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Created November 10, 2016 16:17
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HH Emergency Dept/OBS Unit Documentation
VS: afebrile,
GENERAL_APPEARANCE: well_nourished, alert, oriented_X_3, no_acute_distress, no_obvious_discomfort
HEAD: no_swelling\tenderness on the head.
EYES: PERRL, EOMI, conjunctiva_clear.
MOUTH: (-)decreased moisture
NECK: supple, no_neck_tenderness
LUNGS: no_wheezing, no_rales, no_rhonchi, (-)accessory muscle use, good air exchange bilateral
HEART: normal_rate, normal_rhythm, normal_S1, normal_S2, (-)S3, (-)S4, no_murmur, no_rub
ABDOMEN: normal_BS, soft, no_abd_tenderness, (-)guarding, (-)rebound, no_organomegaly, no_abd_masses
EXTREMITIES: good pulses on all_extremities,no_swelling\tenderness on the extremities, no_edema
SKIN: warm, dry, good_color, no_rash, no_abrasions\lacerations
NEURO: motor_intact, sensory_intact
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