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# Enhanced PowerShell Script for MySQL/MariaDB Database Dump and Restore
# This script automates dumping and restoring databases using mysqldump and mysql, with support for configuration
# detection and fallbacks. It checks for database configuration in 'config.php' or 'wp-config.php' files, or uses
# the current directory name if no database name is provided. Users can customize behavior through command-line
# arguments for various parameters.
# Usage Examples:
# 1. Dumping a Database:
# Command to dump a database named 'mydatabase':
# .\script.ps1 --dump --DatabaseName "mydatabase"
# 2. Restoring a Database:
# Command to restore a database from a dump file located at 'doc\database.sql':
# .\script.ps1 --restore --DatabaseName "mydatabase"
# 3. Using a Custom Configuration File:
# Command to dump a database using settings from a custom configuration file:
# .\script.ps1 --dump --ConfigFilePath "C:\path\to\myconfig.php"
# 4. Specifying Custom MySQL Executables:
# Command to dump a database with a specific mysqldump executable path:
# .\script.ps1 --dump --MysqldumpExecutable "C:\custom\path\mysqldump.exe"
# 5. Auto-Detecting Database Name from Current Directory:
# If the database name is not provided, the script uses the name of the current
# directory. This is handy for quick backups in project folders.
# .\script.ps1 --dump
# !Remember to adjust executable paths and other parameters according to your
# MySQL/MariaDB installation and your database's specific requirements.
# Here are the defaults. Change them as per your environment.
param (
[string]$Mode = "--help", # Operation mode: --dump, --restore, or --help.
[string]$DatabaseName, # Database name, automatically determined if not specified.
[string]$ConfigFilePath = ".\config.php", # Path to custom PHP config file.
[string]$WPConfigFilePath = ".\wp-config.php", # Path to WordPress config file.
[string]$DumpFileLocation = "doc\database.sql", # Location for the database dump file.
[string]$MysqlExecutable = 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.1\bin\mysql.exe', # Path to the mysql executable.
[string]$MysqldumpExecutable = 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.1\bin\mysqldump.exe', # Path to the mysqldump executable.
[hashtable]$DefaultDbConfig = @{ # Default database configuration.
"username" = "root";
"password" = "qwerty";
"database" = "";
"hostname" = "";
function Get-DatabaseConfig {
param (
$config = $DefaultDbConfig.Clone()
$pathsToCheck = @($ConfigFilePath, $WPConfigFilePath)
foreach ($path in $pathsToCheck) {
if (Test-Path $path) {
$configContent = Get-Content $path
foreach ($line in $configContent) {
# Custom config constants
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DATABASE_USERNAME['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["username"] = $matches[1] }
elseif ($line -match "const\s+DATABASE_USERNAME\s*=\s*['`"](.+?)['`"];") { $config["username"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DATABASE_PASSWORD['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["password"] = $matches[1] }
elseif ($line -match "const\s+DATABASE_PASSWORD\s*=\s*['`"](.+?)['`"];") { $config["password"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DATABASE_DATABASE['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["database"] = $matches[1] }
elseif ($line -match "const\s+DATABASE_DATABASE\s*=\s*['`"](.+?)['`"];") { $config["database"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DATABASE_HOSTNAME['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["hostname"] = $matches[1] }
elseif ($line -match "const\s+DATABASE_HOSTNAME\s*=\s*['`"](.+?)['`"];") { $config["hostname"] = $matches[1] }
# WordPress config constants
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DB_USER['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["username"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DB_PASSWORD['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["password"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DB_NAME['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["database"] = $matches[1] }
if ($line -match "define\(['`"]DB_HOST['`"],\s*['`"](.+?)['`"]\s*\);?") { $config["hostname"] = $matches[1] }
if (-not $config["database"]) {
$config["database"] = Split-Path -Leaf (Get-Location)
$config["database"] = $config["database"] -replace '[^\w\d]', ''
if ($Mode -ne "--help") {
Write-Host "No database name found in config files. Using current directory name for database: $($config["database"])"
# Add debugging statements to confirm the values being read
if ($Mode -ne "--help") {
Write-Host "Parsed Config - Username: $($config["username"])"
Write-Host "Parsed Config - Password: $($config["password"])"
Write-Host "Parsed Config - Database: $($config["database"])"
Write-Host "Parsed Config - Hostname: $($config["hostname"])"
return $config
$dbConfig = Get-DatabaseConfig -ConfigFilePath $ConfigFilePath -WPConfigFilePath $WPConfigFilePath -DefaultDbConfig $DefaultDbConfig
if (-not $DatabaseName -and $dbConfig["database"]) {
$DatabaseName = $dbConfig["database"]
elseif (-not $DatabaseName) {
$DatabaseName = (Get-Location).Path.Split('\\')[-1]
Write-Host "No database name provided. Using current directory name: $DatabaseName"
function Show-Help {
Write-Host "This script is used to dump and restore MySQL/MariaDB databases using the mysqldump and mysql command line utilities."
