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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save hemmerling/a8e28dbb0b177f388a38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hemmerling/a8e28dbb0b177f388a38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Batch file "cleanproject.bat" to clean a PIC project, created with the PIC Mikroelektronika IDE
rem Batch file "cleanproject.bat" to clean a PIC project,
rem created with the PIC Mikroelektronika IDE
rem Be shure that there is a final last <carriage return> at the end of file,
rem so that the file ends with an empty line
rem Filetypes which are created just by calling an IDE
del *.bmk
del *.brk
del *.c.ini
del *.cfg
del *.dct
rem Filetypes created by building a project, and
rem which can be selected by "Clean Project"
del *.asm
del *.asm.ini
del *.brk
del *.c.ini
del *.cfg
del *.cp
del *.dbg
del *.dct
del *.dlt
del *.hex
del *.log
del *.lst
del *.mcl
del *.mcppi_callertable.txt
del *.user.dic
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