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Created December 8, 2018 14:46
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C++ Multiple Inheritance (Virtual) Wierdness
// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define DEBUG( x ) std::cout << "[+] " << x << std::endl;
class Grandma {
std::vector<int> x_;
Grandma() {
DEBUG( "Grandma")
int hello() {
return 123;
#define VIRTUALGMA virtual
class Ma1 : public VIRTUALGMA Grandma {
Ma1() {
std::vector<int> y_;
class Ma2 : public VIRTUALGMA Grandma {
Ma2() {
#define VIRTUALME virtual
class Me :
public VIRTUALME Ma2,
public VIRTUALME Ma1
void eMe() {
DEBUG( "Me" )
#define VIRTUALYOU virtual
class You : public VIRTUALYOU Me
You() : Me() {
DEBUG( "You")
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
You* m = new You;
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