile']))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
with open(utPath, 'rb') as f:
tdata =
tdata = bencode.bdecode(tdata)
except Exception as e:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
printl("error decoding item: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (inf, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile'], e, traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
else: del exc_info
frfile = mkfr(torrents[inf], tdata, inf)
except Exception as e:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
printl("error making fastresume: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (inf, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile'], e, traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
else: del exc_info
if M_debug: continue
# copy torrent
copyfile(utPath, utoPath)
printl("copy torrent failed: %s\n\t%s" % (inf, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile']))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
# write fr
ufrPath = unicode(os.path.join(outPath, "%s.fastresume" % (inf,)), "utf-8", errors="ignore")
with open(ufrPath, 'wb') as f:
printl("write fastresume failed: %s\n\t%s" % (inf, torrents[inf]['__torrentfile']))
if not M_easy: sys.exit(1)
if (str(len(infoHashesOK)) < str(len(infoHashes))):
logger.error("\n\nFailed to process summary:")
for inf in infoHashes:
if not inf in infoHashesOK: logger.error(inf)
print("%s of %s torrents processed" % (str(len(infoHashesOK)), str(len(infoHashes))))
# END main()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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