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Created June 10, 2017 14:28
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View layer blobs in Caffe
import caffe
import numpy as np
import cv2
def view_layer(net, layer_name, pad = 8, pad_color = 0.2):
layer_data_raw = net.blobs[layer_name].data
layer_data = layer_data_raw.copy()
layer_data -= layer_data_raw.min()
if layer_data_raw.max() - layer_data_raw.min() != 0:
layer_data /= (layer_data_raw.max() - layer_data_raw.min())
_,ch,h,w = layer_data.shape
rows = np.floor( np.sqrt(ch) ).astype(int)
cols = np.ceil( ch * 1.0 / rows ).astype(int)
img_blobs = np.ones( (rows*(h+pad) , cols*(w+pad) ) ) * pad_color
for idx in range(ch):
r = idx / cols
c = idx % cols
img_blobs[r*(h+pad):r*(h+pad)+h, c*(w+pad):c*(w+pad)+w] = layer_data[0,idx,:,:]
cv2.imshow(layer_name, img_blobs)
def view_local(net, layer_name, channel = 0, pad = 2, pad_color = 0.0):
layer_data_raw = net.params[layer_name][0].data[channel,:,:,:]
layer_data = layer_data_raw.copy()
layer_data -= layer_data_raw.min()
if layer_data_raw.max() - layer_data_raw.min() != 0:
layer_data /= (layer_data_raw.max() - layer_data_raw.min())
_,filter_all,pixel_all = layer_data.shape
w = h = np.sqrt(filter_all).astype(int)
rows = cols = np.sqrt(pixel_all).astype(int)
img_filters = np.ones( (rows*(h+pad) , cols*(w+pad) ) ) * pad_color
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
img_filters[r*(h+pad):r*(h+pad)+h, c*(w+pad):c*(w+pad)+w] = \
np.transpose( layer_data[0,:,r*rows + c].reshape(h, w) , (0,1))
cv2.imshow(layer_name, img_filters)
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