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Created September 27, 2017 12:25
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create k8s user, certificate, permissions and client config
openssl genrsa -out ${USERNAME}.key 2048
openssl req -new -key $KEY_FILE -out $CSR_FILE -subj "/CN=$USERNAME/O=$GROUPNAME"
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
- system:authenticated
request: $(cat $CSR_FILE | base64 | tr -d '\n')
- digital signature
- key encipherment
- server auth
kubectl certificate approve $CERTIFICATE_NAME
kubectl get csr $CERTIFICATE_NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}' | base64 -D > $CRT_FILE
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: Role
namespace: $NAMESPACE
name: deployment-manager
- apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps"]
resources: ["deployments", "replicasets", "pods"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"] # You can also use ["*"]
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: RoleBinding
name: $USERNAME-deployment-manager-binding
namespace: $NAMESPACE
- kind: User
apiGroup: ""
kind: Role
name: deployment-manager
apiGroup: ""
kubectl config set-credentials $USERNAME \
--client-certificate=$(pwd)/$CRT_FILE \
kubectl config set-context $USERNAME-context --cluster=$CLUSTERNAME --namespace=$NAMESPACE --user=$USERNAME
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hustshawn commented May 30, 2019

Hi, I found your script and just modified a little bit according to my requirement. But just found, if I configured the user with the certs that issued by k8s api, it just cannot be authenticated by API server. And it is just simply indicated

No resources found.
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

How about your result?
Here is the script I used.

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I suspect that the key which API server used to sign the request is not matched with that used in the API server authentication, or just the certificate chain issue that I should have to find an intermediate certificate and should be attached with the obtained certificate to make a cert chain.

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markAcomm commented Jul 17, 2019

Thank you for posting this script. It is by far the most concise recipe I have seen yet.

This script is signing the certificate as if it was a to be used by a server, not a user. As such, it won't work for clients. The "server auth" on line 29 needs to be changed to "client auth"

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It works now. Thank you so much for your instruction. May I know where can I find the related document that mentions the details about server auth and client auth? I once read the official document here, just not realized the issue here.

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As I said, there are not good recipes available for doing this. Most of the Kubernetes documentation is focused on helping services communicate with each other securely. I found a KOPS or Kubenetes Jira ticket (cannot remember which) that mentioned it.

The list of valid Key Usages I found here:

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henning commented Jul 20, 2019

Hi guys!
Thanks for your updates and hints on this!
I'm currently not working with any kubernetes installation, so I have no possibilities (and time) to test and comment on these things... actually I dont even remember completely how I wrote it.
Vaguely I remember it's partly command copied from some kubernetes docs(2 years ago!), banged together in one script and made more flexible with the variables so it can be executed simply and repeatedly, without error-prone manual interaction.
It's 2 years old, so i'm, surprised it still works halfway for a fast changing software as k8s. Also, I think I remember being surprised that a thing as "create a user" needed such a lot of additional scripting - and I'm again surprised this is still the case.
But great if this helped you a bit.

Hope sometime I will be able to play with k8s stuff again and try your changes :)

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