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Last active August 25, 2015 21:49
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We started hackEDU because we believe in the power of high schoolers to change the world.

Your interview left us inspired for the future. We wish we had the community you are building when we were in high school. As a result, we would like to invite your club to be part of the hackEDU Labs program.

We're calling the leaders of each lab club "Lab Directors". As Lab Directors, your job is to figure out what is working in your club and what isn't. You'll take what you learn from each club meeting and share it in what we're calling The Club Playbook, a comprehensive guide to starting and running a club.

Also, as a hackEDU Labs club, you will need to select one Lab Director who will take lead on sharing your findings with the other Labs clubs. Communication will be key.

We won't be running hackEDU Labs. You will. As part of the first hackEDU Labs cohort, you will lay the foundation for coding communities that will spread across the globe.

Here are expectations we have for each that Labs Director:
Time Commitment: 5 hours/week
Actively contribute to the Club Playbook
Write a blog post documenting every meeting
Share what you learn with other Labs Directors
Weekly call with hackEDU
Note: The Labs Directors will iterate on expectations together.

We want to give you time to decide if you want to be part of the Labs program. Please let us know if you want to be part of this journey by Thursday.

Let's change the world together,

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