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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save hellocatfood/083c13e871623cc9cb18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Emojify an image
# get filename minus extension
file=$(basename "$1")
# pick random emoji for gifs
file1=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
file2=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
file3=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
file4=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
file5=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
file6=$(printf "%s\n" "${emojis[RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]}]}")
# create a temporary gif
convert $file1 $file2 $file3 $file4 $file5 $file6 temp.gif
# emojify an image
convert $1 -colorspace sRGB -scale 10% -scale 1000% temp.gif -virtual-pixel tile -fx 'u[floor(15.999*u.g)+1]' "$filename"_emoji.png
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