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Created May 13, 2024 23:14
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# This script checks the consistency between a public key stored in DNS records and a public key derived from a provided private key file.
# It requires three arguments:
# 1. A selector that identifies the public key in the DNS.
# 2. A domain name where the DNS record is located.
# 3. The path to the private key file.
# Usage:
# ./script_name <selector> <domain> <private_key_file>
# Outputs:
# The script fetches the public key from DNS using the specified selector and domain, extracts the public key from the provided private key file, and compares them.
# It provides a visual comparison and verification result indicating whether the public keys match or not.
# Checking the number of arguments
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <selector> <domain> <private_key_file>"
echo "Ensure you provide exactly three arguments: the selector, domain, and path to the private key file."
exit 1
# Fetch the public key from DNS
echo "Fetching public key from DNS..."
dns_record=$(dig +short ${selector}._domainkey.${domain} TXT)
if [ -z "$dns_record" ]; then
echo "Failed to retrieve DNS record. Make sure the domain and selector are correct."
exit 2
echo "DNS record fetched: $dns_record"
# Extracting the public key part from the DNS record
public_key_dns=$(echo $dns_record | sed -e 's/.*p=//g' -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9+=\/]//g')
echo "Extracted public key from DNS (formatted for comparison):"
echo "$public_key_dns"
# Extracting the public key from the private key
echo "Extracting public key from private key file..."
public_key_file=$(openssl rsa -in $private_key_file -pubout -outform PEM 2>/dev/null | openssl rsa -pubin -pubout -outform PEM 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- "---" | tr -d '\n')
if [ -z "$public_key_file" ]; then
echo "Failed to extract public key from private key file. Check your private key file."
exit 3
echo "Derived public key from private key file (formatted for comparison):"
echo "$public_key_file"
# Print both keys aligned for easier visual comparison
echo "Compare the following lines to check for a match:"
printf "%-15s %s\n" " DNS Public Key:" "$public_key_dns"
printf "%-15s %s\n" "File Public Key:" "$public_key_file"
# Comparing the public keys
if [ "$public_key_dns" = "$public_key_file" ]; then
echo "Valid: The public key in DNS matches the public key derived from the private key."
echo "Invalid: The public key in DNS does not match the public key derived from the private key."
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