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Created April 22, 2020 12:46
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Job Detail Contract API

Job Detail API Contract


1. Details
   a. Job Name
   b. Status
   c. Description
   d. Job Type
   e. Date Created
   f. Who Created
2. Parameters
   a. Urgency
   b. No of Passes
   c. Accurarcy Treshold
   d. No of Files
3. Upload Details
   a. No of Success Upload
   b. No Of Failed Upload
4. Label Details
   a. List of Label
5. Progress (Client Only)
   a. Completed
   b. % Done
   c. Estimate
6. Action Log
   a. List of history action log


Client: ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/job/show

Admin: ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/job/show

Method: GET

Query Parameter

1. job_id

Example Response

  "details": {
    "name": "Job Name",
    "status": "ongoing",
    "description" "Job Description",
    "type": "text"
    "type_name": "tagging",
    "created_at": "2020-04-17T11:57:30.617Z",
    "client": "Username Client"
  "parameters": {
    "urgency": 1,
    "no_of_passes": 1,
    "accuracy_treshold": 1,
    "no_of_files": 1,
  "uploads": {
    "success": 1,
    "failed": 1
  "labels: [
  "progress": {
    "completed": 1,
    "estimate": 1

Action Log


Client: ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/job/show/log

Admin: ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/job/show/log

Method: GET

Query Parameter

1. job_id

Example Response

  "data": [
      "action": "Detail of Action",
      "user": "username user",
      "created_at": "2020-04-17T11:57:30.617Z"
  "paginate": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "per_page": 5,
    "total_page": 25,
    "total_data": 124
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