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Created August 27, 2015 22:04
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- What do we want to offer non-labs teams?
- What do we do with new clubs that apply?
- What does the on-boarding process look like? (I'm specifically thinking about Selynna's club)
TODO: rejection email
TODO: figure out what questions their intro post should answer
TODO: add all non-labs club leaders to leaders group
Best Practice: forward all content to facebook group
--what you're hoping to achieve this year
--publish club manifesto
- How do we want to structure the hackEDU community?
--TODO: create new public group -- zach will create it
--TODO: encourage club leaders to add their members to this public group
--TODO: Code of Conduct -- adopt one
--slack, irc, messenger
--TODO: Zach starts Messenger Group chats -- cohort 1 chat today
--explicitly get everyone to intro themself
--"overcommunicate. you should be messaging this chat any time you think of an idea or run into a problem"
- Group Chat for Labs?
- How do we get first Labs call set up? All 12 directors or in cohorts of 6?
TODO: we set up first call -- choose software for figuring out the right time to meet
TODO: walk through first PR on the call
--john will join hangout remotely
"--set up something fun: next step is for you to walk every co-organizer through this too."
-Talking to leaders individually before the call?
- What's the best title/description for the Medium?
--TODO: move forward with what we have right now -- punt to tomorrow
--get lab directors involved in this
--add to the call
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