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Created April 7, 2016 18:19
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JavaScript Hoisting Example
(function ( document, $, undefined ) {
// Let me show hoisting to you by demonstrating a variable and it's
// initialization with a value
// 1. You get "undefined" here - but NOT an error.
console.log( hoistingVariable );
var hoistingVariable = 'I am initializing it now.';
// Now it outputs the actual assigned variable
console.log( hoistingVariable );
* Now with functions
// Notice that you are calling this BEFORE the function has been declared
// It calls the function. It hoisted it's declaration and knows it's a
// function when you call it here. (notice the code where you declare it is below)
* Ok this one behaves differently because you are assigning it to a variable.
// Notice that if you console.log out the variable, it says "undefined". The
// variable is hoisted, but not the function that is assigned to it.
console.log( doThingB );
// But with this one you will get an error
* Functions
function doThingA() {
// do things here
console.log( 'doThingA' );
var doThingB;
doThingB = function() {
//do other things here
console.log( 'doThingB' );
})( document, jQuery );
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