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Last active February 12, 2016 19:37
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Processing sketch, adapted from another sketch
Original sketch
I've taken this sketch and changed it to add colour for
moving particles, changed particle behaviour to spark more, and moved their positions
to form a more 3 dimensional figure.
changed lines wrapped in "//--------changed"
ArrayList particles = new ArrayList(); // create a new array to house particles
float am = 360; //indicates how far around the circle to create particles
void setup() {// setup
size(640, 640); // size of project
noStroke(); //disables outlines
for(int i = 0; i < am; i+=10){// for loop that starts at 0 and increases in increments of 10 while it's smaller than am (defined above)
// creating and adding particles into arrays with particles.add
//Particles objects take parameters of (vector based on location to start(using "radians(i)), sin(radians(i)" to space them out into a circle, vector limit, delay)
particles.add(new Particle(new PVector(cos(10), sin(radians(i))), new PVector(cos(radians(i))*50, sin(radians(i))*10), i));
particles.add(new Particle(new PVector(cos(radians(i)*99), sin(radians(i)*99)), new PVector(cos(radians(i))*150, sin(radians(i))*15), i));
void draw() { //void draw which is like void loop from arduino
background(15); //background set to blackish
translate(width/2, height/2); //make origin the center of project
for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) { //for loop that increases from 0 in increments of 1 while its smaller than the particle size (which is the amount of particles on display)
Particle p = (Particle) particles.get(i); //use the get method to select two particles at a time
p.draw(); //draw the particles, layered in twos
p.move(); //call function that controls movement
p.boundary(); //call function that limits how far particles move out before returning to their original spots
class Particle { //create a new class to control all behavior
// classes allow for the generation of many objects and have their characteristics defined when a new one is created
//setting up Pvectors for location, Velocity, Acceleration, Boundary, StartLocation
PVector loc, vel, acc, limit, startLocation;
float delay; // setup delay as a float (decimals are welcome here)
Particle(PVector l, PVector lim, float d) {// here the parameters of the class are defined
loc = new PVector(l.x, l.y); //Vectors are the distance between two points
limit = lim; // limit = lim...not sure why this needed to be done
vel = new PVector();// this is the set up for some clever vector of vector action below
acc = new PVector(); // PVector's establish a vector between two points
startLocation = loc.get(); //get function to find starting location
delay = d; // setting delay to d
//----Defining the functions called above
void draw(){ //another draw!! crazy, a draw within a draw.
ellipse(loc.x, loc.y, 3, 3); //draws the particles
void move() { //controls the movement of the particles
handleRepel(); // call handleRepel function
vel.add(acc); // make an array of vectors (this is where I get a bit hazy on what's happening)
loc.add(vel); //make a location array with vectors vel
acc.mult(0); //this multiplies the vector
void applyForce(PVector f) {
//----changed a value here
acc.add(PVector.div(f, 0.5));// adds one vector to another to create a limit on the particles bouncing back
void boundary() {
if (compareValue(limit, loc, startLocation)) { //not totally sure what this does
loc = limit.get();//this sets the where the particles sit when they bounce back (without this they just float away)
//----change, added color white when the particles bounce back
vel.mult(-0.6); //multiply vector
} else{
//---- change
fill(255,0,0); // turn particles red if they're bouncing out
void handleRepel() {
if (delay > 0) { //if delay is above 0
delay-=2; //decrease it by two
} else {
delay = am; // delay starting a new round of particle popping by how big the circle is
if (delay < 10) { // not sure about this if and else
PVector f = new PVector(startLocation.x-limit.x, startLocation.y-limit.y);
} else {
PVector f = new PVector(limit.x-startLocation.x, limit.y-startLocation.y);
boolean compareValue(PVector limit, PVector loc, PVector startLocation) {// check if location has gone behind the limit.
boolean turnX = startLocation.x < limit.x; //i believe this all has to do with determening if the particle should go right or changes mean this is less important
if (turnX && loc.x > limit.x)return true;
if (!turnX && loc.x < limit.x)return true;
boolean turnY = startLocation.y < limit.y;
if (turnY && loc.y > limit.y)return true;
if (!turnY && loc.y < limit.y)return true;
return false;
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