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Created December 12, 2022 21:40
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~/pr/gpt-coder/test_runner master !52 ?169 ❯ python  gpt-coder 3.10 16:39:36
️️⚡️ Serving... hit Ctrl-C to stop!
└── Watching /Users/sashank/projects/gpt-coder/test_runner/
✓ Initialized. View app at
╭──────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────╮
│ /Users/sashank/projects/gpt-coder/test_runner/ in <module> │
│ │
│ 90 if __name__ == "__main__": │
│ ❱ 91 │ stub.serve() │
│ 92 │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/synchronicity/synch │
│ in proxy_method │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/modal/ │
│ in serve │
│ │
│ 357 │ │ │ │ │
│ ❱ 358 │ │ │ │ async with self._run(client, output_mgr, existing_app_id, mode=Stub │
│ 359 │ │ │ │ │ client.set_pre_stop(app.disconnect) │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/ in __aenter__ │
│ │
│ 198 │ │ try: │
│ ❱ 199 │ │ │ return await anext(self.gen) │
│ 200 │ │ except StopAsyncIteration: │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/modal/ │
│ in _run │
│ │
│ 231 │ │ │ │ with output_mgr.ctx_if_visible(output_mgr.make_live(create_progress │
│ ❱ 232 │ │ │ │ │ await app._create_all_objects(create_progress) │
│ 233 │ │ │ │ create_progress.label = step_completed("Created objects.") │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/modal/ in │
│ _create_all_objects │
│ │
│ 138 │ │ │ existing_object_id = self._tag_to_existing_id.get(tag) │
│ ❱ 139 │ │ │ self._tag_to_object[tag] = await self._load(provider, progress, existin │
│ 140 │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/modal/ in │
│ _load │
│ │
│ 106 │ │ # Create object │
│ ❱ 107 │ │ created_obj = await obj._load(self.client, self._stub, self.app_id, loader, │
│ 108 │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/modal/ │
│ 860 in _load │
│ │
│ 859 │ │ try: │
│ ❱ 860 │ │ │ response = await client.stub.FunctionCreate(request) │
│ 861 │ │ except GRPCError as exc: │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/grpclib/ │
│ 82 in __call__ │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/grpclib/ │
│ 25 in recv_message │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/grpclib/ │
│ 93 in recv_initial_metadata │
│ │
│ /Users/sashank/.pyenv/versions/gpt-coder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/grpclib/ │
│ 45 in _raise_for_grpc_status │
GRPCError: (<Status.INTERNAL: 13>, 'KeyError(\'Attempted to access missing key in table
"app"\')', None)
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