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Created February 10, 2020 01:08
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Kubernetes - Notes and Commands


  • It's a container orchestration
    • Many servers act like one
  • Released in 2015
  • Runs on top of Docker
  • Provides CLI/API to manage container across servers
    • kubectl
  • Services
    • Clouds: Google Engine, etc
  • Many vendors with a "custom distribution"

Why orchestration?

  • Not every solution needs orchestration
  • Orchestration is designed to automate changes and monitor the state of things
  • Another alternative: Docker Swarm
  • Distributions:
    • Docker Enterprise
    • Rancher
    • OpenShift
    • Canonical
    • VMWare PKS
  • Custom vendor distributions pack other tools with Kubernetes
  • Most distributions are up to date with the official Kubernetes

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

  • Swarm
    • is easy to deploy/manage
    • comes with Docker
    • 80/20 rule: has 20% of features of Kubernetes for 80% of the use cases
    • it runs anywhere Docker runs
    • secure by default
    • easier to troubleshoot
  • Kubernetes
    • has more features and it's more flexible
    • clouds deploy/manage it for you
    • multiple distributions
    • widest adoption and community
    • flexible

Kubernetes Architecture

  • Kubernetes: the whole orchestration system
    • K8s or Kube for short
  • Kubectl: CLI to configure Kubernetes and manage apps
    • "cube control" => official pronunciation
  • Node: single server in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubelet: Kubernetes agent running on nodes
  • Control Plane: Set of containers that manage the cluster
    • Includes API server, scheduler, controller managed, etcd, etc.
    • Sometimes called "master"
  • Pod: one or more containers running together on one node
    • Basic unit of deployment
  • Controller: for creating/updating pods and other objects
    • Many types:
      • Deployment
      • ReplicaSet
      • StatefulSet
      • DaemonSet
      • Job
      • CronJob
  • Service: network endpoint to connect to a pod
    • A stable address for pod(s)
    • Created on top of existing pods
    • CoreDNS: allow us to resolve services by name
    • Types of services:
      • ClusterIP (default):
        • only reachable from within the cluster (nodes and pods)
        • single, internal virtual IP allocated
        • pods can reach service on apps port number
      • NodePort:
        • high port allocated on each node
        • port is open on every node's IP
        • anyone can connect (if they can reach the node)
        • other pods neet to be updated to this port
      • LoadBalancer:
        • mostly used on the cloud
        • controls a load balancer endpoint external to the cluster
        • only available when infra provider gives you a load balancer
        • creates CreatePort + ClusterIP services, tells load balancer to send to NodePort
      • ExternalName:
        • Adds CNAME DNS record to CoreDNS only
        • Not used for Pods, but giving pods a DNS name to use for something outside Kubernetes
      • Kubernetes Ingress: ???
  • Namespace: filtered group of objects in cluster


  • kubectl version
  • kubectl run
    • Creates the pod, the replicaset and the deployment
    • Default command gives only 1 replica
  • kubectl create
  • kubectl apply
  • kubectl scale deploy/my-apache --replicas 2


  • kubectl run my-nginx --image nginx
  • kubectl run my-apache --image httpd
  • kubectl run httpenv --image bretfisher/httpenv
  • kubectl get service
    • Look up what IP was allocated
      • Only accessible inside the cluster (you'll see no external IP address filled)
  • kubectl get pods
    • kubectl get pods -w
  • kubectl get all
  • kubectl delete deployment my-nginx
  • kubectl scale deploy/my-apache --replicas 2
    • kubectl scale deployment my-apache --replicas 2
  • kubectl logs deployment/my-apache
    • kubectl logs deployment/my-apache --follow --tail 1
  • kubectl logs -l run=my-apache: Filter logs by deployment label
  • kubectl describe pod/my-apache-6b4dc47d85-7f9m9
  • kubectl delete pod/my-apache-6b4dc47d85-7f9m9
    • It'll trigger the controller so it'll make sure it the specified replicas running
  • kubectl expose: creates a service for existing ports. It's a way to expose them to the outside world
  • kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888
  • kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 tmp-shell --rm -it --image bretfisher/netshoot -- bash
    • curl -X GET httpenv:8888
  • kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888 --name httpenv-np --type NodePort
    • curl -X GET localhost:32088
  • kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888 --name httpenv-lb --type LoadBalancer
    • curl -X GET localhost:8888
  • kubectl delete services/httpenv services/httpenv-np services/httpenv-lb
  • kubectl delete deployment/httpenv
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