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Last active February 15, 2021 15:37
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Git commands cheat list by Bitra Hemanth.

Git Cheat List

Project Workflow

Git command to initialize any project:

$git init

Command to add changes:

$git add -A


$git add .


$git add filename.extension

Command to commit changes:

$git commit -m "Commit Message"

Command to create repository

$git create

Command to push changes:

$git push


$git push origin


$git push origin branch_name

command to push the changes forcefully:

$git push -f


Command to get the log of the repository:

$git log


$git log -n 1


$git log –-since=2017-01-21


$git log –-until=2017-01-22


git lg -p


$git log –-grep="Init"

Help command

Command to get help of command:

$git help command


$git help log

Git Command to check log of individual file

$git log -- [filename]

Use --follow option in git log to view a file's history

$git log --stat -p -- src/somefile.ts

Status commands

Command to check to status of repository:

$git status


$git status -s

Diff commands

Command to check difference in the repository:

$git diff


$git diff filename


$git diff --staged


$git diff --cached

Delete / Renaming commands

Command to delete filename:

$git rm filename

Command to delete filename from staged or cached index:

$git rm --cached

Command to rename filename:

$git mv filename newfilename

Undo changes

$git checkout -- <file>

-- indicates current branch

Unstage changes

$git reset HEAD <file>

Undoing change amending commits.

$git commit --amend -m “Previous comment message copy and paste here.”

Old Version undoing changes – reverting a commit

$git checkout lastcommitchecksum -- <file> 

-- means present directory

lastcommitchecksum means there will checksum every commit that needs to be placed here

New Version undoing change – reverting a commit

$git revert lastcommitchecksum

It will pop-up in a file, then save and exit

Undoing change - - using reset commit

Soft reset commit

$git reset --soft commitchecksum

Mixed reset commit

$git reset --mixed commitchecksum

Hard reset commit

$git reset --hard commitchecksum

Undoing Changes – Removing Untrack

$git clean
$git clean -n

Git ignore

$touch .gitignore


It is used to ignore files which you mention in .gitignore

$git config –global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

To remove file from staging or cached index

$git rm --cached <file>

to track the empty directory put .gitkeep in the empty directory

How to get commit tree of HEAD

$git ls-tree HEAD
$git ls-tree master

To know seperate directory HASH Commit

$git ls-tree master [directory]

How to see HASH of file inside the directory using HASH Commit

$git ls-tree SHACODE#[min 10character]

More tricks on git commit log

$git log --oneline
$git log --oneline -3
$git log --since="2017-01-26"
$git log --since="2 weeks ago" --until="3 days ago"
$git log --since=2.weeks --until=3.days
$git log --author="hemanth"
$git log --grep="file"
$git log ca834f5..03b1b6c --oneline
$git log -p
$git log -p ca834f5
$git log --format=oneline
$git log --format=short
$git log --format=full
$git log --format=email
$git log --format=raw
$git log --graph
$git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
$git show 3c0aff9
$git show --format=oneline HEAD
$git show --format=oneline HEAD^^
$git show --format=oneline HEAD~3
$git show 994170cc939

Diff commands

$git diff 3c0aff9 resources.html
$git diff 3c0aff..HEAD
$git diff 3c0aff..HEAD^^
$git diff --stat --summary 3c0aff9..HEAD
$git diff --ignore-space-change 3c0aff9..HEAD
$git diff --ignore-all-space 3c0aff9..HEAD
$git diff -w 3c0aff9..HEAD
$git branch

Command to display all local and remote branches

$git branch -a

Command to display only remote branches

$git branch -r

To create new branch

$git branch new_feature

new_feature is new branch name

Switch to new branch

$git checkout new_feature

To switch back same code above

$git checkout master

Create and switch branch at one shot command

$git checkout -b <branch_name>

Branching – Switching branches with uncommitted changes

$git commit -am “Swap out”

Comparing git branches

$git diff <branch_new>..<branch_new>

Comparing git branches with colour

$git diff --color-words <branch_new>..<branch_new>

Comparing git branches history with colour

$git diff --color-words <branch_new>..<branch_new>^

Branches which is merged each other

$git branch --merged

Renaming branches

$git branch -m <branch_name> <new_branch_name> (OR)
$git branch --move <branch_name> <new_branch_name>