Write-Host "Usage:"
Write-Host " --dump [DatabaseName] : Dumps the specified database into a SQL file. If DatabaseName is not specified, tries to use the database name from the configuration file or the current directory name."
Write-Host " --restore [DatabaseName] : Restores the specified database from a SQL file. If DatabaseName is not specified, tries to use the database name from the configuration file or the current directory name."
Write-Host " --help : Displays this help message."
$MysqlUser = $dbConfig["username"]
$MysqlPassword = $dbConfig["password"]
$MysqlHost = $dbConfig["hostname"]
function Invoke-DumpFileProcessing {
Write-Host "Processing dump file for more consistent output across MySQL/MariaDB"
# Replacing utf8mb3 with utf8
Write-Host "Replacing utf8mb3 with utf8"
(Get-Content $DumpFileLocation) -replace 'utf8mb3', 'utf8' | Set-Content $DumpFileLocation
# Removing COLLATE=utf8_general_ci
Write-Host "Removing COLLATE=utf8_general_ci"
(Get-Content $DumpFileLocation) -replace 'COLLATE=utf8_general_ci', '' | Set-Content $DumpFileLocation
# Removing COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
Write-Host "Removing COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci"
(Get-Content $DumpFileLocation) -replace 'COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci', '' | Set-Content $DumpFileLocation
# Replacing NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 with NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'
Write-Host "Replacing NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 with NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'"
(Get-Content $DumpFileLocation) -replace "NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00", "NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'" | Set-Content $DumpFileLocation
# Replacing CURRENT_TIMESTAMP with current_timestamp()
Write-Host "Replacing CURRENT_TIMESTAMP with current_timestamp()"
(Get-Content $DumpFileLocation) -replace 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'current_timestamp()' | Set-Content $DumpFileLocation
Write-Host "Dump file processed."
switch ($Mode) {
"--dump" {
if (Test-Path $DumpFileLocation) {
$confirmation = Read-Host "The dump file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Y/N)"
if ($confirmation -ne 'Y' -and $confirmation -ne 'y') {
Write-Host "Dump operation canceled by the user."
Write-Host "Dumping database $DatabaseName..."
$env:MYSQL_PWD = $MysqlPassword
& $MysqldumpExecutable -u $MysqlUser -h $MysqlHost $DatabaseName > $DumpFileLocation
# Call the function to process the dump file after creation
Write-Host "Dump completed successfully."
Remove-Item Env:MYSQL_PWD
"--restore" {
Write-Host "Starting the restore process..."
Write-Host "Using database name from config: $DatabaseName"
Write-Host "Database Name: $DatabaseName"
Write-Host "MySQL Executable: $MysqlExecutable"
Write-Host "MySQL User: $MysqlUser"
Write-Host "MySQL Host: $MysqlHost"
Write-Host "Dump File Location: $DumpFileLocation"
$env:MYSQL_PWD = $MysqlPassword
Write-Host "MYSQL_PWD environment variable set for authentication."
# Drop the database if it exists and create it
$dropAndCreateDbCommand = "& `"$MysqlExecutable`" -u $MysqlUser -h $MysqlHost -e `"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DatabaseName; CREATE DATABASE $DatabaseName;`""
Write-Host "Executing command to drop (if exists) and create database: $dropAndCreateDbCommand"
try {
Invoke-Expression $dropAndCreateDbCommand
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Error encountered during database drop/create operation. Exit code: $LASTEXITCODE"
else {
Write-Host "Database $DatabaseName dropped (if existed) and created successfully."
catch {
Write-Host "Exception encountered during database drop/create operation: $_"
exit 1
# Restore the database from the dump file
$restoreCommand = "& `"$MysqlExecutable`" -u $MysqlUser -h $MysqlHost $DatabaseName -e `"source $DumpFileLocation`""
Write-Host "Constructed command for restore: $restoreCommand"
try {
Invoke-Expression $restoreCommand
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Error encountered during restore operation. Exit code: $LASTEXITCODE"
else {
Write-Host "Restore operation executed successfully."
catch {
Write-Host "Exception encountered during restore operation: $_"
exit 1
Remove-Item Env:MYSQL_PWD -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "MYSQL_PWD environment variable removed."
Write-Host "Restore process completed."
default {
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