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Forked from spencerdodd/
Last active December 13, 2022 14:23
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pgp file encryption / decryption with GPG

generate new key-pair

gpg --full-generate-key #If you are not on version 2.1.17 or greater, the gpg --full-generate-key command doesn't work.
gpg --default-new-key-algo rsa4096 --gen-key

list keys

gpg --list-keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long /Users/foxx/.gnupg/secring.gpg

export key

gpg --armor --export 3AA5C34371567BD2 # Prints the GPG key ID, in ASCII armor format

import key

gpg --import private.key
sec   4096R/3AA5C34371567BD2 2016-03-10 [expires: 2017-03-10]<br>
uid                          Hubot <><br>
ssb   4096R/4BB6D45482678BE3 2016-03-10<br>


gpg --recipient --output dwight.jpg.pgp --encrypt dwight.jpg


gpg --output dwight.jpg --decrypt dwight.jpg.gpg

ascii armor

add the `--armor` flag
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