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Plugin Name: Ninja Table Dynamic Data
Description: Dynamic Data Example For Ninja Tables
Version: 1.0.0
Author: WPManageNinja Shahjahan Jewel
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
Text Domain: ninja_table_dynamic_data
Domain Path: /resources/languages
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
class NinjaTableDynamicPostData
* Hook For Ninja Table Data Fetching Function
public function boot() {
add_filter('ninja_tables_get_raw_table_data', array($this, 'filterTableData'), 10, 2);
* @param $originalData array
* @param $tableId int
* In this function we are checking if the table_id is 181 and if yes then we are altering the data and
* return our modified data.
* @return array
public function filterTableData($originalData, $tableId) {
if($tableId == 181) {
$columnsKeys = $this->getColumnKeys($tableId);
// Now Fetch Your Dynamic Data from database
// We are fetching first 10 records from wp_posts table and returning the data
global $wpdb;
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts LIMIT 50");
$formattedData = array();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$formattedData[] = array_merge($columnsKeys, array(
'title' => ucwords($post->post_title),
'status' => ucfirst($post->post_status),
'url' => "<a href='".get_permalink($post)."' target='_blank'>View</a>",
'post_type' => ucfirst($post->post_type)
return $formattedData;
return $originalData; // Don't forget to return data for other tables. It's Important
* @param $tableId int
* Get Table Column Keys as array keys.
* @return array
private function getColumnKeys($tableId) {
$columns = ninja_table_get_table_columns($tableId);
$columnsKeys = array();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$columnsKeys[$column['key']] = '';
return $columnsKeys;
add_action('plugins_loaded', function () {
$NinjaTableDynamicData = new NinjaTableDynamicPostData();
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