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henkoberholzer /
Created May 25, 2020 07:28
VJoy related notes

Dll version mismatch 218 vs 219: Copy the dll's from the install directory (Program Files), instead of using the (incorrect) ones in the SDK.

1. Mount the original windows installation media
2. Open an elevated command promp
3. Run the following (replace "__path__" with the path to the installation media:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /source:__path__\sources\sxs /limitaccess

Don't "Do Agile" - but strive to have agility

This is a bit of feedback on a 2 day training course I recently attended, titled "Agile Fundamentals".

I am unlikely to say anything new or groundbreaking in this post, but I was genuinely surprised to see that "agile" is still being described as a specific set of techniques (essentially a methodology), instead of "a state of being".

The most important aspect of "agile" is not the techniques (TDD, Sprints, Retrospectives), but rather the realization that the purpose of software is to fulfill a need, and that there are (almost) always cost-benefit tradeoffs that need to be taken into account.

I disagree that "agile" is the opposite of "waterfall"

Getting things done: Create a pipeline

The following is not specific to software development, but rather a general approach to getting things done. I have realized that moving items/tasks through "a pipeline" is key to making and tracking progress.

The idea is simple. Basically, you break down the tasks that you need to do in relatively small chunks. The process of completing a work item has a positive mental effect on a person, but the following are also benefits:

  • Everytime you move through your "pipeline", you get better at the process (breaking down tasks, estimating, etc)
  • You don't have to carry "mental baggage" around - every start is a clean start; state is captured and saved explicitly
  • You can estimate things better
  • You can more easily adapt to changing circumstances

Some notes on managing your work calendar

This post is about managing your work calendar to minimize friction with co-workers, managers, and your employer in general. If you are, or endeavor to be, a professional at what you do, it's these small things – "soft skills" - that can make all the difference.

Note that I'm making an assumption that you are using Microsoft Outlook, although the concepts should apply to other calendar applications as well.

Main Idea

Keep your work calendar synchronized and up to date with all of your commitments - even the personal ones.

Installing Windows to a VHD or VHDx file

This write-up is for myself, as I seem to circle back to this setup every few months or so.

Common Tools Used

  • diskpart: Create, attach, compact and extend VHD files
  • msconfig: Boot config (choose default, remove options, set timeouts)
  • bcdedit: Boot config (set VHD file / partition, and descriptions). *Note: When using bcdedit in powershell remember to enclose curly braces with double quotes

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am henkoberholzer on github.
  • I am hjo_za ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FC61 AE51 4B59 B205 8A3C F523 705B F06F C89F 3184

To claim this, I am signing this object: