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Created October 29, 2014 08:27
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  • Save henrebotha/5edae6c4f07b3dbfb219 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save henrebotha/5edae6c4f07b3dbfb219 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bundle install
Using rake 10.3.2
Using i18n 0.6.11
Using json 1.8.1
Using minitest 5.4.2 (was 5.4.1)
Using thread_safe 0.3.4
Using tzinfo 1.2.2
Installing activesupport 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Using builder 3.2.2
Using erubis 2.7.0
Installing actionview 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Using rack 1.5.2
Using rack-test 0.6.2
Installing actionpack 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Installing mime-types 2.4.3 (was 1.25.1)
Installing mail 2.6.1 (was 2.5.4)
Installing actionmailer 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Using arbre 1.0.2
Using sass 3.2.19
Using thor 0.19.1
Using bourbon 3.2.3
Using coffee-script-source 1.8.0
Installing execjs 2.2.2 (was 2.2.1)
Using coffee-script 2.3.0
Installing railties 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Installing coffee-rails 4.1.0 (was 4.0.1)
Using formtastic 2.3.1
Using has_scope 0.6.0.rc
Using responders 1.0.0
Using inherited_resources 1.4.1
Using jquery-rails 3.1.2
Installing jquery-ui-rails 5.0.2 (was 5.0.0)
Using kaminari 0.16.1
Installing activemodel 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Using arel
Installing activerecord 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Using bundler 1.7.0
Using hike 1.2.3
Using multi_json 1.10.1
Using tilt 1.4.1
Using sprockets 2.11.0
Installing sprockets-rails 2.2.0 (was 2.1.4)
Installing rails 4.1.6 (was 4.1.5)
Installing polyamorous 1.1.0
Installing ransack 1.5.0 (was 1.3.0)
Using sass-rails 4.0.3
Using activeadmin 1.0.0.pre from git:// (at master)
Using activerecord-session_store 0.1.0
Installing acts-as-taggable-on 3.4.2 (was 3.4.1)
Using addressable 2.3.6
Installing autoprefixer-rails (was
Using awesome_print 1.2.0
Installing bcrypt 3.1.9 (was 3.1.7)
Using coderay 1.1.0
Using better_errors 2.0.0
Using debug_inspector 0.0.2
Using binding_of_caller 0.7.2
Using bootstrap-sass
Using callsite 0.0.11
Using cancan 1.6.10
Using mini_portile 0.6.0
Using nokogiri
Using xpath 2.0.0
Installing capybara 2.4.4 (was 2.4.1)
Using colored 1.2
Using launchy 2.4.2
Installing capybara-screenshot 1.0.3 (was 0.3.22)
Using hitimes 1.2.2
Installing timers 4.0.1 (was 4.0.0)
Using celluloid 0.16.0
Installing elasticsearch-api 1.0.6 (was 1.0.5)
Using multipart-post 2.0.0
Using faraday 0.9.0
Installing elasticsearch-transport 1.0.6 (was 1.0.5)
Installing elasticsearch 1.0.6 (was 1.0.5)
Installing chewy 0.5.2
Installing ffi 1.9.6 (was 1.9.3)
Installing childprocess 0.5.5 (was 0.5.3)
Using chronic 0.10.2
Using climate_control 0.0.3
Using cliver 0.3.2
Using cocaine 0.5.4
Using cocoon 1.2.6
Using currencies 0.4.2
Using countries 0.9.3
Installing country_select 2.1.0 (was 2.0.0)
Using dalli 2.7.2
Using database_cleaner 1.3.0
Using delayed_job 4.0.4
Using delayed_job_active_record 4.0.2
Using orm_adapter 0.5.0
Using warden 1.2.3
Installing devise 3.4.0 (was 3.3.0)
Installing devise_invitable 1.4.0 (was 1.3.6)
Using diff-lcs 1.2.5
Using eventmachine 1.0.3
Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0
Using em-websocket 0.5.1
Installing exception_notification 4.0.1 (was 4.1.0.rc1)
Installing factory_girl 4.5.0 (was 4.4.0)
Installing factory_girl_rails 4.5.0 (was 4.4.1)
Using faker 1.4.3
Using formatador 0.2.5
Using friendly_id 5.0.4
Installing geocoder 1.2.5 (was 1.2.4)
Using request_store 1.1.0
Installing gon 5.2.1 (was 5.2.0)
Using rb-fsevent 0.9.4
Using rb-inotify 0.9.5
Installing listen 2.7.11 (was 2.7.9)
Using lumberjack 1.0.9
Using method_source 0.8.2
Using slop 3.6.0
Using pry 0.10.1
Installing guard 2.7.0 (was 2.6.1)
Using guard-livereload 2.3.1
Using haml 4.0.5
Using haml-rails 0.5.3
Using hashie 3.3.1
Using htmlentities 4.3.2
Using iso-639 0.2.5
Installing iso_country_codes 0.6.0 (was 0.4.4)
Using jwt 1.0.0
Using kgio 2.9.2
Using koala 1.10.1
Using rack-contrib 1.1.0
Using meta_request 0.3.4
Installing tins 1.3.3 (was 1.3.2)
Using term-ansicolor 1.3.0
Using migrant 1.5.0
Using open4 1.3.4
Installing mina 0.3.1 (was 0.3.0)
Using multi_xml 0.5.5
Installing newrelic_rpm (was
Installing oauth 0.4.7 (was 0.4.5)
Using oauth2 1.0.0
Using omniauth 1.2.2
Using omniauth-oauth2 1.2.0
Using omniauth-facebook 2.0.0
Using open_uri_redirections 0.1.4
Using paperclip 4.2.0
Using paranoia 2.0.2
Using pg 0.17.1
Installing websocket-driver 0.3.5 (was 0.3.4)
Using poltergeist 1.5.1
Using puma 2.9.1
Using quiet_assets 1.0.3
Using rack-livereload 0.3.15
Using raindrops 0.13.0
Using rspec-support 3.0.4
Using rspec-core 3.0.4
Using rspec-expectations 3.0.4
Using rspec-mocks 3.0.4
Using rspec 3.0.0
Using rspec-rails 3.0.2
Using rspec-retry 0.3.0
Using rubyzip 1.1.6
Installing websocket 1.2.1 (was 1.0.7)
Installing selenium-webdriver 2.43.0 (was 2.42.0)
Using shoulda-matchers 2.7.0
Using simple_form 3.1.0.rc2 from git:// (at master)
Using spring 1.1.3
Using stamp 0.6.0
Using uglifier 2.5.3
Using unicorn 4.8.3
Using unicorn-rails 2.2.0
Using wicked_pdf 0.11.0
Installing xeroizer 2.15.6 (was 2.15.5)
Your bundle is complete!
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