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Last active November 20, 2018 16:26
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  • Save hendrikeng/f9574c526ce2b29163ec9731b25b73b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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{# @var craft \craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable #}
{# @var entry \craft\elements\Entry #}
{% set image = %}
{% set options = opt.imager %}
{% set defaults = {
sizes: [
{ width: 1440 },
{ width: 900 },
{ width: 600 }
allowUpscale: false,
alt: image.title ?? null,
blurUp: false,
class: false,
dataSizes: 'auto',
dominantColor: false,
format: 'jpg',
interlace: true,
lazy: true,
mediaBox: false,
mode: 'crop',
objectFit: true,
objectFitValue: 'cover',
preload: false,
quality: 80,
ratio: 'auto',
watermark: false,
wrapper: false,
svg: false,
noscript: false,
} %}
{# Merge Attr with Defaults #}
{% set options = options ? defaults | merge(options): defaults %}
{% if image and image.extension == 'svg' %}
{% if options.svg %}
<div class="{{ options.svg }}">
{% endif %}
{{ svg(image) }}
{% if options.svg %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif image %}
{# Set Ratio #}
{% if options.ratio != 'auto' %}
{% set ratio = options.ratio %}
{% elseif options.ratio %}
{% set ratio = image.getWidth() ~ '/' ~ image.getHeight() %}
{% endif %}
{# Set Position #}
{% if image.hasFocalPoint %}
{% set position = image.getFocalPoint() %}
{% set position = position|merge({
x: position.x * 100 ~ '%',
y: position.y * 100 ~ '%',
}) %}
{% set position = position|join(" ") %}
{% else %}
{% set position = '50% 50%' %}
{% endif %}
{# Define global variables #}
{% set imageSettings = {
allowUpscale: options.allowUpscale,
format: options.format,
interlace: options.interlace,
jpegQuality: options.quality,
mode: options.mode,
position: position,
ratio: ratio,
} %}
{% set imageSettingsWebp = {
allowUpscale: options.allowUpscale,
format: 'webp',
interlace: options.interlace,
webpQuality: options.quality,
mode: options.mode,
position: position,
ratio: ratio,
} %}
{#Get Dominant Color#}
{% if options.dominantColor and not %}
{% set dominantColor = craft.imager.getDominantColor(image) %}
{% else %}
{% set dominantColor = '#e0e0e026' %}
{% endif %}
{# Setup Image Transforms #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, options.sizes, imageSettings) %}
{# If the server has support for WebP, create transforms #}
{% if craft.imager.serverSupportsWebp() %}
{% set imagesWebp = craft.imager.transformImage(image, options.sizes, imageSettingsWebp) %}
{% endif %}
{% if options.wrapper %}
class="{{ options.mediaBox ? 'mediabox aspect-ratio-' ~ options.ratio : '' }} {{ options.wrapper }}"
style="{{ options.dominantColor ? 'background-color:' ~ dominantColor ~ ';' }}">
{% endif %}
{% if craft.imager.serverSupportsWebp() %}
{% if options.lazy %}data-{% endif %}sizes="{{ options.dataSizes }}"
{% if options.lazy %}data-{% endif %}srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(imagesWebp) }}"
{% if options.blurUp %} data-lowsrc="{{ imagesWebp|last.url }}"{% endif %}
{% endif %}
class="{{- options.class -}}
{% if options.lazy %} lazyload {% endif %}
{% if options.preload %} lazypreload {% endif %}
{% if options.mediaBox %} mediabox-img{% endif %}"
src="{{ craft.imager.placeholder() }}"
{% if options.lazy %}data-{% endif %}sizes="{{ options.dataSizes }}"
{% if options.lazy %}data-{% endif %}srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
{% if options.blurUp and options.lazy %}
data-lowsrc="{{ images|last.url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{{ options.alt }}"
{% if options.objectFit %}
object-fit:{{ options.objectFitValue }};
object-position:{{ position }};
font-family:'{{ 'object-fit: ' ~ options.objectFitValue }}, {{ 'object-position: ' ~ position }}';
{% endif %}
{% if options.noscript %}
<img src="{{ images|first.url }}"
alt="{{ options.alt }}">
{% endif %}
{% if options.wrapper %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
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