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Created January 7, 2013 15:39
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# This is an example of how to parse ooniprobe reports
import yaml
import sys
import os
import shutil
from glob import glob
from tempfile import mkstemp
import pygeoip
asnum = pygeoip.GeoIP('/Users/x/code/networking/bgp/bgpfoo/data/GeoIPASNum.dat')
ipd = pygeoip.GeoIP('/Users/x/code/networking/bgp/bgpfoo/data/GeoIP.dat')
ip_address = ''
def rewrite_header(report_filename):
with open(report_filename) as f:
yamloo = yaml.load_all(f)
header =
def fill_in_missing_data():
subargs = []
if 'subargs' in header:
for x in header['subargs']:
if x.startswith('/'):
x = hashlib.sha256(x).hexdigest()[:10] + '.lst'
header['subargs'] = subargs
header['probe_ip'] = ip_address
header['probe_asn'] = asnum.org_by_addr(ip_address).split(' ')[0]
header['probe_cc'] = ipd.country_code_by_addr(ip_address)
return header
header = fill_in_missing_data()
tmp_fd, tmp_file_path = mkstemp()
tmp_f = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+')
for entry in yamloo:
d = yaml.dump(entry)
shutil.move(tmp_file_path, report_filename)
for report_filename in glob("*.yamloo"):
print "Opening %s" % report_filename
# f = open(sys.argv[1])
# yamloo = yaml.safe_load_all(f)
# report_header =
# print "ASN: %s" % report_header['probe_asn']
# print "CC: %s" % report_header['probe_cc']
# print "IP: %s" % report_header['probe_ip']
# print "Start Time: %s" % report_header['start_time']
# print "Test name: %s" % report_header['test_name']
# print "Test version: %s" % report_header['test_version']
# for report_entry in yamloo:
# print "Test: %s" % report_entry['test_name']
# print "Input: %s" % report_entry['input']
# print "Report: %s" % report_entry['report']
# f.close()
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