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Last active July 19, 2017 22:10
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function fail {
echo "Encountered error: $1"
exit 1
if [ ! -s /usr/local/bin/brew ]; then
xcode-select --install
echo "Installing Homebrew"
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" || fail "Homebrew failed to install"
if [ ! -s /usr/local/bin/sed ]; then
echo "Installing gnu-sed with Homebrew"
/usr/local/bin/brew update || fail "Homebrew failed to update its list of available software"
/usr/local/bin/brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names || fail "Homebrew failed to install gnu-sed"
echo "
Updating Epichrome files in /Applications/"
locate | grep "/Applications" | awk '{ print "\""$0"\""; }' | xargs sed -i -E -e 's/(\s*)import webbrowser/\1import subprocess/' -e 's/(\s*)webbrowser\.open\(message\['"'"'url'"'"'\]\)/\1subprocess.check_call\(["\/usr\/bin\/open", message['"'"'url'"'"']]\)/' -e 's/(\s*)except webbrowser.Error:/\1except subprocess.CalledProcessError:/'
echo "Finished updating Epichrome files in /Applications/
Here are the files changed:"
locate | grep "/Applications" | awk '{ print $0; }'
echo "
Updating Epichrome files in existing apps"
sed -i -E -e 's/(\s*)import webbrowser/\1import subprocess/' -e 's/(\s*)webbrowser\.open\(message\['"'"'url'"'"'\]\)/\1subprocess.check_call\(["\/usr\/bin\/open", message['"'"'url'"'"']]\)/' -e 's/(\s*)except webbrowser.Error:/\1except subprocess.CalledProcessError:/' ~/Library/Application\ Support/Epichrome/Apps/*/NativeMessagingHosts/
echo "Finished updating Epichrome files in existing apps
Here are the results:"
ls -1 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Epichrome/Apps/*/NativeMessagingHosts/
echo "
Operation complete. Please exit and reopen any Epichrome apps.
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