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Created January 20, 2014 05:59
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Session Start: Sat Dec 15 22:42:05 2012
Session Ident: #ctf
03[22:42] * Now talking in #ctf
02[22:49] * YueLiu ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[22:51] * adrian (adrian@ Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
03[23:06] * luke (luke@ has joined #ctf
Session Time: Sun Dec 16 00:00:00 2012
01[00:05] <hellok> 登陆密码是?
02[00:31] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Dec 16 00:31:31 2012
Session Start: Sun Dec 16 10:19:22 2012
Session Ident: #ctf
03[10:19] * Now talking in #ctf
02[10:50] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Dec 16 10:50:42 2012
Session Start: Sun Dec 16 14:47:13 2012
Session Ident: #ctf
03[14:47] * Now talking in #ctf
02[15:09] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Dec 16 15:09:11 2012
Session Start: Thu Dec 27 21:02:56 2012
Session Ident: #ctf
03[21:02] * Now talking in #ctf
02[21:03] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Dec 27 21:03:06 2012
Session Start: Tue Apr 09 17:50:07 2013
Session Ident: #ctf
03[17:50] * Now talking in #ctf
03[17:57] * xelz (nobody@ has joined #ctf
[17:57] <BaCde> hello
[17:57] <xelz> hi :)
03[18:08] * shine (shine@ has joined #ctf
03[18:08] * shine (shine@ has left #ctf
03[18:09] * Sh1n3 (shine@ has joined #ctf
03[18:10] * Sh1n3 (shine@ has left #ctf
03[19:10] * kelwin ( has joined #ctf
[19:11] <kelwin> 赞人多
[19:11] <kelwin> 给力
[19:11] <BaCde> 呵呵
03[19:17] * xelz_ (xelz@ has joined #ctf
03[19:19] * xelz_ (xelz@ has left #ctf
03[19:20] * slipper (slipper@ has joined #ctf
[19:21] <kelwin> 大家能登陆hackthissite么
[19:21] <kelwin> slipper说有问题
[19:21] <BaCde> 我今天下午可以上去
[19:22] <BaCde> 我可以登陆,没问题
[19:24] <kelwin> Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.
[19:24] <slipper> 我每次都是Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.
[19:24] <kelwin> 好像现在问题
[19:25] <kelwin> 谁把他攻破了?说
[19:25] <kelwin> B-)
[19:28] <xelz> everything goes well here.
[19:28] <kelwin> 难道是教育网
[19:28] <BaCde> 我这里正常
[19:29] <xelz> I cannot type chinese in Mango. :(
03[19:39] * wind sets mode: +o kelwin
03[19:39] * wind sets mode: -o wind
[19:39] <@kelwin> what's Mango
[19:39] <@kelwin> linux distrubution?
[19:40] <BaCde> UTF-8 不行吗?
[19:47] <xelz> 测试中文
[19:48] <xelz> OS X IRC client
[19:48] <BaCde> 没问题
[19:48] <xelz> I can paste, only
[19:48] <BaCde> 哦
[19:49] <xelz> when I use a Chinese IME, only the letters were sent to the input area TAT
[19:51] <xelz> What the Fxxk cause my english is quite poor.
03[20:12] * Adrian (Adrian@ has joined #ctf
[20:12] <Adrian> =。=这么多人
[20:15] <xelz> just 8 -.-
[20:16] <xelz> most are bodys.
[20:16] <BaCde> gays
[20:16] <BaCde> ^___^
[20:16] <xelz> Three
[20:16] <xelz> Three alive
[20:25] <Adrian> wow
[20:25] <Adrian> NWMonster is in JP
[21:00] <BaCde> 社工牛妖社NWMonster吗?
[21:01] <[BL]douniwan5788> 有做bin的吗?镜像配置ip后arp能解析但ping不通
02[21:05] * BaCde (BaCde@ Quit (Quit: )
03[21:32] * kelwin_ ( has joined #ctf
02[21:33] * @kelwin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03[21:33] * kelwin_ is now known as kelwin
[21:34] <kelwin> 为什么时间不太对
02[23:06] * slipper (slipper@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03[23:36] * xelz (nobody@ has left #ctf
Session Time: Wed Apr 10 00:00:00 2013
02[00:15] * [BL]douniwan5788 (douniwan57@ Quit (Quit: )
03[06:01] * slipper (slipper@ has joined #ctf
03[08:49] * androider ( has joined #ctf
02[08:52] * androider ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
03[08:52] * androider ( has joined #ctf
02[08:56] * androider ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
03[08:57] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
03[08:57] * androider (androider@ has left #ctf
03[09:05] * [BL]douniwan5788 (douniwan57@ has joined #ctf
03[09:08] * kelwin ( has left #ctf
[09:34] <[BL]douniwan5788> linux下的套路也是jmp esp吗?
03[09:35] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
03[09:43] * douniwan5788 (douniwan@ has joined #ctf
02[09:51] * douniwan5788 (douniwan@ Quit (Quit: 暂离)
03[09:52] * douniwan (douniwan@ has joined #ctf
02[10:01] * [BL]douniwan5788 (douniwan57@ Quit (Quit: )
02[10:02] * douniwan (douniwan@ Quit (Quit: 暂离)
03[10:02] * douniwan (douniwan@ has joined #ctf
02[10:03] * douniwan (douniwan@ Quit (Quit: 暂离)
03[10:03] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
[10:05] <douniwan5788> 有人么?
03[10:10] * kelwin_ ( has joined #ctf
[10:12] <douniwan5788> 怎么没人点我……
03[10:13] * kelwin ( has joined #ctf
02[10:14] * kelwin_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[10:30] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ Quit (Quit: 暂离)
03[10:30] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
02[11:06] * Adrian (Adrian@ Quit (Quit: )
02[11:29] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[11:29] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
03[11:46] * xelz (nobody@ has joined #ctf
03[12:18] * kelwin ( has left #ctf
02[13:15] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[13:15] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
03[14:43] * kelwin ( has joined #ctf
[14:44] <kelwin> test
02[14:47] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[14:47] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
02[15:06] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03[15:25] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
03[15:42] * douniwan (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
02[15:42] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[15:42] * douniwan (douniwan5788@ Quit (Quit: 暂离)
03[15:42] * douniwan (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
02[15:54] * douniwan (douniwan5788@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03[15:55] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ has joined #ctf
02[16:01] * douniwan5788 (douniwan5788@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[18:13] * xelz (nobody@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[18:45] * kelwin ( Quit (Client exited)
02[19:15] * slipper (slipper@ Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
02[21:31] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[21:31] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
Session Time: Thu Apr 11 00:00:00 2013
02[03:18] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Apr 11 03:18:04 2013
Session Start: Thu Apr 11 09:38:59 2013
Session Ident: #ctf
03[09:38] * Now talking in #ctf
02[09:45] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[09:45] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
02[10:13] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[10:13] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
03[11:02] * xelz (nobody@ has joined #ctf
02[16:07] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[16:07] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
02[16:33] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[16:34] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
02[17:02] * androider (androider@ Quit (Connection closed)
03[17:02] * androider (androider@ has joined #ctf
Session Close: Thu Apr 11 18:58:00 2013
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