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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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CME 2015
Spontaneous cerebral and cervical artery dissection: Treatment and prognosis: 15min
Spontaneous cerebral and cervical artery dissection: Clinical features and diagnosis: 20min
Horner's syndrome: 12min
Posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes: 40min
Disorders of ventilatory control: 15min
Pathophysiology, etiology, and differential diagnosis of vertigo: 27min
Overview of the management of chronic kidney disease in adults: 45min
Basic principles of ECG analysis: 38min
ECG tutorial: ST and T wave changes: 30min
ECG tutorial: Rhythms and arrhythmias of the sinus node: 20min
ECG tutorial: Atrial and atrioventricular nodal (supraventricular) arrhythmias: 22min
Management of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes
and pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease: 25min
ECG tutorial: Intraventricular block: 30min
Etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of volume depletion in adults: 35min
uptodate by minutes total > 374 (6+ hours)
Internet Point of Care CME from uptodate:
-- SBO
-- polycythemia
-- nephrotic syndrome
-- Adrenal insufficiency
-- Hyponatremia
-- Elevated BUN
-- Warfarin toxicity
-- Aspiration pneumonia
-- Perioperative DVT prophylaxis
-- Hip frature DVT prophyaxlis Xarelto
-- Herpes encephalitis
-- Meth O
-- Delirium tremens
-- Trigeminal neuralgia
-- Ehlers-Danloss type IV
-- Insulin Type II
-- Insulin Type I
-- accelerated hypertension in acute stroke
-- Liver nodules
-- Hypoglycemia and Sepsis
-- Bacteruria in men
-- Peripheral neuropathy evaluation
total: 24 items == 12 hours
submitted for 17 hours total ( timing corrected with both timed and POC submission))
Palliative Care and Pain Management at the End of Life: 5 hours (certificate reads 15 but entered 5; web form error)
Alzheimers disease 7 hours
Medication Adherence Interventions: Comparative Effectiveness: 1 hour
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