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(ooni)~ooni - [evilmerge●] » ./bin/ooniprobe nettests/blocking/ -u
INFO:ooniprobe:Log opened.
INFO:ooniprobe:No test deck detected
DEBUG:ooniprobe:processing options
DEBUG:ooniprobe:Running [(<class 'http_body_length.HTTPBodyLength'>, 'test_get')]
DEBUG:ooniprobe:Options {'inputs': [None], 'version': '0.1', 'name': 'HTTP Body length test'}
DEBUG:ooniprobe:cmd_line_options {'pcapfile': None, 'help': 0, 'subargs': ('-u', ''), 'resume': 0, 'test': 'nettests/blocking/', 'logfile': None, 'collector': None, 'reportfile': None}
DEBUG:ooniprobe:Creating report_http_body_length_29_November_2012_10-09-28.yamloo
DEBUG:ooniprobe:Writing report with YAML reporter
INFO:ooniprobe:Reporting to file report_http_body_length_29_November_2012_10-09-28.yamloo
# This is the configuration file for OONIProbe
# This file follows the YAML markup format:
# Keep in mind that indentation matters.
# Where OONIProbe should be writing it's log file
logfile: ooniprobe.log
# Should we include the IP address of the probe in the report?
includeip: false
import parsley
does_not_work = """foo = :x ?(x == '\x00') -> x"""
works = """foo = :x ?(x == '\x01') -> x"""
parsley.makeGrammar(does_not_work, {})
except TypeError, e:
print e
import parsley
does_not_work = """foo = :x ?(x == '\x00') -> x"""
works = """foo = :x ?(x == '\x01') -> x"""
parsley.makeGrammar(does_not_work, {})
except TypeError, e:
print e
def f(foo):
return foo
example = """
foo = f('spam')
g = parsley.makeGrammar(example, {})
import parsley
works = """
bar = token('\x01') -> 'spam'
| token('\x02') -> 'eggs'
not_works = """
bar = token('\x00') -> 'foo'
| token('\x01') -> 'spam'
import parsley
grammar = """
byte = anything:b
-> ord(b)
data = byte:len <byte{len}>
x = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {})
print x("\x09ninechars").data()
from twisted.internet import defer
from unittest import TestCase
from globaleaks.models.base import TXModel
class DummyModel(TXModel):
some_attribute = 'fooo'
other_attribute = 'bar'
def get_something_else(self):
return {'antanisblinda': 12345}
# This is an example of how to parse ooniprobe reports
import yaml
import sys
import os
import shutil
from glob import glob
from tempfile import mkstemp
import pygeoip
import itertools
class BaseTask(object):
def __init__(self):
self.running = False
self.failures = 0
def _failed(self, failure):
self.failures += 1