Delete Branch

$git branch -d <branch> (OR)
$git branch --delete <branch>

Delete Commited Branch

$git branch -D <branch>

Creatig a pull request

Create and checkout to new_branch

$git checkout -b new_branch

After any new file and push changes to new_branch

$git push -u origin new_branch

create a pull request on new_branch

$git pull-request -b project_name:master -h project_name:new_branch

Forking a Repo

Clone a repo

$git clone deadlyvipers/dojo_rules

Change to project repository

cd dojo_rules

Fork the repo

$git fork

Updating fork

Add remote for upstream

$git remote add upstream <path_to_repo>

Fetch changes

$git fetch upstream

Merge them into master

$git merge upstream/master master

push to remote

$git push origin master

Config unix command prompt to show the branch

$__git_ps1 (OR)
$export PS1='$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '

Merge branches

$git merge <branch_name>
$git branch --merge <branch_name>

Merge without fast forward

$git merge --no-ff branch <branch_name>

Merge with fast forward

$git merge --ff-only branch <branch_name>

Merge conflicts

1.To Abort merge

$git merge --abort

2. To resolve merge conflicts

$git mergetool –-tool=gvimdiff

Stashing changes Saving changes in the stash

$git stash save “Commit message here”
$git stash list # to list out stash
$git stash show stach@{0} #This is similar to git diff
$git stash show -p stach@{0} #this is patch to git diff

Stashing changes – Retrieving stashed changes

$git stash pop stash@{0}
$git stash apply

Stashing changes – Deleting stashed changes

$git stash drop stash@{0}
$git stash clear


For Interactive rebase use below command

$git rebase -i

To create and checkout to feature_banch and update your code here

$git checkout -b feature_banch

After updating code to rebase you should be in feature branch and use below command to merge in master branch

$git rebase master

Git rebase example command from old base to new base below

$git rebase --onto <newbase> <oldbase>

Another example command this will rebase master with server branch commit.

$git rebase master server

Git tags

Light weight tag Just a tag, no message or tagger

$git tag

Signed tag Uses public key to prove identity of tagger

$git tag -s

Annotated tag Add info on tagged, when and why

$git tag -a


$git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Tag message"

Pushing tags

$git push --tags
git push origin :tagname
git push --delete origin tagname
git tag --delete tagname

Git remote

$git remote
$git remote add <alias>
$git remote add origin <github address>
$git remote -v
$git reemote rm origin #to remove remote origin 
$git push -u origin <branch_name>

-u is used for tracking file if is not availble it is difficult -u similar to --up-stream

To find remote configuration type as below

$cat .git/config

how to find configuration

$ls -la .git/refs/remotes/origin/
$ls -la .git/refs/remotes/origin/ -r
$ls -la .git/refs/remotes/origin/ -a

Download a clone

$git clone <gitlink> <new_directory>


$git clone git_version


List of commands


List of emojis


public info on user


A users repos



$curl -i -H 'Authorization: token <your_authentication_token>'

Create a repo

$curl -i -H 'Authorization: token <your_authentication_token>' -d '{"name":"test_repo"}'


Two-Tree architecture

  • Repository
  • working

alt text

Three-tree architecture

alt text

“When ever you commit changes you made in the project it generate a checksum.“

What is check sum

Checksum algorithm converts data into simple number

→ Same data always equal same checksum

Checksum algorithm is SHA-1

Which creates a 40 characters with hexadecimal (0-9,a-f)

Example : e8be9f76c3e3bf4fa8d06d4aa2ad34428e9c442b


pointer to tip of the current branch in repository Last state of repository what was last check out

Some learnings out of box.

Command to search keyword in the all the versions of the commit.

git grep "_source" $(git rev-list --all)
git grep "select *" $(git rev-list --all)
git grep "bank" $(git rev-list --all)

Command to give log information in detail.

git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

If you have a code in local system and if you want to push to github remote repository

echo "# GradeBook" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Command to fetch issue from commits

git log --pretty=oneline | grep -e '[A-Z]\+-[0-9]\+' -o

Command to fetch JIRA tickets from commits

git log --pretty=oneline | grep -e 'XON\+-[0-9]\+' -o
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